During the hesitation, he seemed to settle down again.

A terrifying wave swept through all directions in an instant, confronting the vast momentum of the Cancer Gold Coin head-on.

This is the confidence brought about by the overlord level.

Even if the opponent is also the top existence of the Heavenly Father Level, the old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years will not be afraid.


In the Cancer Temple Arena, this is the annual competitive competition.

It is a grand event in the tradition of the major temples, which is somewhat similar to the mechanism of the tournament, with the thirteen temples competing separately, and the Saint Seiya who registers for the temple championship can go to the Holy Land to play the championship game.

The final champion and runner-up will receive a glorious title and can also receive extremely generous rewards.

For example, additional cultivation resources and so on.

It should be known that although the Sacred Realm is huge, its resources are also limited, and it is not the stage where Karen will do whatever it takes to cultivate at the beginning of the previous rise.

Now both divine powers, resources, and gravity cultivation rooms are time-limited.

Even the contribution points uniquely provided in the Sanctuary are required to be obtained.

Therefore, the usual cultivation resources are basically unchanged, but if you want to grow faster, you need additional resources to cultivate, these are all necessary to compete by yourself, to obtain contribution points for the tasks performed in the Sacred Realm, and so on.

It has to be said that this really stimulates the competitive mentality of all Saint Seiya.

But after all, there are only so many tasks, and this annual competitive competition is everyone’s favorite way to get fixed contribution points or rewards.

It can be said that the top eight of the temple can all receive rewards under the golden approval.

The top 100 have certain contribution point rewards, not to mention the twenty-six temple champions who competed, not to mention the rewards of the temple that can be obtained without tightness, as well as the rewards of the Holy Domain.

Today, however, is the selection contest of the Temple, not the main competition.

Logically, this kind of selection competition is not particularly hot, but who let the Cancer Golden Godanwei jump out of the way, like to be lively.

Especially if the game was the first time to connect all the temples and the Holy Land, how could someone like Godanwei, who liked to be lively, let it go?

The arena, which stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, forms a huge circle, made of specially synthesized rough, like an ancient enlarged version of the gladiatorial arena.

The battlefield of more than 100,000 miles is not a horse and a flat river, but also a little stone forest, trees and so on.

It belongs to the battlefield of the original ecology.

Gordanwei, who sat on the throne on the platform at the top of the arena, wore a beautiful and exquisite golden robe, and the whole person looked like a god.

Also because of his presence.

The already fierce selection battle became even more intense.

Several of the veteran silver sequences that were dispatched were watched around as referees, and once they played too much, they would intervene to stop them.

Of course, this time, the Silver of the Sixth Sense Peak who participated in the competitive selection did not participate, and it was a bit too bullying for them to participate at this level.

After all, the gap brought about by the realm is not generally large.

Unless it is directly desperate to burn the small universe to play the strongest mysteries, it is possible to cross the level to defeat the opponent.

The selection contest is divided into two levels.

One is the competition between the peak of the early to the middle of the sixth sense, and the other is the high-level Saint Seiya competition, which is the middle to late stage of the competition.

Those who meet the conditions can register for the election.

As long as you are confident enough, even in the middle of the Sixth Sense, you can run for the latter’s senior Saint Seiya competition.

Of course, the rewards of higher warfare are much richer than the former.

Today’s auditions are an early to mid-term tournament that can be considered a beginner’s stage.

Although this level of Saint Seiya battle was simply full of flaws in terms of Godanway’s seventh sense peak and even the eighth sense that was about to break through the eighth sense, it was no different from a child’s fight, but it did not diminish his interest in the slightest.

Because it’s hilarious.

The audience seats on the huge arena could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, and although the entire population of the Cancer Temple was only a few tens of thousands, most of them came to the arena to watch the game except for those who wanted to break through the realm retreat cultivation.

So the arena is also very lively.

And he likes to be lively the most.

Sitting on the exclusive stage, looking down on the scene of the two little devils fighting in the arena, Godanwe also grinned, which reminded him of when he fought with the other gold.

It’s a memory.

And this exclusive viewing platform is not only him, but also several other old silver that are not allowed to participate in the peak realm, including Jean Ye with a beautiful red hair.

“This boy is not bad, the small universe has reached the peak of the early stage, it is almost one step that can directly break through to the middle stage, and the Upanishads are also polished very well.”

“Yes, this battle should allow him to break through directly, this boy I know, awakening the small universe has been cultivating to the peak.”

“Fighting is the best way to break the bottleneck, sigh, the little devil has good luck today, it looks like it should be fast.”

“Haha, the little ghost on the other side is probably depressed in his heart, and he actually encountered a little ghost who was about to break through the middle of the selection game, and he encountered a hard stubble.”

Although several old silver did not participate in the audition, they were not unhappy in the slightest, and they would never make any sense to the orders of the Sacred Domain, not to mention that they had additional compensation.

Several people were talking with interest, laughing loudly from time to time.

The atmosphere of the first selection competition was so strong that Ye Ye, who was sitting on the sidelines, realized that this would always be a grand event for the major temples in the future.

Jean Ye wasn’t as interested as the others.

She can’t participate, she is still a little depressed in her heart, in addition to not being able to participate in the competition, more is that Li Yingna, one of the golden sequences, is also her girlfriend and sister to travel to the universe, and actually did not take her.

This is simply unbearable, the vow of Shan Menghai when we were shopping together in the ground anonymously hand in hand was so forgotten.

Simply without her.


Just when Ye Youwei was planning to wait for his sister to come back to complain and complain about it, he suddenly saw that the eyes of Ge Danwei, who was originally looking down on the battlefield below, suddenly changed, and he looked up violently, and an invisible power of his own god burst out in an instant.

“Oh? High Heavenly Dignity? Interesting! ”

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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