I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 214: I'm about to start

"Am I officially recognized?"

Looking at this news,

Chen Jianhai seemed to hear the sound of flowers blooming with his own ears,

Although it is dark at this time, it seems to be in the sunshine,

Surprise, doubt, and soon calm again.

Chen Jianhai of Langai Hotel: "Thank you for your acceptance, thank you all!"

When this news came out, Chen Jianhai let out a long breath.

The dark clouds that had been pressing on his chest for a long time finally cleared. ,

From stepping into the island to the present, it is hard to count how many grievances he has suffered.

Even he didn't know how many words he scolded himself as "cheeky",

But the result was always good, and was finally accepted by Kojima.

The rest, just wait for the system to complete the Starlight Ring Road.

Since Chen Jianhai has been accepted, the group has returned to the usual state of gag and gossip.

Chen Jianhai was also happy to peek at the screen, wanting to see what the daily life of the islanders of the island was like.

Out of curiosity, Chen Jianhai clicked on the "hard struggle" avatar.


This island owner is so confident!

Even opened ten photos of strangers!

Let me see if I've seen you on the island before!

In the first circle of friends, there are exactly four photos.

I saw the blue sky and the blue sea,

An old man in a white undershirt and straw hat was bowing his head,

With a broom in hand, he was squatting on the beach picking up trash.

"This uncle looks familiar."

"Like I saw him cleaning the beach on Love Island Day before."

Chen Jianhai clicked on the picture curiously and zoomed in.

next moment,

The moment he saw the old man in the straw hat, Chen Jianhai widened his eyes and shouted uncontrollably:


Isn't this old man the uncle of the undershirt?

It turns out that the island owner is him!


That night.

The returning fishing boats slowly approached the pier.

The sea in the distance has already exposed the white color of the fish's belly, and there are still a few stars hanging from the sky.

There was a faint blue mist on the water,

At this time, the docks were all fishing boats returning home, and the air was filled with a fishy smell.

Lao Yan stood on the pier, bent his body and hammered his stiff legs, took out a cigarette from his pocket and took a deep breath. ,

getting older,

Really can't do it.

Recently, the fishing market has been pressing down prices too hard, although the fishermen on the island said they would quit and do not want to be exploited.

But if you don't fish, what do you eat?

You can't stand at the crossroads and drink the northwest wind.

But now in order to maintain income, I can only fish abruptly until it is almost dawn before returning.

But fortunately, the harvest tonight was very good, and finally it was not in vain.

"Dad, go home." Xiaoyan tied the boat and jumped onto the beach.

At first, the two of them could walk directly to the living area of ​​the island along the Huanhai Road and go home in a straight line.

However, due to the disrepair of the island's sea-ring road, the island often encounters bad weather, and year-round trampling,

Binhai Road was trampled early and festered,

The section where they could go directly home was blocked by blue bars, and they were determined not to go any further.

So two people can only step on the beach and walk along another route.

Walking on the beach by the sea is a kind of leisure and relaxation.

But for those who have worked hard all night, walking on the sand is another kind of hard work and torture.

There's even a weightless vacuum in the calf when I get home.

"this road……"

Lao Yan was walking, suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed ahead, with doubts in his eyes.

Xiaoyan looked in the direction of her father's finger,

In the cyan mist, a curved ribbon stretched along the winding coastline of the island.

Beautiful light stands are dotted on both sides of the road, revealing a soft light.

From a distance, it seems like a galaxy of stars spreads on the beach.

"When will this road be repaired?"

Lao Yan murmured, "I've never heard that the chief of the island wants to build a road."

The two dubiously stepped across the beach and took the Huanhai Road.

There are no street lights on the beach on the island, and usually the two of them have to go home with flashlights.

But the road under your feet is bright and clear against the road, you don't have to worry about the sand pits that are deep and shallow, and the road you will step on when you walk.

"This road is so beautiful..."

Xiaoyan took out her mobile phone and took a picture with "click" and sent it directly to the group.

Since he has been at sea at night, he still doesn't know about Chen Jianhai's road construction.

After sending it, Xiaoyan put the phone back in her pocket and walked towards the home with Laoyan...

Island Hotel.

Chen Jianhai was lying on the bed, sleepless.

Suddenly, a familiar and cold voice sounded in his mind.


With this shock, Chen Jianhai suddenly woke up from his dream, and then his whole body shook, his heartbeat accelerated and he was sweating.

What's up!

Chen Jianhai gasped and looked around in horror.

"The construction of Xingguang Binhai Road has been completed. The progress of the hotel's improvement of the surrounding environment has increased by 30%."

The voice of the system resounded in my mind,

However, after Chen Jianhai was woken up, his heartbeat was so violent that his brain went blank, and he couldn't react at all.

After a full ten minutes, the cold sweat on Chen Jianhai's body gradually disappeared.

Glancing at the phone, it was 4:21.

Chen Jianhai got up and took a sip of water, and the feeling of the beating heart gradually calmed down.

What the **** is the system pumping in the morning!

Is there any news that can't be notified during the day?

Even though Chen Jianhai had a good temper, he was extremely manic when he was suddenly awakened at this time.


In the past, the system has also built a lot of good things for the hotel~www.readwn.com~, but there was never a prompt in the middle of the night.

Why is it so unusual this time?

not right...

Chen Jianhai called out the system panel and opened the system message.

Select the latest notification.

"The hotel's progress in improving the surrounding environment has increased by 30%..."

Chen Jianhai stared at this sentence for a long time,

"Isn't this the hotel's urban landmark building mission!"

Chen Jianhai felt a little dizzy.

The upgrade condition for Langai Hotel to be upgraded from a high-end hotel to a luxury hotel is to complete the task of urban landmark buildings.

the conditions for fulfilling the task,

In addition to the cultural and humanistic influence of the hotel and the expansion of social influence,

The last item is to strengthen the improvement of the surrounding environment of the hotel.

Previously, Chen Jianhai had been unable to clear his mind about strengthening the improvement of the surrounding environment of the hotel.

After all, the Nanjiang River where Langai Hotel is located is originally beautiful, with clear sea water and soft and delicate beaches.

The surrounding environment has the help of Chang Chang and them, and there is really nothing to strengthen.

Chen Jianhai even had the idea of ​​purifying the sea for a while.

But I didn't expect that under the straight attack, I actually advanced the mission conditions on the small vest island!


"I repair the star halo sea road for the island, isn't it just to improve the surrounding environment of the hotel in disguise!"

"I...I regret it!"

"If I had known this task was so simple, what would I have thought about purifying the sea!"

"I should wait until the island is full of cow dung before building public toilets and trash cans!"

"I'm ready to take this step!"

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