An angry roar resounded across the sky.

I saw Hulk frantically rushing towards the Asian short-haired woman who was fighting with Thor, and the fierce breath swept through 10,000 meters.

A terrible fist exploded into layers of air that struck the woman.

It was as if the fire had been poured on it, and the air was boiled with this punch.

It can be seen how terrible its power is.

But the Asian woman watched indifferently, dodging the terrible lightning bolt sent by Thor, and resisting it with her right hand at the moment the fist fell.


At the moment of the collision, the terrible air wave suddenly exploded, and the thousand-meter earth collapsed violently, and the dense cracks spread like cobwebs, even spreading to the base.

Crazy vibrations rolled up the sand and snow in the sky.


“I blocked it again.”

The Hulk’s thick arms contrasted sharply with the Asian woman’s slender arms, and the visual impact shook Rogers and a group of others.

On the other hand, a group of people at the Hydra base had a sneering smile on their faces.

“Number Two is a perfect absorption serum of ninety percent, and several super fighters are also among the top combat powers, and even a Hulk Hulk wants to defeat Number Two?”

“Even the great Hydra is about to rise.”

“No one can stop the rise of Hydra.”

“Not even that Sacred Realm.”

“What a Golden Saint Seiya, what Lord of the Sacred Realm, Karen.”

The rest of the Hydra were arrogant, but when a flesh-faced man uttered the word Karen, everyone’s face suddenly changed, even the Hydra leader, while another Asian man’s icy gaze swept over the Hydra warrior.

A cold voice came to everyone’s ears: “You’d better not say those two words.” ”

“No matter how strong that man is, he can be called a god, and when you say God’s name, you will definitely be sensed by that god.”

“If you don’t want to be noticed by that one.”

“I don’t want you fools to die.”

“He’s right.”

An icy sound like thunder shocked everyone’s ears, and with the fall of this sound, the dark clouds in the sky spread, the thick clouds flashed endless thunder and lightning, and the majestic lightning surged wildly with silver snakes dancing wildly and ravaging the eight wildernesses.


A huge bolt of lightning involuntarily cut through the sky.

The will of the ancient gods awakened, swept through a radius of 100,000 kilometers, and the raging supreme divine power was fiercely suppressed in the hearts of all people.

It was like repression from the level of life.

Almost without any resistance, everyone on the Hydra side could directly fall to their knees on the ground, cold sweat came out unconsciously, and a feeling of fear echoed in everyone’s heart.

“Here they are.”

“It’s them, it must be them.”

The leader of the Hydra trembled, trembling with horror, and the feeling of the sickle that looked like the god of death hanging above his head, reaping his life at any time, was really frightening.

Being able to do this, he also basically realized what the identity of the comer was.

And so did everyone here.

Even the few people who were still fighting stopped their hands, the Avengers looked happy, and the other three super soldiers were still cold, but a trace of fear under their eyes exposed the thoughts of the three people at the moment.

Everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw that under the black pressed clouds, a figure did not know when to stand.

Dressed in a beautiful and luxurious white and silver armor, the armor depicts this beautiful and mysterious strand of edge, and the blue broken hair is exposed under the cover of the helmet.

It exudes a terrifying momentum like a god and a demon.

Cold eyes looked down at all sentient beings.

Slowly falling from the sky, when everyone saw this face, all the warriors of the Hydra, including the leader, couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Even the looks of the three super soldiers became extremely ugly.

The white and silver armor had already told everyone who he was.

It was a Silver Saint Seiya.

On the ground./ball, the Silver Saint who was known to exist was the one who had been guarding Antonia, Ophi Lyra.

When seeing the appearance of Orphi.

Fury, who has been monitoring, is still in the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier also sent a breath of surprise is also expected, his backhand has not yet appeared, but the appearance of Orphie confirms his idea.

“Sure enough, when they are in this realm, they can already completely monitor the entire planet.”

“Even when someone’s power reaches a certain limit, it will be perceived by them.”

Thoughts continue to flow through the mind, but the eyes are fixed on the picture.

At this time, seeing the appearance of Orphi, Tony was also greatly relieved and whispered: “Jarvis, lift the high-frequency mode.” ”

“High frequency mode is lifted.”


As the energy transmission mode decreased, the little light shining on the armor also disappeared, the Mark armor returned to its normal state, and the high-energy consumption brought by the high-frequency mode also made the armor emit wisps of green smoke, and the high temperature almost made the nearby air faintly blur and distort.

The original ornate armor is also potholes.

The damage was extremely severe.

The holy glow of the pre-Hungarian Ark reactor was also much dimmed.

It can be seen how badly the high-frequency mode damages the armor.

Seeing Tony’s slackness, the strong man instinctively wanted to attack directly, but Offie came with a look and his body suddenly stagnated.

Although I didn’t see that look.

But that strong breath of death echoed in his heart, and instinct was frantically warning him not to move, and if he moved, he would surely die.

Cold sweat came from his forehead.

The face is also extremely unnatural.

“Damn, absolutely can’t move, don’t move.”

The constant roar in his heart, the panic and despair also broke his proud heart that had been bred by being a super soldier.

He now finally understood that a fake was a fake after all, and he could never become a true Saint Seiya.

In the face of the real strong, he is still like an ant.

Unwillingness, anger, fear, and fear are intertwined in the heart, and for a time it is extremely complicated.

Not only him, but the other two super soldiers were even more unbearable.

Even the body of fear was trembling unnaturally.

“Wow, you seem to have saved me again, and next time I’ll invite you to Uncle Sam’s Queen’s Lane pizza in New York, it’s absolutely top notch.”

Tony was also startled by the surprise attack that the strong man wanted to make.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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