Exactly what abilities Tony is also not quite clear.

But it seems to be related to the elements, but it is temporarily uncontrollable, at least during that experiment, when a huge fireball was summoned and almost destroyed the battleship, Tony made up his mind that the next experiment must not be on the battleship.

But after the analysis, Tony can basically draw a conclusion.

The potential of this winged race is very strong, and perhaps even not under Banner.

Another man with a horse’s head is called Bill, who is also mysterious and reluctant to say more, but also seems to have a sad past, when Tanzan said that he was emotionally unstable when he introduced himself to the destruction of his homeland.

Tony and the others had pretty much guessed that Bill seemed to have had the same experience.

But very strong, very strong, not even a few points weaker than ever against the Hulk.

All three have their own experiences, and Tony and a few of them are not going to explore, as long as they know that these guys are still their partners, and people are not bad.

At the table, Tony, who had just gotten up from a hearty breakfast, was also hungry.

Fork a sandwich-like thing, except that it’s sandwiched between other planets’ delicacies.

After taking a bite of Tony’s mood, he was instantly happy.

Take a sip from the cup and don’t know a sip of fresh milk called a ground/ball cow animal, this day is not good, it is simply comfortable.

Natasha took off her fume-proof apron and sat down at the table, where everyone dined.

I have to say that Natasha’s craftsmanship is indeed very good, and perhaps the ingredients are also one of them.

The crowd ate happily.

The three-month trip has brought the Avengers, who were originally a group, closer together, not just comrades-in-arms, but more friends.

And the three new recruits are completely unborn.

Everyone chatted and even laughed from time to time.

As they chatted, Bill, the horse-faced man, suddenly asked curiously, “Have you heard that you are of the same race as the people of the Sacred Domain?” ”

Rogers and Tony looked at each other and smiled.


Rogers smiled.

This also aroused the interest of Tanzania and Fiya, the name of the Sacred Domain universe is very loud, the Sacred Domain means powerful, mysterious, and ancient in the universe.

Definitely a legend in the universe.

The two did not expect that people of the same race as the terrible existence of the Sacred Realm were actually their partners.

Fia’s eyes rolled as the winged Terran girl turned.

“I heard that each of the thirteen houses of the zodiac has a powerful power like a god, and tens of thousands of rulers can easily destroy any planet, is this true?”

“Yes, I heard that the shocking battle a few years ago seemed to have destroyed several warships and dozens of combined forces.”

“I’ve heard that they can cross the universe with their flesh, destroying a battleship with every punch, and even exceeding the speed of sound or even the speed of light.”

“Is this true?”

“I think there should be no falsehood, otherwise the Sacred Realm will also make people in the universe jealous, it seems that there were Saint Seiya in the universe before, remember that a first-class force once tried to catch that Saint Seiya, and the result was that the backhand was destroyed, and even in the end his mother star was destroyed, and civilization was destroyed.”

“Oh, it’s terrible enough, are your races all descendants of the gods?”

In the funny expressions of Tony and the others, the three of them actually began to talk with great interest, and finally Horse Face Bill looked at the guys in front of him with an exaggerated face.

This is no kidding.

Instead, ask seriously.

After all, there are too many powerful people in the Sacred Domain, and that can physically cross the universe and easily destroy the existence of the planet can be an ordinary person? There are not many such strong people in the universe.

But the Sacred Realm was the appearance of tens of thousands.

Thirteen god-level strongmen of the mighty universe appeared.

Not to mention the mysterious Lord of the Sacred Realm, Karen York, whose strength must be above these thirteen golden sequences.

A new Serpentus temple was also built later, and although it had never been used, it was certainly not weak.

Isn’t this what the descendants of the gods are?

However, what made the three Bill wonder was that if it was really the same race, all descendants of the gods, the Tony people seemed to be weak.

The Banner who could transform into a Hulk was slightly stronger.

Tony seems to be an understandable class of intelligent scientists, and Rogers, Natasha and Barton are a little weaker.

This is not a three-person depreciation, this is just compared to the monsters in the Sacred Domain.

Rogers laughed bitterly: “They have their own chances, but we are from the same place.” ”

There was no positive answer, after all, he didn’t know how these forces of the Sacred Realm came from, although the outside world was speculating that the divine inheritance of Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, Karen had never responded positively, and he could not guess.

“I really want to meet.”


“This time you should be able to see it when you go back, we can jump beyond the galaxy and enter the inside of the galaxy, and the thirteen temples of the zodiac sit in the galaxy, and we can visit it.”

Tony thought for a moment and spoke.

It is obviously impossible for ordinary people to visit the temple unless they are on good terms or if they have been invited by a force of the same rank and agreed.

Tony and the other Avengers have an unusual relationship with the Sanctuary.

And there’s the deal, and it’s easy to visit.

Anyway, they all had to trade resources, and it didn’t matter if they took a few people to see and see, and he also wanted to see what the prestigious temple of the universe was like.

Especially the Sanctuary.

Tony’s answer excited the three of them.

Bill, in particular, had a ripple in his eye and seemed to remember something.

While chatting, suddenly a strange wave of energy suddenly came from not far from the hall.

This immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and when they turned their heads, they saw a metal box on the glass table in front of the sofa in the hall, and it was from the metal box that the energy fluctuations came from.

“That Cancer coin?”

Seeing the metal box, the faces of several Tony people suddenly changed dramatically.

There is no doubt about the left and right of the Cancer gold coin, of course, the importance is not to say, this time suddenly produced such a change, is it?

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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