I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 32: Happy Festival mobilization meeting

After more than ten minutes, Chen Jianhai spent all the points in his hand.

In the end, he reluctantly looked at the remaining unlit icons.

I really want to buy the 400-point fish maze...

But the points are really gone.

The points that I had finally accumulated before for the lottery were all smashed into the event store.

"System, I've finished my selection."

Chen Jianhai opened his mouth.


"After receiving the goods purchased by the host, the system will carry out activities and transformation of the hotel in the middle of the night."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Jianhai was taken aback.

"Now the renovation, my hotel is full of employees and customers, what should I do if the renovation lets them see?!"

"Please rest assured, the host, during the renovation, the hotel owner will fall into a deep sleep, and no one will find out."

The sound of the system sounded.

Well then...

Chen Jianhai breathed a sigh of relief.

With System Dad's cheating, he doesn't have to care about hotel guests and staff being suspicious of hotel renovations.

"After the renovation of the hotel in the middle of the night, the event tour group will come to the hotel tomorrow, please do a good job of reception."

Chen Jianhai was taken aback for a moment, and was overjoyed, "Even the guests are ready?!"

I didn't expect the system to be so careful.

After all,

When he first got the activity task, he just wanted to get the reward, and he didn't want to go anywhere to find so many children to come to the hotel for vacation.

Unexpectedly now, the system helped him solve the biggest problem.

The only thing he wants him to do now is to lead the hotel staff to provide good service.

Thinking of this,

Chen Jianhai immediately came to the service desk and issued a notice to each employee.

At eight o'clock in the evening, all the hotel staff have a meeting!


That night, 20:00

All the employees sat in the conference room.

This is the first time that hotel employees have come to the conference room for a meeting. Everyone is a little excited because of the novelty. They don't know what to hold in the meeting.

However, the employees of the kitchen team were troubled.

Their live broadcast was going well, and suddenly they were called over. Isn't this a waste of time!


After dinner is done, there is still a lot of mess in the kitchen to clean up, and everyone's time is very tight.

After waiting for five minutes,

Chen Jianhai walked in.

"Today, I will use ten minutes to hold a short meeting for everyone to talk about something."

"Starting tomorrow, the hotel will hold a seven-day Dolphin Bubble Festival. During this period, our customers are mainly children. During the event, it will be very busy. I hope that all employees can overcome difficulties and show our service attitude and service level."

As soon as these words came out,

The employees in the venue were instantly boiling.

"Dolphin Bubble Festival, what is that?"

"I didn't hear that there was an event in the hotel before. Now there is nothing to arrange. There will be a festival tomorrow, and there is not even a banner. What should I do?"

"My God, the children's bubble festival? It sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if the employees can play together."

Many people are dumbfounded.

But more of it still has some indifferent attitude.

After all, they are the employees of the hotel, many of them are interns, and they hold the idea that I will do whatever you ask me to do.

It doesn't matter.

However, those who have signed hotel contracts are in trouble.

This is too sudden!

So late, they couldn't even buy the gifts they wanted to go out to buy.

"Everyone be quiet. For the specific hotel layout, I have found a professional team to arrange it, so don't worry about it."

Chen Jianhai stretched out his hand and pressed down.

"I only have two requirements for you:"

"1. During the hotel activities, there will be many children. Everyone must pay attention to the safety of children during the service."

"Second, I hope everyone can earnestly perform their duties, do their jobs well, and don't rush to play with children."

As soon as these words came out,

All the employees had a "hehe" expression on their faces.

Bubble Festival... Isn't it just to play with water and sprinkle sand?

Everyone is an adult who has seen the world, so why are you rushing to play with children?

Ha ha.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Chen Jianhai looked around and saw that no one had spoken, so he continued:

"Okay! The meeting is over, the meeting is over."

"Also, after the kitchen staff's meeting, they come to me to get the menu for the event-limited dishes."



More than 30 employees gathered around the recipe in the middle, chatting and discussing.

"Special dolphin cake, Ocean Star limited drink mix, starfish QQ jelly, tuna marshmallow..."

"Where did the boss get so many recipes!"

Baking holds a recipe in his hand and sits next to the preparation, with an excited look on his face.

"This, this! I've always wanted to make a QQ jelly, but I haven't come across a good recipe. I didn't expect the boss to have it!"

"Johnny! Knead the dough, let's try it now!!!"

Baking excitedly looked at Xu Bo, sparks appeared in his eyes, eager to try.

"Do it!"

Xu Bo was also full of excitement.

He looked at the recipe in his hand, as if he was holding his beloved hand-made wife, and he couldn't put it down at all!

Haizi really has a lot of ideas. Where did he get so many recipes? ! !


A female staff dormitory in the Langai Hotel.

"I turned off the lights."

"Turn it off, I'll give you a flashlight."

"Hi! My flashlight is brighter than yours!"

"My brightest!"



The sound of the switch came, and the lights went out.

In an instant, three beams of light fell on Bai Cheng in the room, illuminating her like a movie star walking on the red carpet.

On the dormitory beds on the left and right,

Three small arms came out of the bed respectively, holding up the mobile phone in their hands, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they just illuminated Bai Cheng.

Bai Cheng ran to the bed with a "dengdengdeng" and covered the quilt.

The light of the flashlight was extinguished all at once~www.readwn.com~ It was pitch black in the room.

Because they really didn't want to get up early and toss, their little roommates moved into the staff dormitory a few days earlier.

I stopped tossing around with the other interns at the school.

"You said, what kind of event is the Dolphin Bubble Festival?"

In the darkness, a voice sounded.

"I don't know, but when I hear the name, I think it will be fun!"

"I've never heard of any hotel holding events for festivals before, so I can look forward to it now~"

"I am me too!!!"

Several people were silent for a while,

"However, there is nothing in the hotel now, and the event will start tomorrow, but what should I do?"

"Don't worry, I trust the boss!"

An optimistic voice sounded, "Didn't the boss say that there will be a professional construction team to arrange it? Then there will be no problem."

"Let's go to bed early and have activities tomorrow. It will be very busy."



The night is getting darker.

The whole hotel went quiet.

Everyone felt very sleepy tonight.

Only Chen Jianhai's eyes were shining.

His body is very tired, but his spirit is very active and excited.


Waiting for the system sound in my head.


"Renovation of hotel activities begins!"

Chen Jianhai jumped up from the bed excitedly.

He always wanted to see how the system was transformed, but as soon as he stood on the ground, it was as if the system had slapped him from behind his head.

Chen Jianhai collapsed onto the bed with a slap.

Sleeping unconsciously...

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