I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 48: ???Golden sand beach at sunset

Chen Jianhai was shocked by Liu Qinglu's excitement.

Silence for a long time,

He tentatively asked, "Can you help me build a 10-story hotel within three months?"

Liu Qinglu shook her head affirmatively.

Chen Jianhai thought about it for a while, and asked again without giving up: "Then do you have the funds to invest in me and let me build the hotel?"

Liu Qinglu smiled.

"Boss Chen, I'm just a hotel assistant, not an investor."

Chen Jianhai: "..."

No money and no one, you are talking **** to me here!

It's so beautiful to say,

What is the assessment within three months?

Again, my hotel failed.

He also said that one must be at least 15 stories tall to qualify for membership...

I thought you were going to help me build a hotel.

The co-author came to talk to me about the ideals of life.

Seemingly aware of Boss Chen's dissatisfaction, Liu Qinglu gently shook her head,

With an unfathomable smile on his face, he said:

"Boss Chen, doing business is not about building cars with one's eyes closed. Only by interacting with people can business flourish."

"And I happened to know some people who have been in contact with each other..."

After speaking,

Liu Qinglu smiled meaningfully at Chen Jianhai.

The slender calf is slightly raised,

It looks like there are piles of backers and countless resources.

at this time,

Although on the table of the two of them, there were only a few pages of the contract brought by Liu Qinglu.

But in fact,

From the moment the two talked,

Liu Qinglu has been constantly adding chips to the contract.

And the chips are getting higher and higher,

In the end, he almost blocked Chen Jianhai from the chips, so he had to sign with himself.

"Ms. Liu's strength is indeed extraordinary."

Chen Jianhai smiled slightly.

On the surface, it still looks like a generous atmosphere.

But my heart was already crooked to the extreme.

To make a mystery!

Have the resources and know a few people, is it amazing?

In the end, he was kicked out by Yuemei Hotel!

Your father, I have the system! !

At this moment, Chen Jianhai only thought that what he had just thought was extremely ridiculous.

What if you can't hold down the other party?

What he is looking for is an assistant with strong ability, ruthless business, who can help him share his worries and make him feel at ease.

Instead of spending money to find a female uncle.

Besides, with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan, he can't find any talent!

If Liu Qinglu was not a woman,

Instead, it was any gentleman who dared to sit on the sofa of his own hotel and speak to him in this eloquent manner.

He would speak directly and let the other party roll as far as possible.

If Xiaolang encounters this kind of love pretending to compare, then without saying a word, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, he will just start scolding.

"Ms. Liu, thank you very much for your sincerity."

Chen Jianhai opened his mouth, his sincere voice was full of regret.

"But the space in our hotel is too small, and it may not give you a broad stage to display."

"For a talent like you to come to our hotel to take a job, it's really a talent."

Liu Qinglu's lenses suddenly flashed a cold light.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Chen Jianhai said sincerely: "If there is a chance in the future, I very much hope to cooperate with you to make Langai Hotel the best hotel."

Liu Qinglu looked at Chen Jianhai, an untraceable light flashed in his eyes.

The plot in front of her was completely beyond her calculations.

She never thought that Chen Jianhai would reject her! !

But the pride in her bones made her never waste a word on those who rejected her.


After Liu Qinglu spoke softly, her white fingers drew back the contract on the table.

stand up,

The slender figure, mixed with the crisp sound of high heels, left an elegant and chic back.

There was no gaffe at all because of being rejected.


After Liu Qinglu left,

The tense atmosphere and coercion that permeated the air immediately dissipated.

Chen Jianhai slumped back on the sofa comfortably and took a long breath.

"It's finally good."

Just a few short minutes of talking with Liu Qinglu,

He feels that his hotel is not a leisure paradise for vacation.

It is a negotiating table where swords are drawn.

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, dark arrows and thorns everywhere,

Makes people uncomfortable.

If such a person really gets into the hotel, I'm afraid the whole hotel will be suffocated.

Tired day by day.

"Looking at it this way, it's still the **** under my command who can save their minds."

Chen Jianhai sees through the glass,

Looking at the heartless and heartless employees in the yard having a good time,

He smiled and cursed.

"2B youth is so much happier!"


The pleasant 4 hours passed quickly.

The system also gave Chen Jianhai a countdown to the deadline.

Chen Jianhai was afraid that those props and mazes would suddenly disappear, and he would scare his employees.

So there are fifteen minutes left before the event ends,

Chen Jianhai called back all his employees and prepared to take these **** to a celebration feast in the evening.

The hard work these days,

The hotel's net profit reached more than 1.7 million,

Such a high income,

The happy Boss Chen is willing to bleed again and treat his guys well.

As for the students of Nanjiang Tourism Vocational School,

He has already arranged a bus that will take them back to school safely before closing the dormitory.

Can't delay the next day's work~

Just as Chen Jianhai was waiting for the employees to wash up and change clothes ~www.readwn.com~ding" a voice sounded in his mind.

"The host completed 100% of this limited-time event, received more than 99% praise from customers, rated A+, and earned 7,000 event points."

"Reward: The host can exchange the event points for permanent small dolphin fountain, jellyfish bubble pool and shark slide."


Chen Jianhai stood up from the sofa excitedly.

But before he could cheer,

Another "ding" sound,

The system's voice then sounded:

"In view of the host's rating of A+ in this event, he will receive a permanent extra reward: Golden Beach."

"Reward description: clear blue waves, fine sands, white tiles... The delicate sandy beach under the sunset is definitely a must-see during travel."

"In the ebb and flow of the tide, the tranquility of dawn and dusk, the happiest thing is always the trail of footprints left on the beach..."

The sound of the system is still echoing in my mind,

However, Chen Jianhai looked straight, and walked step by step towards the huge glass curtain wall in the hall.

The scorching sunset slowly sinks into the sea with half of the red cloud wrapped in it.

The waves are surging, and the seabirds are hovering.

Broken gold rolled down from the clouds, and the particles were sprinkled into the sea. The flat and clean white sandy beach exudes a soft and delicate light against the backdrop of the sunset and the sea.

"So beautiful……"

Chen Jianhai murmured, "There is no such beautiful beach in the entire Nanjiang River. Isn't this forcing me to change my coconut umbrella!"

Just owning this beach is equivalent to attracting the widest group of tourists.

System dear father, this is it!

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