I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 435: Can't you take me with you?



Unparalleled embarrassment.


Chen Jianhai never expected that he would meet his new neighbor on such an occasion.


Since this is the first and only unlimited play card issued by Magic Century Theme Park, there were employees of the park waiting by the side with cameras early.


At the moment when Chen Jianhai took over the Unlimited Play card, he recorded this wonderful and unforgettable moment.


the next morning,


When Su Jie saw Chen Jianhai's photo appeared on the news of Magic Century Theme Park, his expression changed.


Isn't this man too brave?


You can go to the hotel next to Renjia Paradise and build a hotel and eat it.


He even licked his face and took advantage of the Unlimited Play card to grab wool during the closed beta period? ? ?


Perhaps because of the accumulation of the system's lucky buff,


The next afternoon, Chen Jianhai received a call from Ruikeya.


"Boss, I have already handled the matter at the subway entrance of the hotel that you asked me to communicate with."


"The other party agreed to help us add an exit."


Chen Jianhai's eyes lit up, he stood up from the sofa, and said excitedly:


"So fast!! How did you do it?"


Rui Keya sighed softly, with a hint of melancholy in her voice, and a hint of deepness.


"Because it's my ex-girlfriend who is in charge of this..."


"Oh, let's not talk about it first."


"Boss, I'll go to the subway entrance and hang up first."


Chen Jianhai quickly said, "Okay, hard work, brother."


Carefully hung up the phone, Chen Jianhai's eyes were full of excitement.


Good guy!


I didn't see it,


Rui Keya even has an ex-girlfriend in Zaomen!


The flower of love bloomed so unforgettable when I was young, even if they were married and had children, they could find a way to help solve the problem immediately after a phone call.


This **** nostalgia!


But gossip is gossip,


The most important thing now is to get the hotel's paradise layout right.


Open the system panel, mall, other configuration, amusement items.


Chen Jianhai carefully selected a few projects that he liked to play, and after re-arranging the specific locations of each project on the system's overhead layout diagram, he showed deep thought.


He also has an opportunity to upgrade one of the three hotels into the Ocean Star luxury hotel.


Now that Langai Hotel has become a platinum-level five-star hotel, there is no room for further improvement in hardware. If you want to go further, you can only work **** the soft power and service level of the hotel.


The positioning of the Island Hotel is also very precise. It is a comprehensive resort and recuperation hotel with beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, eating, drinking, traveling, playing and playing.


Today, the hotel that needs to be upgraded the most is actually his Zaomen Magic Hotel.




"Is the host sure to upgrade the Zaomen Magic Hotel to a luxury hotel?"




Chen Jianhai spoke without hesitation.




"The system received the host's order, and the Zaomen Hotel was upgraded to a luxury hotel."


"After testing, the Zaomen Hotel has 864 rooms. After being promoted to a luxury hotel, it will be expanded to 1,087 rooms."


"The number of customer service centers will increase from 15 to 29."




"The original restaurant, amusement projects, and room interiors will be upgraded uniformly."


"The upgrade time is 3 days."




Chen Jianhai's eyes flickered.


Then after 3 days, dismantle the fence, enter the hotel, and make a lot of money!



3 days passed in a blink of an eye.


In the past three days, Chen Jianhai was actually fine. After all, the new hotel was his third home, where he needed to live for a long time.


Buy whatever you want.


After all, he is rich~~~


Xiaolang was even more extreme. He didn't even bring his luggage, he just wore a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of sneakers to Zaomen.


I plan to eat, drink and have fun and stay at the hotel.


When I have time, I go to see the barbecue restaurant, and when I have no time, I hang out with Chen Jianhai and Dabo in the hotel.


As for the rest of the hotel staff, it's simpler.


The usual clothes are basically work clothes distributed by the hotel, which can be satisfied by eating, drinking and using the hotel.


Basically, everyone only prepared a small box with some personal belongings in it, picked it up and left.


And only Su Jie prepared a car full of big bags and small bags, big boxes and small boxes.


It really looks like he wants to evacuate his own home.


"Okay, Brother Su, don't be sad. So many people send you, you should be happy!"


In the large conference room of the Coconut Umbrella Hotel Industry Association, Su Jie's farewell ceremony is being held at this time.


The owners and assistants of five-star hotels in the whole Nanjiang River all gathered on the 63rd road to practice for Su Jie.


Seeing so many friends come to send them off,


At first, Su Jie was able to control his emotions.


But later, his eyes were red, and his voice was choked up.


Still, Chen Jianhai couldn't stand it any longer, so he took the initiative to hand him a tissue to wipe his nose, and then the farewell party went on smoothly.


"Goodbye Boss Zhang."


"Goodbye, Boss Wan."


"Goodbye, Boss Liu."


Su Jie shook hands with the people who came with red eyes, and his eyes were full of reluctance.


When I got to Chen Jianhai,


Su Jie stretched out his hand and shook it firmly: "See you later, Boss Chen."


Chen Jianhai: ? ? ?


"Goodbye everyone, goodbye Nanjiang!"


After Su Jie finished speaking, he waved at everyone.


Immediately, under the reluctant eyes of everyone, he got into the car and walked away in the direction of Zaomen.


"Boss, are you leaving again?"


Looking at the car disappearing at the end of the street, Wen Zifan suddenly asked.


"Yeah, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning." Chen Jianhai waved at Su Jie's car, and said subconsciously, "I should be leaving for a long time this time. Nanjiang still has to ask you."


The amber peach blossom eyes dimmed slightly~www.readwn.com~ gently opened the mouth and said, "Can't you take me with you?"


The voice of this sentence was small and weak, almost drowned in the clamor of human voices,


I don't know why,


It was still carried into Chen Jianhai's ears by the wind.


Chen Jianhai waved his hand for a while, and the expression on his face showed struggle and hesitation,


In the end, he still shook his head and said slowly:


"can not."


Peach Blossom Eye was silent.


In fact, even if Chen Jianhai didn't say it, she knew that the other party couldn't take her away.


As for my identity, the first one is always Chen Jianhai's assistant, and the person in charge of Langai Hotel except Chen Jianhai.


Only when she is in Langai can Chen Jianhai go to Zaomen to work hard and develop new hotels.


"Okay, I know the boss."


Wen Zifan took a deep breath, raised his head with a smile,


"I will definitely take a good look at the hotel."


Seeing Wen Zifan's smile, Chen Jianhai suddenly softened his heart, as if he made a promise and made a wish:


"next time!"


"Next time, I will definitely take you with me!"


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