I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 106: President Wan's decision

"The world of young people...it's very interesting!"

Wan Rong smiled and shook his head.

Although he didn't understand what kind of customers PPT could attract, he was shocked!

Since the other party can think of this level, it means that he still wants to do something with true feelings.

Coupled with the new things that the secretary came back to say about the underwater suites of the Langai Hotel, the shipwreck restaurant and the aquarium sightseeing ladder,

It made Wanrong curious about the Langai Hotel.

"The association has been in circles all these years, and it really needs some fresh blood."

"Have the evaluation team arrived in Nanjiang?"

The secretary shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"Many flights to Nanjiang have been suspended in the past two days. I'm afraid we will have to wait for the weather to get better."

Wanrong nodded and was silent for a while.

It seems that some important decision has been made, and he said:

"Go back and contact Su Jie."

"Just taking advantage of this assessment, all the hotels in the association will be properly assessed."

"The rising star that should be raised, the falling star that should be lowered, the unqualified will be directly eliminated from the association!"

The secretary was stunned for a moment and asked tentatively? :

"Is this assessment going to be real?"

Wanrong said:

"There are too many people in the association who are taking their own money...!"

"Over the years, Association Hotels has had very little development and innovation."

"On the contrary, those hotels outside the association are constantly struggling to survive and grow. Several hotels have formed a climate in recent years."

"I have been thinking about the face of my old friends before, and I have turned a blind eye to many things. I have accumulated a lot of problems over the years."

"Rather than waiting for someone outside to pierce this layer of paper, it's better to turn the blade inward and heal yourself."

"The scolding, I'm taking it all alone!"


At this time, the hotels in the entire Nanjiang City had no idea that a big storm was coming.

After ten days,

As the plane going south landed,

The severe weather that ravaged the Nanjiang River was finally over.

Li Xun carried a backpack and checked out at the front desk.

The rain stopped and he was leaving.

"Brother Li, if you're fine, come back to see us often."

"Brother Li, when will you come next time, I will make coffee for you."

"Brother Li, we will definitely try to keep the room you live in, so that you can live in that room every time you come back."

"Brother Li, if you don't understand something in the PPT, you can contact me with the OO chat software, and I will change it for you at any time."

Xiaoliu and all the others ran out and said goodbye to Li Xun reluctantly.

In the end, I complained to the little staff that they were reluctant to speak:

"Brother Li, if you don't leave, it would be nice to stay here."

Hearing this sentence, Li Xun almost cried.

"I'll go bankrupt if I stay here any longer!"

"I have lived in the hotel for more than half a month, and my salary will go in for three months."

"There is no such thing as a banquet in the world, and there will always be reunions in the future! I will still come back."

Li Xun reluctantly looked at the hotel staff in front of him,

These days, he is with this group of young people, as if he is with his family, and he feels younger.

"Brother Li, keep this card."

Seeing that it was almost time for the employee to say goodbye to Li Xun, Boss Chen handed out a card like a gift.

"What card is this?"

Li Xun took it curiously and saw that the card read:

golden ocean membership card,

Member number: 001.

Li Xun asked curiously, "Is this our hotel's membership card?"

When Chen Jianhai heard this, he hurriedly said:

"Brother Li, this is no ordinary membership card!"

"It's a limited membership card for our hotel, only 100 in total."

"And you are the owner of the hotel's first Golden Ocean membership card."

"With this card, you can enjoy a 40% discount on all rooms in Langai Hotel, no matter what type of room, you will have free breakfast and executive lounge treatment."

"You can participate in all activities under the name of Langai Hotel for free."

"40% off?!" Li Xun's eyelids jumped.

He knew why only 100 Golden Ocean membership cards were issued.

For hotels, the most important thing is the room fee income.

40% off is simply a no-brainer!

If a member has this kind of card, the hotel will have to finish the game within half a year.

If other hotels gave him this kind of card, he would probably think that the other hotel was some kind of low-end hotel.

Even if you accept it, it's over.

But he has lived in the Langai Hotel for so long, and he is all too familiar with everything here.

The hotel is like a second home to him.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient, thank you Boss Chen."

Li Xun was also welcome, and carefully put the Golden Ocean membership card into the inner pocket of the mountaineering bag, for fear of losing it while walking.

Chen Jianhai smiled and said:

"Brother Li, this card has been bound to you."

"No matter when you come in the future, even if you don't have a card, just mention your name!"

"Brother Li, I wish you a smooth journey and go home often when you have time!"


I sent Li Xun away,

Everyone in the hotel had a faint sense of loss.

Reunion is beautiful, but parting is always sad.

However, the life of the hotel is to welcome and send, get together and leave.

Today, old friends are gone, and new friends are always welcome, and the days are moving forward every day.

At this time, Nanjiang Ping'an Airport,

"Dear traveler friends:"

"We have arrived at the destination safely. The plane will need to taxi to the designated parking space. To ensure your safety, please do not turn on and use your mobile phone before opening the door..."

With the gentle broadcast of the plane sounded.

He Rui tiredly opened his eyes, stretched, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, with excitement and anticipation in his eyes.


I finally have a chance to come out!

For the past six months, for a major project of the company, he did not say anything about his food and lodging in the company.

I have to stay in front of the computer every day, and my eyes are almost blind.

Long-term stress, lack of rest, and intense work tasks made him seriously ill twice in the first half of the year, with a severe cough during the day and a low-grade fever at night.

But even so, he gritted his teeth and worked in the company without taking a day off.

Fortunately, the final project was negotiated, and all the hard work paid was not in vain.

The company saw that he was working too hard, and in the name of arranging to go out for research, it gave him a chance to take a vacation at public expense.

Give him a good rest.

He Rui said nothing at the moment, and immediately bought a plane ticket to Nanjiang, ready to go to the seaside for a good vacation.

turn on the phone,

He was about to contact the car-hailing driver who picked him up, but suddenly found seven missed calls on his mobile phone.

The moment I saw the phone number,

He Rui's heart skipped a beat.

"It can't be that the company is looking for me for something, right?"

While thinking about ~www.readwn.com~ He Rui dialed back the phone nervously.

"Xiao He, did you land safely? How was the journey?"

As soon as the call was connected, the familiar sincere greetings came from the phone, and He Rui felt a chill in his heart.

The two exchanged a few words, and then the person on the phone said:

"Xiao He, there is something~"

"The boss is going to attend an exchange seminar in other provinces next week, and the time is very tight."

"We have finished the materials here, and the content is a bit too much..."

"That, PPT... can you see if you can do it?"

He Rui people exploded.

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