What really shocked Rogers was that the person who blocked Hulk’s fist had a wisp of red-gold light burning on it, as if it were burning with flames.

The man’s tall body was one meter and nine inches, black inches, bare-chested, muscles as flared as Hulk, wearing loose pants under his feet, barefoot, obviously belonging to a white man, his cold face was full of viciousness, and his brown pupils were glowing with wisps of red and gold.

This familiar power, this familiar gesture.

Rogers recognized at a glance the power system belonging to Saint Seiya.

Thor himself belonged to the gods of the Asgardian God Domain, was more sensitive to power, had fought with Saint Seiya, and was also familiar with the small universe, but at the moment he was full of doubts: “This power is indeed a small universe, but how is it possible?” ”

“Hey, man, are you stupid? We are the Avengers. ”

Thor let go of Natasha, who was a little dizzy, and yelled straight ahead.

And this strong white man’s indifferent gaze saw Thor scratch through the horror of the killing intent, turned his head to look at the angry Hulk in front of him, and the other hand clenched his fist and instantly hit the Hulk’s chamber.


The air waves exploded, the green blood splashed, and the Hulk flew backwards like a cannonball, and under the violent force, it was smashed thousands of meters away.

But before it was finished, the right foot stomped hard, the earth cracked again, and the figure had disappeared in the same place.

When it reappeared, it was already above Thor.

A right foot crossed an arc, like a meteorite falling, and the power of the thunderbolt fell instantly.

Thor’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the powerful instinctive subconscious pushed Natasha out, and then Thor’s hammer blocked the sky, and the other hand supported Thor’s hammer.


In an instant, the earth fell again, the terrible cracks cracked again, and the ground within a radius of thousands of meters turned into irregular plates and shook into the air, and under the dust and smoke of the sky, the violent air waves swept through.

Natasha, who was pushed out, and Rogers in the distance were also tragically thrown away by this wave of air again.

Endless soot and rubble roll up into the sky.

Rogers and Natasha, who were thrown in the distance, hurriedly got up, ignoring the bruises on their bodies, and looked in shock at the smoke and dust that rolled up the sky in the distance.


“Captain, I didn’t see anything.”

Rogers listened to Patton’s apology and looked extremely solemn, while Natasha, who was covering her waist, suppressed her painful look, and said, “Captain, I’m afraid that we are in big trouble now.” ”

“Cough cough.”

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the ears of the people.

Rogers and Natasha looked happy.



A red figure flew from the forest, suspended not far from the crowd, and frowned when he saw the clearly recessed fist mark on Tony’s armor.

“Cough, this guy has more than half a million tons of strength, and the speed has reached the terrifying speed of sound.”

Tony shook his somewhat groggy head, ignoring the physical discomfort, and looked at the torrent of data passing in front of him, with a hint of anger.

The anger was clearly directed at the guy who attacked him.

Natasha heard Tony’s voice and was not angry: “It seems that we have to withdraw from the battlefield captain, and we can’t participate in this level of fighting.” ”

She is very self-aware, and her combat characteristics are not good at facing enemies head-on, not to mention that this kind of power speed is far faster than human monsters.

Rogers as a soldier did not like to back down from the front, but he also knew that he could not participate at this level.

Even if there is a vibrating gold shield.


And the most critical thing is that the speed of the other party reaches or even exceeds the speed of sound.

At this level of speed, even his dynamic vision beyond the limits of human beings could not be captured, let alone reacted.


Just as Rogers and Natasha were preparing to leave the battlefield, the dark clouds of the sky converged, and a terrible lightning bolt with a diameter of ten meters fell violently.

The furious lightning that connected heaven and earth was the place of Nathor.

Everyone immediately stared at it, only to see the dust and smoke in the sky dissipate, and in the terrifying electric light, a figure rushed out, fixed their eyes, and it was Thor.

But what surprised Rogers and others now was that Thor’s current physical condition was not good, and his left arm was irregularly curved, apparently broken.

Scarred, the corners of his mouth constantly spurting blood,

And its wretchedness.

Endless lightning bolts in the sky kept falling, completely covering that area.

Thor didn’t turn his head back and shouted, “I chopped the biggest lightning bolt I’ve ever had, but I can’t guarantee that he’ll get hurt, you have to be careful.” ”


The loud noise kept sprinkling.


The real-time monitoring of S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier also saw this scene.

“Hill, get the logistic troops ready at once.”

“Sir, that big guy is ready to support the launch.”

“Very well, inform Coulson that our hole cards have to show up too.”

Fury looked at the big screen with electric light, and his eyes emitted a cold light, and whispered, “You are indeed researching it, and you are really not afraid to provoke them.” ”


The terrible lightning didn’t last long, less than a minute.

But that minute had allowed the U.S. team and Natasha to retreat to a safe position.

Somewhere in the forest you can see the hills outside the base.

As the god of Asgard, Thor’s recovery ability is far greater than that of ordinary humans, and in this minute he ignored the pain to break the broken bones and restore his combat strength.

Tony stood not far away in mid-air.

Life Detection constantly detects the life characteristics of the other party.

However, because of the interference caused by the huge lightning, no vital signs were found.

With the endless lightning bolts disappear.

Suddenly, a loud siren sounded.

Skimming the data in front of him, Tony turned his head sharply to look up at the sky, and Thor seemed to realize the same look.

Just above the base, the man floated down at them with indifference and murderous intent.

(Ask for a monthly pass of flowers, thank you guys, thank you guys.) )

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