I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 297: Oktoberfest is on!

"Bang... bang bang! Bang... bang!"

The 12-gun salute hit the waves of the Nanjiang River, pouring sunshine and beer foam on every street.

As the mayor of Nanjiang took the first cup of beer from the beer barrel of Xiao Caishen, the entire Nanjiang Beer Festival officially started!

"Wow!!! So beautiful!!!"

On the bustling streets, various young beer girls in white, blue, yellow and red dresses walked hand in hand at the forefront of the joyous procession.

Behind them is Mr. Beer in a brown t-shirt and leather shorts, holding a golden musical instrument and accordion, beating a cheerful snare drum and singing happily in his mouth.

"A carriage! There is even a carriage!"

Among the crowd, a girl with two ponytails carrying a backpack excitedly raised her mobile phone, raised her thin and fair arms high, and perfectly captured the passing black double-row white carriage in the camera.

Her name is Choco. She is a chocolate dessert graduate who just returned from studying abroad and lives in Zaomen City, Chunyang Province.

This time, when I heard that Nanjiang City was going to hold a beer festival, she deliberately took the 723-minute high-speed train in the morning and finally arrived here in time for the opening ceremony.

"Black Ribbon, Snow River, Binger, Little God of Wealth... Actually every brewer has a carriage!"

Chocolate is excited to take pictures.

It is said to be a carriage, but it is more accurate to be more like a float. The chairs and stools of each float are placed with various large bouquets of flowers.

The floats can be big or small. Basically, they are mainly six-seater round wooden carved high pedal bodies. The horses have all kinds of beautiful decorative belts and long down tail feathers. It is not like an exhibition. It's more like a trip to a rich family in ancient times.

"Hey... This jujube red horse is so fat!"

Chocolate looked at the maroon horse on the black ribbon carriage and shouted happily.

The jujube horse seemed to have heard Chocolate's words, and shook its long black tail in dissatisfaction.

Chocolate couldn't help but moved forward two steps, trying to take a better picture, but the next moment, a Mr. Beer in a brown T-shirt ran over and said politely.

"Hello, please pay attention to safety and visit outside the yellow line."

Although the words are polite, Mr. Beer's arms are already open, and his back is arched back, which has a kind of meaning of arching chocolate behind him.

On both sides of the road, every other section of the road, there is such a beer Mr. Beer who is always watching the order, taking the safety issue into account.

"oh, OK."

Chocolate quickly took a few steps back, then stood on tiptoe and looked towards the opening parade.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a huge luxury carriage slowly driving towards the center of the street.

The carriage was drawn by four groups of solid black high-headed horses with broad silver and blue saddle belts, and square red, yellow and green stones were adorned on the delicate and sturdy belts near the ponytails.

Three young men in black dresses stepped on the front of the carriage, holding horse ropes in their hands, with bright red, white and yellow bouquets hanging on both sides, happily waving to everyone around.

The young man in the center holding the hemp rope and wearing glasses is waving and shouting.

"Drinking the Little God of Wealth, everyone will be the Little God of Wealth in the New Year!!!"

Not only them, but the 16 beer girls and beer gentlemen sitting in the carriage also stuck their heads out and waved to the people on both sides.

"Where is this carriage... This is simply pulling a small locomotive!" Chocolate widened her eyes in surprise.

The roof of the carriage was a hill-like arch, dotted with green grass like pine branches in winter.

There is a white sign hanging on the car body, which reads "Little God of Wealth, Wine and Yaye" in six big characters. On the upper and lower sides of the sign, there are 8 bouquets in hands, and two adjacent bouquets hang below them. red and blue velvet ribbon,

It looks gorgeous and makes people feel happy.

Gu girls... Really have no resistance at all to bright colors!

The unblinking eyes of the chocolate here have not been fully entertained.

On the other side, the "Xuechuan" beer carriage also walked with joy.

It is not the same as the black gorgeousness of the little **** of wealth. Xuechuan's carriages are all ice blue, and even the carts are pulled by yellow-maned brown ponies.

The whole carriage is like a big sled in winter, and like a big swing,

The black-haired girl in a long red dress pinched her waist, her white and tender feet stepped on small black lace-up shoes, and danced briskly on the big swing.

A couple of Mr. Beer, dressed in white shirts, black leggings, and dark green vests that crossed his butt, held trumpets and organs in their hands, and were accompanying the black-haired girls.

Chocolate stupidly held up the phone, not to mention taking pictures, not even blinking his eyes.

It's just that no matter how fresh something is, it will get tired of watching it for a long time.

These parade floats are all beer carriages, although the ones in front are a little shy, they just pass by slowly.

But the floats in the back became more and more bold.

According to the young people behind her, in order to promote their own beer, even the bosses of some beer companies boarded the float and gave a mobilization demonstration in person.

The floats are one after the other.

The floats of some big beer companies came one after the other, and the chocolates were finally exhausted.

Fortunately, the float parade did not last for a long time. In the follow-up period, various music performance troupes, lion dance troupes and foreign acrobatic troupes and art troupes will parade.

Before watching the parade, the chocolate swept up to the beer tent of the Little God of Fortune.

Since it is coming to the Oktoberfest, beer must be the first!

Although it is said that for a hungry girl who has only eaten two bites of bread, drinking beer in the early morning is a bit fierce.

But, here we come! !

There is no beer festival without beer!

In the Dream Sea Amusement Plaza,

The big pendulum, the flying car, the jumping machine, the pirate ship, the Ferris wheel and various amusement facilities are full of people waiting to play~www.readwn.com~ Going under the big pendulum, you can also hear a thick male hissing shout

"Grass Tamar...it's scary!! Ah!!"

Chocolate was delighted to hear it. She ran to the entrance of the tent with her luggage on her back, paid a deposit of 100 yuan to get a 1-liter wine glass, and received a small white acrylic card the size of a palm.

The card is stamped with a beaming little **** of wealth.

"Hello, here's an explanation tip for this Oktoberfest~~"

In the small wooden shed, a beer woman with a high ponytail handed out a small colored book in both hands.

"The tips include the introduction and geographic information of the 14 tents of the Oktoberfest, as well as famous attractions in Nanjiang City, official souvenir sales addresses and food guides."

"There are emergency numbers and emergency service numbers below, as well as the distribution of beach changing areas and public toilets."

"Have fun and have fun!"

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