I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 28: Spicy Beef Noodles

Is this system too arbitrary?

Chen Jianhai had an opinion in his heart.

Say yes, you release the task, I will complete it, and then I will get the reward.

In the end, you did both composition and free play together.

Suddenly a reward came to me,

Isn't this... a little surprise in life!

Chen Jianhai sat on the curb and took a hard puff.

The word "comfortable" was written in his eyes.

Although Jiang Boran had sobered up, the smell of alcohol had all stayed in the car, and the smell was very strong.

Chen Jianhai opened all the doors of the car, ready to wait for the smell to lighten up a bit, and then drive back after the smell of alcohol dissipated.

But this time, we waited until dawn broke.

"It's been a long night."

Chen Jianhai yawned, filled a bottle of Red Bull, and got into the car after sobering up.

"I knew I would go back so late, so I'd better keep a piece of cake for myself."

Chen Jianhai rubbed his hungry and deflated stomach, "I wonder if Dabo and the others have come up with what the special dish is."

day by day,

I'm so heartbroken for this hotel



Back at the hotel,

The kitchen is already steaming, and more than 30 people are frantically preparing ingredients with their arms rolled up.

Chen Jianhai walked into the kitchen, touched two big meat buns, opened a bottle of mineral water, and sat next to eat while watching the kitchen staff work.

Looking at it, Chen Jianhai's expression became strange.

"Could it be that the hotel's buffs to employees have an effect?"

"Da Bo's face-pulling technique is fine! The face-scraping is flabbergasted."

"Preparing dishes is simply the hand of God!"

"The sword technique of Dao Dun... hoo!"

"Washing dishes is really the speed that a human should have?!...Wait, he's not dealing with work, he didn't wash it clean, right?"

The more Chen Jianhai looked, the more surprised he became.

Between doubts,

He stuffed the remaining half of the bun into his mouth,

He stood up, walked to the dishwashing side, picked up a dish and checked it.

It is clean, white and free of oil stains, and it will make a tearing sound when it is touched.

...It was very clean!

They are all craftsmen.

Each of these looks like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

If you put it in the TV series, you can make another martial arts rumor.

Thinking of this,

Suddenly, with a "ding" sound, the system's voice came to mind.


"The hotel kitchen staff's concentration reached 100%, and the host received a 1% catering reward."


A flash of light flashed across Chen Jianhai's brain.

Chen Jianhai's gaze stopped slightly on Xu Bo's stretched hand.

after awhile,

Chen Jianhai seemed to have thought of something, and he said "hehehe" three times, with an expectant smile on his face.


"Haizi, I have an idea about the special dish you told me about yesterday."

After breakfast, Xu Bo walked in front of Chen Jianhai.

"I plan to start with breakfast and develop a special breakfast with noodles as the mainstay... But I have never been able to decide on the specific direction."

Xu Bo's eye circles were a little heavy, and apparently he didn't sleep well last night.

After listening to Xu Bo's thoughts on breakfast time and sales methods, Chen Jianhai nodded.

"The idea is very good, and it coincides with me."

Xu Bo was taken aback, "You think so too? Launch a special breakfast?"

What he was most worried about was that Chen Jianhai would not agree.

After all, Chen Jianhai's original request was to introduce special dishes, not special staple foods.

He has prepared a speech, thinking about how to persuade the other party to agree.

But he didn't expect to be recognized by Chen Jianhai.

Chen Jianhai had an inscrutable expression: "What you can think of, I can naturally think of."

"As for the dishes, I have an idea..."

He picked up a noodle from the face table,

"The noodles you stretched out are as thin as a hair, extremely tough and smooth, and the taste is smoother than that of fans."

"Why don't we just develop a spicy beef noodle with tinfoil sixty-nine vermicelli."

Chen Jianhai said with satisfaction.

This name, but when the system gave him a 1% catering reward just now, a flash of light popped into his mind.

It's a gimmick when you hear it!

Xu Bo's expression was a little confused.

Chen Jianhai smiled very politely.


It's right to be dumbfounded!

Which genius would have thought of combining the vermicelli vermicelli with spicy beef noodles!

Most importantly,

How cheap is the little flower armor~

Once this name is hit, it will definitely attract people's attention. I want to try this thing!

"Are you serious?" Xu Bo said with difficulty.

"Mixing fans and noodles together?"

Even though he has a lot of knowledge, he has never seen such a wild one.

Chen Jianhai shook his head: "No."

There are fans and noodles, so isn't it just a blunt patchwork? Of course not!

If it is made into four dissimilarities, let alone the characteristics, I am afraid that the signboard will be smashed.

"There will be no fans in this dish, only the noodles you stretch."

"I said just now, the noodles you stretched out are delicate and smooth, and the taste is not inferior to fans. The main thing in this dish is your noodles."


Xu Bo's face was tangled, "But your dish is no different from tinfoil sixtieth fans. It's just that the fans are replaced with noodles and two spoonfuls of chili peppers."

"Since there are authentic Huajia fans, why do you still want to eat my Huajia Spicy Beef Noodles?"

"The layout is small!"

Chen Jianhai sighed and shook his head slightly.

There are thousands of cooking skills, and all the skills are real skills.

The most important thing about stretched noodles is the taste.

Delicious and juicy Huajia soup, tightly lock the smooth and pliable noodles, and then dip in a spoonful of fragrant red oil,

Fresh, fragrant, numb, and spicy flavors are wrapped in a small bowl of tin foil.

Isn't that fascinating? !

As for the fans... hehe~www.readwn.com~ It's just that the wild goose has passed without a trace, borrowing the umami of the sixties.


Xu Bo was embarrassed,

He felt that Chen Jianhai was talking nonsense, but he didn't know where to refute it.

After thinking about it,

Xu Bo said the crux of the problem.

"You can come up with this dish because you have eaten the noodles I made and know the taste."

"But he doesn't know about others."

Chen Jianhai showed a prepared smile,

"So, I want to publicize your skill of stretching the noodles, and make the 'crazy noodle-pulling king', 'noodle-pulling madman' and 'hard-core cake-making enthusiast' famous in Nanjiang!"

Chen Jianhai cleared his throat and continued:

"My idea is to set up cameras in the kitchen."

"Yes, it's the kind of live-streaming camera."

"It is divided into several shots, and the daily life of you, Dao Dun, dish preparation and dishwashing will be broadcast live."

"The daily routine of the kitchen in a five-star hotel will definitely attract people's attention."

"At that time, once your face-pulling skills spread on the Internet, it will attract customers."

"what do you think!"

Xu Bo's eyes lit up first, and he nodded excitedly.

But then he shook his head again.

"What do you mean?" Chen Jianhai didn't understand.

Is this agree or disagree?

"There's no problem with live streaming, but what if my dad sees me on video if I become famous?"

Xu Bo's expression showed a trace of sadness and worry.

"If he knew that I didn't study abroad and stayed here to cook, not only would I lose my legs, but also the high-end swimming ring in your hotel."

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