“With the momentum that erupted in the middle of my sixth sense, Lord Orphie suppressed it so easily, at least in the later period or even at its peak.”

“Is this the strength of the Silver Saint Seiya?” It is estimated that it will not be far from the seventh sense. ”

The teenager thought darkly.

The original proud heart has also been poured out a lot, and in just a few months, the progress from the newly awakened small universe to the middle of the sixth sense is absolutely talented.

With such great progress, the teenager certainly breeds some pride.

But when he actually faced the famous Saint Seiya, he realized that he was still very early.

At least in front of Orphie, he felt that kind of powerlessness.

Although Saint Seiya can cross the level challenge to a certain extent, but also according to the situation, at least Idris can not cross the level.

Because he couldn’t wear the Phoenix Divine Cloak at all.

Idris who possessed the Divine Cloak had a very high starting point, and compared with other bronze and silver and even Golden Sacred Clothing, he had a Divine Cloak that was more powerful than the Golden Sacred Cloak, but he did not have a small universe that matched.

If you want to wear the sacred, you must at least reach the peak of the sixth sense or even the seventh sense.

In the absence of the Holy Cloak, Idris was greatly reduced in combat power in the face of Saint Seiya who possessed the Holy Cloak.

The young man’s thoughts were not known to Orpheus, but he whispered, “I will report this matter to the Cancer Temple, and Lord Godanwei will adjudicate.” ”

“Lord Godanwi?”

The teenager is thoughtful.

The majestic momentum on his body was suppressed, and Tony and his men also relaxed a lot, but their hearts were also secretly slanderous.

These young people don’t talk about martial arts.

A wave of momentum erupted at every turn, almost not taking them away.

To know that they are still human beings, what if they are completely crushed to death by the momentum?

Although he thought so, but it certainly couldn’t be said that way, Tony walked up in his armor and patted Idris on the shoulder, raised an eyebrow, and said, “What happened to your sister?” ”

Speaking of his sister, Idris originally laughed with a slightly angry face: “Uncle Tony, the hospital you provided is still good, my sister is in good health, Grandpa John settled my sister in Antonia’s house, my sister is now looking for a job in the orphanage, and it is said that she has made friends with twins.” ”

“Wow, that’s pretty good, your sister must be so beautiful and very popular with the little ones, don’t you settle in Antonia?”

Tony skimmed the corner of his mouth as if he thought of the beautiful appearance of the girl, and then continued to wonder: “After so many years of construction and development, Antonia scenery is basically the first in the world, I also bought a villa there, planning to find a time to go on vacation with Pepper.” ”

Although Karen is not on the ground now, the ball is developing, but Antonia, the most powerful stronghold, has developed particularly rapidly in recent years.

It has developed well in the early years, but so far it has been fully developed, most of the land on the island was originally in a pristine state, and under the reasonable development, not only various scenic spots have been developed, but also many very ancient Greek architectural styles have been built.

A combination of classical and modern.

Above the scenic spot, a twelve-arch bridge connection, European-style architecture, classical architecture and even some of the characteristics of the ancient oriental country were established.

It is also because the island has always been a sea of rivers, and there are various ethnic groups on the island, so whether it is in architecture, food, and the original wildlife of the island, a zoo has been established.

It can be said that this island is a small country that absorbs the characteristics of the world.

Also because of the special geographical location, the scenery of each season is completely different, especially in the winter snow season there are characteristic ice sculptures, there is also a big world of ice and snow, in which the statues of Saint Seiya, the posture during battle are carved, and there is a carving factory specially built for tourists.

Visitors or locals can sculpt their own ice sculptures to display, and there are even competitions, with championships with exclusive Antonia prizes and more.

I heard that Antonia also plans to relocate the nearby deserted island to the vicinity of Antonia.

As for the migration or whatever, what more bikes are needed to have Saint Seiya, that’s not a matter of minutes.

In terms of construction, Tony could well be a god of Karen being forever dripping.

Of course, there was also the hard work of the old butler John, but most of the construction guidelines he knew were laid out by Karen.

In this regard, Tony especially admired Karen.

Let him build the island or something, he has no patience at all, and the construction of the laboratory to create the new Mark armor is not even close.

At least on the Internet, on the news, it was Antonia heat.

Travel recommendation, Antonia has surpassed the ancient countries of the East to become the world’s first recommended tourist destination.

Every aspect is done to the extreme.

Light tourists for Antonia monthly spending reached a staggering close to ten billion US dollars, don’t ask Tony how to know, the first two months of a day in Antonia spent nearly two hundred million.

Antonia has become the most wanted island in the world.

It can be seen how good Antonia is.

As a Saint Seiya, it was obvious that Idris wanted to settle down, so it was not easy? According to Tony, any official Saint Seiya has a villa in Antonia, equipped with a vehicle and so on.

Tony was envious.

Antonia’s villa was basically not for sale, and he was able to buy a villa because Stark Industries had Karen’s shares to increase the price.

And this little guy can resist the temptation of Antonia’s beautiful scenery.

Hearing Tony’s questioning words, Idris’s face darkened and he said coldly, “I will never covet enjoyment, Your Highness’s expectations, and the blood sea deep vengeance.” ”

If it weren’t for the fear of his sister’s condition and the consolidation of his cultivation, he would have directly planned to destroy all the bloodlines.

With the intelligence network of Antonia and S.H.I.E.L.D., he basically knows the distribution of blood races all over the world.

When his sister’s physical and emotional situation was still good, he had been staying at the base provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., breaking through two days ago, and after consolidating, he had just called here when he wanted to come out of the mountain.

Seeing the teenager’s cold expression, Tony nodded knowingly.

He had known the situation of Idris, and if it had been him, he would probably have been the same as the teenager.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys, rest assured, the update will be more and more drops.) )

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