The starlight that annihilates everything shines.

It’s like a doomsday meteor falling, destroying all hope.

Beautiful but full of boundless dangers.

In the eyes of the onlookers this is a beautiful and suffocating firework, but in the eyes of Dormammu, it is the starlight that exterminates everything.

“Damn guy.”

The roar of anger attracted the attention of Hela and Strange, who had been watching the battle in the distance, and in the shocked eyes of the two, they saw that Wang Yang, who had a vast dark energy, was completely destroyed in this endless starlight.

Only Dormammu’s body remains.

But what shocked the two of them the most was that under the starlight that destroyed the heavens and the earth, the mirror dimension did not have the slightest feeling of shattering.

Hela was even more surprised.

There was some chill in the back.

The starlight that destroyed everything, even she felt a breath of death, to know that her physique was extremely special, almost insulated from death.

Even if she was pierced by a thousand arrows, she wouldn’t have anything to do.

But under this beautiful starlight, she had a feeling in her heart that she would definitely die.

What a terrible power.

What is the origin of this holy land?

Could it be the gods of ancient times? She had never seen the power used by that little devil at all, and with the strength of the Heavenly Father, the moment Ge Danwei briefly struck, she almost knew.

That starlight was a light-speed fist made entirely using the terrifying power of speed, plus the holy and terrifying power.

A light-speed punch that punches hundreds of millions of punches in one second.

Each punch can directly and completely destroy a sub-Heavenly Father level, and even if the Heavenly Father level eats this punch head-on, it is estimated that it will be directly seriously injured or directly fallen.

The key is that this is not a punch, but hundreds of millions of punches, and there is no way to block it at all.

It’s too late to even dodge.

Coupled with the fact that every punch seemed to contain a crushing power, full of destructiveness, Hela was very sure, not to mention herself, even if the old guy in Odin accidentally made this move, he would have to suffer a big loss or even fall.

It was only this trick that Hela spied on the tip of the iceberg of this holy land.

To play this move requires not only the so-called divine power, or cosmic secret energy, but also the physical strength, strength, speed, and so on.

Otherwise, people with average physical fitness will have to directly bear this and turn into ashes.

Can’t provoke.

The little ghosts of this holy land must not be provoked.

Hella once again strengthened her thoughts, and the idea of once again conquering and ruling the Nine Empires turned to ashes at this moment.

What ruler, what master, what wild. / heart.

All roll for the old lady.

The old woman is a good citizen who is safe and divided, and that must be a great good citizen.

When revenge is another thing to say, revenge must be revenge, anyway, this is Asgard’s family affair, how to calculate the Sacred Domain will not casually interfere.

Hela’s thoughts were unknown to Dormammu.

But he was so embarrassed that he went crazy, and the humiliation he had suffered in these few short years was still the humiliation of two little devils.

He reigns supreme over the king of the dark dimension, when did Dormammu ever have such a thing?


The anger completely made Dormammu lose his mind, and the terrifying roar resounded through everything, and the dark frenzy that had been destroyed by the starlight of the Lightspeed Fist erupted again.

A dark wave that drowns everything is raging.

Even the whole space is infected, dark, evil, old, ancient.

Erode the heart, erode the soul.

The power of such a great shore almost infected the entire mirror space, and the powerful and extraordinary power made the scene space constantly vibrate, and there was a faint feeling of destruction.

The eyes under Godanwei’s helmet, clad in gold, glowed with solemnity, and the dark frenzy Wang Yang swept in.

Even he had to be careful.

In just a few years, Godanwei has become a perfect figure of one meter and eight, but under the endless dark tide of tens of millions of kilometers, it looks so small.

It’s like an ant.

Under the dark tide, in a trance, Godanwe seemed to hear a low whisper, like a whisper, like the most disgusting and filthy sound in the world, disgusting to hear, and like sharp metal sliding back and forth on the glass to make a manic scream.

Ear to ear is constantly saying: “Surrender, surrender to the great Dormamam, have eternal life and wisdom, as long as you become a slave.” ”

This whisper at the bottom seemed to pull Godanway’s soul into the boundless dark abyss.

At this time, Godanwei’s eyes seemed to lose their look, as if they had really received an impact.

Hela and Strange, who had been watching, had a big change in their faces, and the two did not want the teenager to lose to Dormammu like this, but fortunately, in the next second, the change happened.

“Damn evil.”

With a disdainful spit, I saw Godan Wei, who had lost his eyes, look up violently, and his handsome face looked disdainfully at the dark tide that was already less than a hundred meters away.

“Dormammu, this means also wants me to surrender to you?”

“How can a simple darkness block the sparkle of the stars?”

“I can’t play the current conditions of the corpse qi to Lingbo, but I just recently practiced this trick to the extreme, and Dormammu enjoyed it.”

The soft whispers were not loud in the roar of the furious waves, but they still floated in everyone’s ears.

A wisp of golden flame inexplicably burned from Godanwei’s body, and the beast that seemed to be dormant in his body as if accompanied by the flames had awakened.

This terrible breath stirred the heavens.

It was an indescribably terrible menacing aura, vast, vast and holy like the bright stars.

Brilliant stars are illuminated around Godanwei’s body, forming a beautiful pattern, like the pattern carved by the gods themselves in ancient times.

“Wash away all evil, and be in the darkness of the heart to the light.”

Godanwei’s eyes shone with golden brilliance, and his voice became louder and more intense, resounding through the heavens and the earth, like a declaration of will.

The vast and vast little universe surged up and burned.

The index finger of his right hand is raised sharply to the sky.

“Corpse gas.”


The brilliant starlight completely bloomed from his elevated index finger, and the whole heaven and earth seemed to instantly transform into a red space, like the abyss and the netherworld, and the dark red world with unknown meaning seemed to emerge one after another, roaring, wailing.

“Wheel Dance ~~”

(Suddenly found that the moves of the Corpse Gas series are good TM difficult to write….) I threw up too. )

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