I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 398: former squirrel boss


"The system detects that the host has successfully taken over the new hotel, and the golden map of Zaomen has been successfully lit up."

"The Points Mall is being updated..."

"The Points Store has been updated."

"Please go to the point store to check the latest products available in the system."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the exclusive city points redemption package of Zaomen, please complete the redemption within 3 days, the overdue will be invalid."

As he pushed open the hotel door, the system's familiar and cold voice kept ringing in Chen Jianhai's mind.

Then a huge blue system panel popped up in front of my eyes, with data written line by line:

"System Owner: Chen Jianhai"

"Identity: The owner of the high-end hotel Langai Hotel; the owner of the Jasmine Hotel of Xiaodao Resort; the owner of the Zaomen Squirrel Hotel (data to be updated

"The host has obtained system attributes: [coach], [affinity], [1 attribute personal charm]"

"The host has obtained points: 31987 points."


"The task of the system is now released: A large enough area can build a strong enough hotel. Please expand the land area of ​​the hotel as soon as possible."

"Task reward: 29999 points."


"The host please complete the system upgrade task of the luxury hotel as soon as possible."


"Brother, the hotel you bought is on the wrong side. If you can move it a little to the right, you can get a lot of money just for the demolition."

Xiaolang's distressed voice came from the front. Chen Jianhai closed the system panel in front of him and said:

"You're young! How much money can you get for demolition!"

Chen Jianhai looked at Xiaolang helplessly, "When the Magic Century theme park over there is built, the business of this hotel will definitely be hot!"

"This is called the vision of development!"

While talking, Chen Jianhai rushed to the bathroom on the first floor with Xiao Lang, and happily drained the bottle of water he just drank.

The entire hotel has a total of 6 floors, and each floor has about 20 rooms, which is not too small.

Although the materials and basic configuration of the hotel are much worse, it is completely sufficient as a place for temporary rest, sleep and bath.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

As for eating... There is a food street outside, you can eat whatever you want,

Chen Jianhai and Xiaolang walked around the hotel from the first floor to the sixth floor. After understanding the situation, they took the elevator back to the lobby on the first floor.

Because the whole building is closed all the year round, the yin in the room is particularly heavy,

Chen Jianhai and Xiaolang turned on all the lights and windows, ready to get some air, and then went for a walk outside after eating and came back.

As soon as I came to the first floor of the hotel, I saw a middle-aged woman standing in the hall looking left and right with dishes.

"Hello, do you want to stay in a hotel?" Chen Jianhai immediately greeted him enthusiastically and asked,

The middle-aged woman hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, I saw that the hotel was open, so I came in to have a look."

Speaking, the middle-aged woman asked in a low voice, "Are you the new owner of this hotel?"

"Yes!" Chen Jianhai's eyes lit up. Could it be that this person knew about the hotel?

The middle-aged woman looked at Chen Jianhai with regret.

"I used to be the cleaner of this hotel. The owner of the hotel told me that the store was sold out. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect that someone would actually buy it."

Chen Jianhai was puzzled: "This hotel is not good?"

The middle-aged woman smiled helplessly: "Can a hotel be built in this place?"

"At first, the news from the city was that in order to build the Magic Century, the entire Butter Road will be demolished."

"So the owner of this hotel deliberately spent a lot of money to build a new hotel here in order to get the demolition funds.

"But who would have thought that not only did the demolition fail, but the hotel was completely smashed into the hands,"

"These four weeks are basically old and abandoned houses, just waiting to be demolished for some money, don't even think about it now..."

The middle-aged woman sighed, looked around the hotel, and said, "Everyday people here are villagers who buy vegetables nearby, and no one can spend money to live here, and in the end they can only go out. already."

Chen Jianhai listened, and for some reason an idea suddenly popped up in his mind:

"The boss you mentioned won't run away with his sister-in-law in the end, right?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned: "Sister-in-law?"

"The former boss was indeed accompanied by a young girl. She looked pretty, but I don't know if it's not my sister-in-law."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged woman asked curiously, "You know my former boss?"

Chen Jianhai shook his head quickly: "I don't know, I just heard about a friend before. I thought this was also him, so I asked a question out of curiosity."

The two chatted a few more times about the hotel, and then the middle-aged woman said she was going home to cook and left the hotel.

Looking at the middle-aged woman's back, for some reason, Chen Jianhai had a very strong premonition.

In all likelihood, the person who built this hotel was the boss who led the sister-in-law, and he never ran away!

"If it's really that brother, then this buddy feels like a day is not as good as a day..."

Chen Jianhai felt a touch of melancholy in his heart.

From a luxury hotel with a first-line sea view in Nanjiang City to the failure to build a foundation on a small island with huge sums of money, it has now been reduced to building a fast hotel on the village market, mixed with demolition and relocation funds.

Tsk tsk tsk... This life is really miserable.

Chen Jianhai and Xiao Lang walked out of the hotel~www.readwn.com~ and spent 12 yuan at the market to eat three small stalls, their stomachs were full.

Originally, the two of them wanted to stroll around here to digest food.

But there is nothing near here except the desolation and loess, and there are still construction noises from time to time in the construction site next to it, and no noisy people are allowed.

The two of them simply did not do it for a while, each moved a small stool and placed it at the entrance of the hotel, sat outside to bask in the sun, and prepared to wait until the evening before entering the house to rest.

The market was very lively during the day, but at three or four in the afternoon, people began to retreat one after another.

The streets that were still lively and bustling gradually became stagnant, and only a few light bulbs were faintly glowing.

The two returned to the hotel with a bench.

Accustomed to listening to the sound of the waves day and night, the silence here makes people feel a kind of hardship from the bottom of their hearts.

If it weren't for the sound of the construction site in the distance, the silence of the place would be almost suffocating.

"Good guy, there's no one there." Xiaolang glanced at the pitch-black outside, "If you live here alone, you'll have to be very permeable."

Chen Jianhai said indifferently: "It's nothing to see, I lived in the Langai Hotel by myself for nearly half a year, didn't I survive it?"

"It's different! Your old hotel is on Huanhai Road. There are so many people there, so it's very popular. It's just a wasteland!" Xiaolang said.

Just as he was talking, suddenly a footstep sounded from outside the gate, followed by a tired and familiar voice:

"Hello, is this place open?"

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