
One wants to grab, the other does not let it grab, and the force from the collision of two strong people erupts wantonly with two arms as the center.


The overwhelming force even made the space around him faintly distorted, and even Barry could only feel the dull and terrible sense of oppression overwhelming, and the space was constantly distorting his flesh.

It can be seen how fierce the collision of forces between the two sides is.

However, out of the corner of his eye, Gao Tianzun’s expression seemed to be a little unpleasant, and he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but he could not break free at all.

“Well, that’s all there is to it?”

“Barry, you go first, it’s not your war now.”

The Great Golden Bull’s tall and strong body seemed to be a little taller than Gao Tianzun’s, and a pair of ruthless and cold eyes looked down at the guy in front of him who dared to hurt his descendants, and his head would not open his mouth.

After saying that, another strong hand grabbed Barry’s arm and threw it directly.


In an instant, the powerful force Barry threw it out, breaking through this terrible space distortion section.

The forces that could not resist at all, did not know how far they had been thrown out, and when the power was exhausted, Barry could stop his body, look up sharply, and find that he had been thrown thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away, in the slightly dim void, a tall and strong body was looking down on the High Heavenly Lord.

He couldn’t help but sigh: “Sure enough, the gap between him and a strong person of this level is too big, just the aftermath can shock himself to death.” ”

The sigh was more of an expectation, and he was looking forward to becoming such a strong man.

He needs to practice harder.

Otherwise, maybe even the friends of their own generation are not comparable, let alone catch up with the predecessors of previous generations.

Just when Barry is burning his own heart of struggle.

A thick bell-like sound exploded throughout the galaxy.

“After the warm-up is over, all the Saint Seiya obeys the order and immediately withdraws from this galaxy.”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the explosion of countless warships, the 30,000 Saint Gladiator Legions who were constantly destroying the combined fleet heard the order of the Golden Sequence, and their bodies subconsciously froze and roared in unison.


Especially when looking at the figure, I saw the golden sequence of Taurus Lord Bensen and the figure of Gao Tianzun.

Everyone realized that a real war was about to break out.

The war that belonged to them was over, and the real stage was set up at this moment.

The highly disciplined Saint Seiya Legions did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly abandoned the small number of undestroyed joint warships and directly and orderly formed a battle formation to fly at high speed.

Through the quantum portal opened by Zorlu using the Space Gem, the low-level Saint Seiya left the galaxy.

Not just them, but everyone who has been following this war is aware.

Especially after Gao Tianzun shot the Golden Bull Golden Sequence to stop it, they knew that the war belonging to the gods was coming.

Originally, the shock and the combined fleet had no power to fight back in front of the Saint Seiya Legion, but now they suppressed the shock and stared at the picture deadly, watching what was about to happen next.

“Here comes the war between the Nine Heavenly Fathers and the Monocosm, and this kind of scene has not appeared once in millions of years.”

“Yes, this war is bound to go down in history, and perhaps it will open a new chapter in the history of this universe.”

“The blood is boiling, I’m already burning, hahahahaha, grunting, watching the eleven gods war while drinking, so beautiful, everyone today consumes Lao Tzu to entertain.”

“Hahahahaha, so helpful.”

The thought of the war that followed was filled with excitement, screaming, and clamoring that passed through almost all the groups watching the war.

The Saint Seiya evacuated in an orderly manner.

I don’t know why, Thanos, who has not appeared all along, does not know why he did not stop it, perhaps knowing that even if he intervened, he could not stop it?

No one knows.

A few golds didn’t know either, but the golds didn’t care, and a few dazzling golden rays of light tore through the void in a flash of time and rushed in all directions.

Arriving at the location, eight golden eights in one, each of them surrounded by golden flames slowly burning in a pose, encircling the entire combined fleet of Sanos and Gao Tianzun.

The entire range reaches hundreds of millions of billion kilometers.

A huge battle formation was formed, and in the ensuing war, Thanos could not leave no matter which direction he broke through.

In the darkness, the vast and majestic shore is like a boundary set up by the gods of Olympus in mythology.

The eight golds once again joined forces to create a boundary.

That’s the right scope.

A few goldens of Dawsanos can be reached almost instantaneously.

Slightly raising his head to glance at the golden enchantment looming in the void billions of kilometers away, Benson smiled with satisfaction, before he came, he was a “blood war” through the lottery to the position of the first shot.

Say it’s a temptation, but…

Benson came with the idea of destroying the other side in a war.

With a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth, he looked at Gao Tianzun who seemed to be a little shocked, and tilted his head: “Next, the time that belongs to us has arrived.” ”

As soon as the words fell, his eyes slammed down.

Gao Tianzun reacted almost at the same time, and there was no time to feel the boundary, knowing that he was about to usher in the most terrible attack next, and he had to reverse it.

The vast cosmic secret energy in the body exploded wildly, and the fierce explosion of the cosmic secret energy forcibly broke free of the arm that was clamped by the golden bull Bensen.

But the next second, there was already a terrible sound of air waves exploding in my ears.


The strong man could have made Gao Tianzun make the most correct decision, and the other hand blocked in front of his own Huns.



The overwhelming force of millions of tons bombarded Gao Tianzun’s arm, and this terrible force instantly broke Gao Tianzun’s arm, and the remaining power bombarded in front of his Huns.

The boundless pain made Gao Tianzun’s face twist to the extreme, but this powerful force had already made his body fly backwards at a high speed like a meteor out of control.

The air waves exploded, and Gao Tianzun’s body cut through the void, and the blood flowing along the way let everyone who was staring at the picture know it.

Gao Tianzun was in a bad situation.

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