I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 422: Maybe the same name?

That afternoon,

Xu Yong was bewildered and suffered the most inexplicable scolding in his life.

But he couldn't speak back.

Because the person who scolded him was Father Wanwan, and he kissed his father-in-law...

"Damn it!"

"I caused such a big disaster about Nanjiang, the old man didn't scold me like that..."

Xu Yong hung up the phone and fell into deep contemplation, not knowing which aspect was the problem.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Xu, the location and time of the recruitment have been set. Next Monday at 9:00 in the morning at 420, Longze Building." The assistant said.

"okay, I get it."


Long Yai Hotel

After preliminarily screening the talents who meet the needs of the hotel, the staff of the personnel department made calls one by one to notify them and prepare for the interview.

Late at night, when the lights in the HR office go out.

Lord Xie closed the door with a breast augmentation, yawning and preparing to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared behind him.

"Boss?!" Lord Xie was taken aback by breast augmentation.

The entire second floor of the office area is almost empty, although there are lights in the corridor... but the carpets are silent, and there is no sound when walking! ,

"Boss, do you have anything to do with me?" Lord Xie said cautiously with breast augmentation.

Chen Jianhai said awkwardly, "Brother, take up one minute of your rest time. Do you have any questions or answers about recruitment preparation?"

Thank you for breast augmentation: ? ? ?

A few minutes later,

Lord Xie gave Chen Jianhai a few pieces of paper for breast augmentation: "Boss, we usually ask questions based on these questions during interviews."

"During the specific interview process, we will also refine a specific question according to the applicant's own characteristics and job requirements."

"Does this help you?"

Chen Jianhai took the paper and glanced at it.

"Okay, fine, that's enough."

Lord Xie's breast augmentation looked at Chen Jianhai's high-spirited look, and asked tentatively:

"Boss, are you going to participate in the interview in person?"

Chen Jianhai said: "I understand, you should go back and rest."

Under the doubtful eyes of Master Xie, Chen Jianhai took the interview questions and walked back to the room, studying hard in the spirit of "rushing for the test".


Sunday night

Chen Jianhai surreptitiously bought a high-speed rail ticket to Zaomen to prepare for the interview the next day.

"It's too early for this interview. Longze Building at 9 am on Monday..."

"Aren't they worried about traffic jams in the morning rush hour?"

Chen Jianhai sat in the car and secretly despised the inhumanity of the other party's work.

But fortunately Longze Building is not bad, you can check in.

Chen Jianhai got off the train, opened a guest room in Longze Building, and fell asleep.


Early the next morning,

Chen Jianhai woke up, and after having breakfast in the building, he took the elevator directly to the 4th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened,

Chen Jianhai's eyes straightened instantly...

I go! So many people?

I saw young job seekers standing on both sides of the corridor. These job seekers were all wearing shirts and small suits, dressed up neatly.

Some had a hint of greenness on their faces, as if they were students who had just graduated.

Compared with them, Chen Jianhai is obviously older and more mature in clothes.

In terms of atmosphere...

Although he usually pushes a little bit, his long-term boss career has really immersed him in a leadership temperament.

Especially when he faces strangers and he doesn't speak,

Gu Hao

The subtle leadership and steady control of the rudder simply could not stop radiating from his whole body.

Let him see that he is different from normal people!

Seeing Chen Jianhai walking out of the elevator,

A few of the more shrewd people deliberately looked at him, as if considering whether this person was the examiner today.

"I was deceived?"

Chen Jianhai walked into the corridor with a calm face, and the more he looked around, the more wrong he felt.

Are these all dug up by headhunters? ?

These little brats... p9+? ? ?

While thinking about it, Chen Jianhai suddenly looked up.

I saw a large piece of paper pasted on the door with eight characters written on it:

"Zaomen Brilliant Aquatic Products Company"

Take another look at the room number: 420.

Wipe...that's fine.

The interview information Liu Jiale gave him was 408, that is to say, he had to go further.

Chen Jianhai walked in along the corridor, and just turned a corner,

I saw three or four people sitting on the sofa waiting.

The age and momentum of these people are similar to Chen Jianhai, at least they don't seem to have such a big sense of separation.

What he never expected was that there was a familiar face here.

"Liu Qinglu??!"

Why is she here?

Chen Jianhai's pupils shrank, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes,

But compared to him, Liu Qinglu's shock was stronger.

"How can you come here?!"

Liu Qinglu's voice was a little sharp, as if Chen Jianhai's application for the job was an extremely damaging thing.

Perhaps her reaction was too great, and the rest of the job seekers cast their eyes curiously.

"The headhunter called me, and I'll come and take a look."

Chen Jianhai bit his head and pretended to be calm, and the whole person was embarrassed.

He came out this time to enrich his life experience, and by the way, see what the situation of this colorful holiday resort is.

But I never imagined that I could meet an acquaintance here!

He put aside the good boss of a chain hotel, and ran over to apply for a manager in another hotel...

If this was spread out, I would be really embarrassed.

Back at the hotel, I still don't know what it will be like to be spoiled by Xiaolang Dabo, Wen Zifan and the others.

But his embarrassment fell into Liu Qinglu's eyes, but it turned into an understatement and a deeper meaning!

"He's lying!" Liu Qinglu took a deep look at Chen Jianhai.

In the past six months, every move of Chen Jianhai has caused a storm in the hotel industry.

And she also knew something about Chen Jianhai.

It is definitely not a trivial matter to make him stand up from the sofa and rush to Zaomen for thousands of miles!

Liu Qinglu's brain began to work quickly.

"He definitely didn't come to apply for a job... There is absolutely no headhunter who is so brainless~www.readwn.com~ will dig people and dig up other hotel owners."

"Could it be that Chen Jianhai is planning to attack the Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel?"

Liu Qinglu's brows wrinkled slightly, as if he wanted to quickly draw a logical chain.

But just a few minutes later, a young man called her name and motioned her to enter.

Chen Jianhai: "Come on!"

Liu Qinglu:  …


At this moment,

In the room for the job interview, a man and a woman sat in it, all the information of the recruits in their hands.

"Chen Jianhai? Isn't he the owner of the Langai Hotel?"

Confused, the woman made a horizontal line under the words "Chen Jianhai".

"Maybe it's the same name?" The man said indifferently.

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