I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 167: A woman's heart is cruel

"I've already made arrangements before I come."

"The door of that guest room was hit casually. If it was damaged, it's mine!"

Speaking of which, Chen Jianhai sneaked a key into Ruiky's hand,

"If it really doesn't work, I secretly assigned a key to that room, here it is!"

Ruiky took the key with a bewildered expression, looking at Chen Jianhai full of emotion,

Taking a deep breath, Ruiky shouted:

"Brothers, follow me to pick up my daughter-in-law!"


The whole set of marriage process, from picking up the bride to finding shoes to going to the ceremony site, all progressed very smoothly!

It's only when picking up kisses,

The best man group led by Chen Jianhai lost the game of the sister group and asked everyone to drink a bottle of white flower Laoshan snake grass water as punishment.

There are 7 cameras in total for photography and videography.

In addition to the numerous mobile phones on site,

All recorded the scene of Chen Jianhai and several people spraying together in the hotel suite.

"The groom sprinkles coins!"

With a loud shout from the host, Ruiky held a large handful of coins and dropped them from the sky.

Lin Suyang kept whispering next to him: "Sprinkle slowly! Yes, there is a feeling of raindrops falling down when there is light rain!"

After ruiky heard it, the speed of the coins that leaked from his fingers slowed down a lot.

Zhao An and others quickly zoomed in and took a good picture of the scene in front of them.

"Catch more daughters-in-law, the money is yours!"

Watching the bride's little hand struggling to grasp the coins on the bed, Ruiky reminded in a low voice.

The bride-to-be blushed, "I can't catch too much money!"

Ruilky was in a hurry and said directly: "You put all the money on your skirt, and then hold your skirt!"

When Chen Jianhai heard this, he looked at Ruiky in surprise.

Okay, boy, it's quite right!

Under the advice of the groom, the bride bent down and finally put most of the money on her skirt.

"And what about the money?"

The bride spoke in a low voice and asked her husband.

At this time, the host said, "Put all the money in your husband's suit pocket."


The bride didn't suspect him, so she put her hand in Ruiky's clothes with a silly gesture.

Seeing this good news, Ruiky knelt down on the bed and took the initiative to bring his pocket to the bride.

Turning his head sideways, he secretly gave the host a positive look.

My good brother... It's a real brother!

Halfway through the pretense, the bride suddenly reacted, turned her head to look at the host, and said in a daze:

"No, I gave him the money, didn't it go back?"

Ruiky quickly said, "It's all from our family, it's all our family's money!"

There is no suspense at all when looking for shoes.

The demon group headed by Chen Jianhai directly took out the crotch of the boys in the bride's house one by one.


This kind of thing, you don't even need to guess!

Which man didn't hide the shoes of someone else's daughter-in-law? ?

Moreover, it is still held upright in front of other people's husbands!

It took less than 10 minutes to find the shoes, and everyone quickly locked on the target.

The one who hides the shoes is the boyfriend of the bridesmaid who just let them drink white snake grass water.

When everyone heard this relationship, their eyes immediately turned red!

"Give it to me!"

Chen Jianhai gave an order, and the best man group rushed forward in a terrifying manner.

I skipped all the details such as the marriage proposal ceremony, serving tea and going out to the wedding car, etc.

Ruiky and the bride walked across the glass trestle into the sea and stood on the blue water test witness stand.

Next to the platform, there are two wedding license plates standing tall.

On the screen, Ruiky is wearing a suit, and the bride is wearing the uniform of the flight attendant of the S flight, and the two of them are smiling sweetly.

"Then may I ask, does the groom have anything to say now?" the host asked with a smile.

Ruiky looked at the friends in the audience and the brothers in the hotel, holding the microphone, his voice was so excited that he choked up,

The first sentence he said was:

"I've been the best man seven times, and it's finally my turn."

"Thank you mom for being so kind to me. It was the first time I went to my daughter-in-law's house for dinner, and the table was full of delicious food. It seemed like it was Chinese New Year. I was so happy."

"Thank you my boss, thank you my brothers,"


"I really rarely see the bridegroom crying, and the bride handing tissues next to her."

"Shouldn't it be that the bride should cry when she gets married, and the groom hugs and comforts him?"

While recording, Minister Zhao Xiao whispered to Lin Suyang.

Lin Suyang replied in a low voice indifferently:

"Now getting married, men usually cry... Women's hearts are cruel!"


After all the ceremonies are over,

It's the exciting part of throwing the bouquet.

In this case, who cares if you are the boss?

A group of single dogs like wolves and tigers grabbed it early,

"Thank you for breast augmentation" is even more of an inappropriate bravery. He rushed directly into the center of the flower-grabbing team, howling in his mouth:

"I must find a girlfriend before the end of this year!"

After speaking, "Thank you Lord for breast augmentation" flashed in a flash,

Shengsheng squeezed a lovely bridesmaid to one side and grabbed the C position.

After squeezing,

"Thank you Lord for breast augmentation" has no shyness at all, and doesn't care at all!

The bridesmaid glared at this guy angrily, she really wanted to hit him with high heels.

Under the heavy siege, Chen Jianhai couldn't make it to the finals at all.

The whole person is like a small quail being pushed left and right,

Before standing still,

He was directly squeezed at the back of the line.

If it wasn't for him stubbornly stepping on the steps with his left foot, he wouldn't even be able to get on the table.

"It's outrageous, it's outrageous...!"

Chen Jianhai hated his teeth so much,

But for things like grabbing a bouquet, if you grab it, it's yours.

There are no brothers on the battlefield,

There are no sisters in front of love!

Chen Jianhai could only hold his feet desperately, dancing with his hands high, and secretly praying that the bride's bouquet could be thrown away.

And in front of him,

Bai Cheng, electrician, plumbing, knife pier, food preparation, and baking are all staring at each other.

The hotel's most powerful and capable staff were all crowded on it.

Even the shameless old Lu Bin came up to join in the fun.

"3, 2, 1...!"

A gorgeous parabola is thrown backwards,

Zhu Tingting, Chen Jianhai, the door boy Xiao Gao and the others all went crazy and jumped!


The bouquet smashed high on the lamp and bounced back.

Everyone grabbed the space.

"This daughter-in-law is amazing!"

Chen Jianhai's visible light stand trembled and trembled in mid-air~www.readwn.com~ Everyone on the field was shocked.

No one thought that the bride looked thin and small, but she was really strong.

"Sorry, sorry."

The bride blushed, picked up the flower again, and threw it back!

After waiting for a long time, I heard cursing voices coming from behind,

She looked back and saw that her bouquet had been thrown straight into the hands of a person carrying a guitar.

Under the fire-breathing eyes of the crowd,

An Xia proudly held up the bouquet in her hand, and raised it proudly,

The angry Chen Jianhai, Zhu Tingting and others could not wait to go up and give him a kick.

But the next moment,

Thinking of the story of his ex-girlfriend running away with his brother-in-law,

Chen Jianhai smiled viciously in his heart,

His eyes were filled with kindness again.

It doesn't matter to the others, but Zhu Tingting on the side is a little frustrated.

He secretly looked at Qin Mengqiu, who was standing beside him, looking forward to and envious of the wedding.

There was a resolute look in his eyes again.


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