Everyone was worried.

They all knew that the Dark Sect had been hiding for so many years, and the Mage Temple had searched for it and killed them without success.

This time the Dark Sect’s sudden invasion of the Mage’s Temple must have a plan.

As mages, they could clearly feel that the dark aura was spreading.

Although it was still very small, the mages knew it very well.

The terrifying lord of the dark dimension, King Dormammu, is coming again.

Now the only supreme mage who could fight against Dormammu was severely injured by a suicide attack and was unconscious, and even his soul was contaminated with dark forces.

I’m afraid that now no one can resist.

Although the rest of the mage temple was summoned by the mage king and began to be alert, Dormammu came and could not resist it.

The most critical “Five-Six-Three” is the future Supreme Mage, which has not yet grown up.

The rest of the mages looked at Strange, who looked worried and even a little overwhelmed, and shook their heads.

Strange Land was indeed a little overwhelmed.

He did know Dormammu when he read the magic books, and he also knew that Dormammu was only afraid of being inferior to the original Hell Lord Mephisto, or even more powerful.

The only Lord of the Mages, the Supreme Mage, fainted, what should they do?

Although he was extremely talented, he was not inferior to a high-ranking mage at this moment, but compared to Dormammu, he was still like an ant.

A great crisis has come.

Looking at the pale and blood-stained Ancient One Mage, Strange took a deep breath, suddenly as if remembering something, and suddenly became excited and said to the rest of the mages, “Shouldn’t we rule a wave of Sacred Realms?” ”

“You must know that Antonia still has a golden sequence guard.”

One word awakened the dreamer, and the rest of the mages almost forgot that there was not only one strong mage in this world because of the injury of the ancient mage and the crisis of the arrival of Dormammu.

The Cancer Golden Saint who had just finished visiting the Ancient One Mage.

Gu Yi Master once said that the strength of each of the current golden sequences was not inferior to his own.

Even stronger.

“Yeah, isn’t there still that gold?”

“Looks like we’re going to have to visit.”

“I also know if he’s going to shoot.”

“Sure, know that Dormammu will devour the universe when he comes, and the earth/ball is the first to bear the brunt of it, and they will not let the earth/ball be destroyed.”.” Who is going to visit? “.

They were talking.


The collision of the magic enchantment outside the G Mage Temple and the dark evil caused a wave of terror.

Even the entire XG began to vibrate slightly.

However, most people do not care, although XG is not an earthquake-prone area, but there have been similar scenes, plus the seismic bureau did not issue an early warning, everyone thinks that it is only a first-degree earthquake.

Feel the increasingly violent evil forces of the outside world.

The mages knew that this time could not hesitate.

Master Wang hurriedly said to Strange, “Strange, you and Master Modu are going to visit that Cancer, we have to guard here, once the XG Mage Temple is breached, the Mage Temple will also be destroyed.” ”

Strange and Mordo knew that things were urgent and did not hesitate.

Strange drew a circle with both hands and opened the portal.

At the other end of the portal, you can clearly see a beautiful and peaceful street.

Strange and Mordo did not hesitate to step directly into the portal and came to this beautiful street.

In the blink of an eye, through the teleporters, the two came to the famous Athena XIII Avenue in Antonia.

This street is the main thoroughfare of the whole of Antonia and leads directly to the Temple of the Lady of Antonia.

This street is also quite crowded in Antonia.

At this moment, Strange and Modu faced the countless surprises and strange sights, and involuntarily felt the scalp tingling.

The whispering sound also came from the ear.

“Look, what are those two people wearing?” Mage robe? ”

“These are two mages?”

“They came through that strange circle, it’s so powerful.”

“Are they mages?” But they came to Antonia like this, and they were not afraid of being caught? ”

“The mage should be afraid, right?”

“Are you kidding me? The Antonian Guards are all trained in the Holy Land, and it is said that although they are not officially Saint Seiya, they are also comparable to the kind of super soldiers, and there have been several super criminals who have escaped to Antonia with superpowers, and they have been beaten by the guards almost out of human form…”

“Yes, but there are still magicians in this world.”

Talking and pointing, he also pointed at the two people, and there was no look of fear at all.

It was clear that after years of quiet life and confidence in Antonia’s mighty guard, those strange things had not taken to heart.

They don’t believe anyone would dare to cause trouble in Antonia.

Even if you really aren’t afraid of powerful Saint Seiya coming to cause trouble, a strong guard is enough to make those mentally retarded people sober, and you must know that Antonia now has a real Saint Seiya guard.

For strangers who suddenly enter Antonia, it is estimated that the guard is coming.

Sure enough, the next second, as expected.

Several strong men dressed in black guard costumes suddenly appeared in front of Strange and Mordo.

This terrifying speed made the pupils of the two men shrink violently.

So fast.

The two men cried out in disbelief.

At this speed, the two did not react at all, knowing that under the baptism and training of magic, although his physical quality was not outstanding, because of the strong 3.3 spiritual force, the reaction god was extremely terrible.

Especially for the two high-ranking mages.

Definitely a dozen times more than a dozen times human.

However, such a reaction nerve did not react at all.

After looking at the body of each guard that was more than one meter and nine meters tall, the terrifying muscles almost exploded the black uniform of the guard.

Watching Strange and Mordou couldn’t help but spit in their mouths.

Several cold eyes were as sharp as knives, stabbing at the hearts of the two mages.

A deep voice passed in the ears of the two men: “Mage of the Temple? What happened when you suddenly broke into Antonia? Explain your intentions. ”

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys.) )_

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