Karen knew how strong the girl’s heart was.

Maybe she doesn’t care about the final result, but she definitely cares about the effort to compete for the first.

For this reason, Inna has always been at the middle and upper level in the thirteen days of pride.

And now it is at the peak of the seventh sense, almost half a foot into the eighth sense, which is only reached by Virgo Zoro and Sagittarius Gomez and Charles Gemini.

The other golden sequences are basically at the top of the seventh sense./ peak, which is a little far from the road of the eighth sense.

The other twelve golds, as the first Saint Seiya to be baptized by divine power to awaken the small universe, were absolute geniuses, and none of the tens of thousands of awakened Saint Seiya could compare, only the twelve geniuses that had just emerged in the new generation could be compared.

And Li Yingna’s strength as a girl is actually only under these three people, which is obviously not a matter of talent.

It’s a real effort.

Originally, Karen thought that he would use this way to stimulate a wave of girls, but he did not expect that the girl looked like she was not at all, and still touched the hairy heads of the big cats with self-care: “I need to go through the experience of life and death to break through the eighth sense, so I have to relax now.” ”

“Relax for the rest of your practice.”

The delicate appearance of righteous words is very cute, and the Ofi on the side of the look is slightly sideways, fortunately, he has recently been with a beautiful girl in Antonia, otherwise, he will definitely be captured by Li Yingna’s beautiful demeanor.

Orphie laughed bitterly and said to Karen and the girl, “Your Highness, Lord Innah, I will retire first.” ”

“Ah, Ofi, you’re still here, I thought you were gone!!!” Orphie’s opening made the girl slightly dazed, and a look that didn’t see you at all made the latter almost collapse.

Karen and Orphie laughed bitterly.

Orphie was even more secretly slanderous, but he didn’t care, after all, he didn’t dare to offend the girl, not to mention that the girl’s status was far above him, and the light wheel strength could easily hammer him.

And the girl is not a well-behaved baby, and it is also a headache to be naughty.

It is said that there are often descendants in the Scorpion Temple who are deceived by Lord Inna, and only when Lord Ina retreats to cultivate is the most relaxed time for the Saint Fighters of the Temple, if it is not afraid of alarming this Great Demon King, they all want to beat the gong and drum.

But in addition, although naughty is naughty, girls also have their own gentleness.

The whole deception but absolutely not the thread at the bottom of the heart, and absolutely not making people angry, will only make the original golden Saint Seiya so peaceful, in the eyes of the younger generations of children she is like a lively sister.

In terms of popularity, it is definitely the highest of all the golden sequences.

Even Zhuo Lu’s outstanding style, and Cancer Brother Danwei’s jumping out of the teenager who likes to play a whole spoof are completely incomparable.

Even among the gold, there is definitely a group favorite.

Same with that gentle new serpent Crystal Princess.

If Orphie upset the big lady, the next second it would be twelve golden sequences coming directly to Antonia to question him.

Orphie shook her head bitterly, gave Karen and Inna a salute, and turned away.

It’s just that in Karen’s eyes, this back is slightly embarrassed and even eager to escape.

Looking at the cunning that flashed in the girl’s red jewel-like eyes, how could Karen not know that this was the girl’s deliberate Ofi?

“You’re so naughty.”

Karen looked at the girl helplessly.

Looking at the girl’s delicate appearance, the corners of Karen’s mouth twitched for a moment, and then he turned his head to look elsewhere, and his brow frowned slightly.

Karen’s look made the girl secretly have fun.

Immediately walked over to Karen, the red flame-like eyes stared at Karen’s perfect side face, and said softly, “Your Highness, in a few days I will travel to the universe to prepare for the breakthrough of the eighth sense.” ”

There was a meaning in and out of the words, how could Karen not hear them.

Looking at the sky with a look of appreciation, but the helplessness in my heart was simply amazing.

He never thought that the girl’s cheerful and strong nature was the same in this regard, directly to Ming, completely different from other girls.

I almost didn’t write a few typing on my face.

The girl liked Her Highness’s helpless look the most, and Mimi smiled quietly, and then pulled Karen along the lawn.

After that, the two walked on the lawn, and a few big cats frolicked and even pounced on each other, and the scene became extremely harmonious.

The old butler John, who had originally planned to report on the recent financial report of the island, saw such a scene, smiled happily, did not continue to disturb, and turned away.

“Oh, Your Highness is finally going to open the door.”

“Well, if Inna really becomes, then what is Your Highness going to call Leon that little guy?” The age difference is also a teenager! ”

“Being a teenager is nothing to a god like Your Highness Inna, tut.”


Time flies, and three months pass in a flash.

It’s not just the ground./ball, it’s as if the whole universe has fallen into a period of calm time.

A galaxy in the universe.

A medium-sized warship that looked slightly worn-out rendered a grim blackness, a door flashed with indifferent gun muzzles, and thrusters erupted with tail flames slowly driving through the void.

The cockpit in the battleship was empty, as if it were set up for automatic driving.

It was pitch black in the lounge the size of a normal room, and suddenly there was a light in front of me, and with the bright light, a slightly gentle voice came: “Sir, it is already eight o’clock in the morning, you should get up, Natasha has made breakfast and is waiting for you.” ”

In the bright light, you can see many things hanging on the original metal walls around the room, and the desktop in front of you is displaying many kinds of weapons or equipment.

Slightly disorganized.

And the bed/upper futon was violently lifted, and I saw a middle-aged man with messy hair sitting up, his eyes scanned the circle, found the dim void outside the glass window, and couldn’t help but complain: “I don’t see that it is now eight o’clock, more like midnight~”

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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