
Inside the Antonia manor, the increasingly energetic John looked at the boy with the big cat on the lawn in front of him in an expensive and exquisite tuxedo, with a puzzled look.

Godanway did not wear a golden gown, but wore a cost-effective men’s clothing supporting the British High Street, appearing slightly handsome.

“Originally, I didn’t need to go out of this matter, but Your Highness gave me an order.”

“Dormammu is trying to come again, my main purpose is to resist this guy, my attention is also on this guy, the main Hydra has my lovely brothers and sisters is the best, if they can’t even solve the problem of the Hydra, I have to consider banishing these guys to hell for a wave.” 」

The big furry lion, picked up and made the teenager feel the pleasure of his face, while stroking and explaining.

Hydra didn’t need him to take it personally.

Originally, he intended to use the thunder power to find those abominable smashing pieces in destruction, but because of an order from His Highness, he changed his attention, and his greater attention was to focus on the terrifying guy Dormammu.

John looked confused: “Who is Dormammu?” Which hell demon king? ”

Although he knew some things about his own young master, he hardly paid much attention to His Highness’s enemies, and of course he didn’t know who this guy with the ugly name was.

I thought it was another demon king who didn’t know whether to live or die to find death.

Godanwe was speechless: “Grandpa John, Dormammu is a powerful being who controls the dark dimension, even more powerful than the original Mephisto, and has been trying to devour the earth and the ball for many years, to devour this universe of our dimension.” ”

He even regarded Dormammu as a certain demon king, and if he let the other party know, he would be angry.

Old Master John didn’t care so much, he only knew that in front of his powerful enemies, he was a plate of wine and vegetables, and he could do it in minutes.

In this regard, the old man is more confident than anyone.

Just sending the skinny boy Godanwei, then what Dormamam estimates is like that.

Immediately after putting this topic behind him, John began to chant: “Your Highness does not know where to run, Your Highness is almost thirty, why not find a wife, the York family is now only His Highness, the York family has grown, but it also needs offspring.” ”

“I have contacted many members of the royal family, each of whom is genetically excellent, and now His Highness often does not appear.”

“It’s really worrying.”

“Boy Pi, you have to help me urge this.” Even older. The old master began to have a great relationship with the sentient beings of his own young master. Bi Qi’s previous youth and the internal and external troubles of the York family needed him to stabilize the situation, and then various major events occurred in the development.

About and not good to urge. Now everything has stabilized the growth of the Xi York family and become the top power in the world, and no force dares to offend.

It can be said that it is the existence of natural status.

Even if he went to any country, he was regarded as the most honorable guest, and even those leaders had to accompany him personally.

And build a temple in the galaxy to defend against foreign enemies.

During this time, the situation also stabilized, and it was time to deal with a wave of young master’s lifelong events.

Even if the young master is now called a god, he needs offspring.

The old man kept shattering, and when he heard Ge Danwei’s scalp tingle, his face was full of despair, and he turned his head to look at the old man as if he had seen a big demon king.

“Old, old man, you should bypass me, don’t tell me about this kind of thing, I can’t discuss this kind of thing with Your Highness, are you afraid that I will live too well?”

The teenager was not in the mood to pick up the big cat and begged the old man for forgiveness.

If he had spoken to His Highness more, he would have promised that His Highness would absolutely banished him to some dimension that would not see the light of day, and it would not be impossible to shut him down for thousands of years.

Directly come to a sentence What retreat cultivation for a thousand years in the exit, let him do what?

Does he still want to see more about the world of flowers and flowers, travel the universe, pet big cats, eat special food, and flirt with his brothers and sisters?

Why go looking for death when you are young?

John was immediately unhappy when he heard the boy’s words, and said with a look of displeasure: “What are you talking about, how can you care about the young master’s lifelong affairs and want to die or live?” Kindness? ”

“After all these years, I have hurt you in vain?”

Godanwe smiled bitterly, but did not dare to refute it.

Looking at the bitter look on the boy’s frowning face, John sighed: “You little guys who have no heart and no lungs, really.” ”

Never mind.

These little devils know a ghost, and when they come back to find an opportunity to ask His Highness.

Seeing that the old man was not asking, the teenager was secretly relieved in his heart, and did not dare to stay here, taking advantage of the fact that the old man did not pay attention to the collapse and sale.

Thinking as I walked.

The strong senses felt the familiar breath distributed around the world, and the corners of their mouths wiped a smile, as if they saw the strange and weak breath somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and their faces became cold.

“These little devils, tomorrow or not to destroy this gang of residue, we must teach you a good lesson, hum ~ ”

With a cold hum, the slow-walking figure slowly became transparent.


The huge training ground of the Mage Temple.

Dressed in mage costume, Strange danced with both hands and wielded mysterious spells.

Looking at the gorgeous magic pattern in his hand, he was a little distracted for a while.

The hands that had been proud of him after a car accident were almost scrapped, but after a (good) twist and turn, he actually found the legendary Mage Temple, not only restored his hands completely, but also learned the legendary magic.

No, don’t let him lament the fate of the fate.

Dozens of mages in the training ground sweated hard to train, and at this moment, a figure appeared to break the picture of harmony.

It was a handsome teenager.

The sudden appearance attracted the attention of all the mages, and all the mages suddenly became vigilant.

The ripples around the young man’s body, and the looming momentum shook the hearts of all mages like heavenly might.

The mages realized that this was definitely a terrible and powerful figure.

The same is true of Strange.

But the mages were fearless, and one by one they used magic to conjure up weapons and surround the teenagers.

(Please subscribe to the flower collection, thank you guys, the third more.) )_

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