I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 51: system is delayed

Several little girls excitedly finished drinking Coke with Chen Jianhai and returned to their table chatteringly.

It looks like everyone is very happy,

Chen Jianhai's heart is also very happy.

As a boss, knowing that he is worshipped by small employees of the opposite **** is a happy thing.

Satisfied and sat back in his seat, Chen Jianhai just picked up his chopsticks and prepared to eat,

As a result, several male employees rushed over, carrying Coke, and said with a mean face:

"Boss, are we great?"


Chen Jianhai quickly stood up, filled his Coke glass, and bumped into everyone's glass.

Although it was a male employee who came to toast, it did not damage Chen Jianhai's happiness at all.


It feels good to be toasted~

Chen Jianhai was a little fluttering, a feeling of being the boss surrounded by everyone.


The employees saw this scene in their eyes,

All of a sudden there was a sly gleam in his eyes.

Although the staff in the hotel usually have dinner together in the restaurant

But on such a good occasion today, there must be someone to liven up the atmosphere~~

As the organizer and initiator of this event,

the soul of the hotel,

The God of Wealth of all employees,

Comrade Chen Jianhai, known as "the most beautiful payer of Langai Hotel",

Then he was directly upgraded to become this active character!

There was a thought in the minds of all the employees: To fill him up!

"Boss, I'll come and have a drink with you too!"

"You go up and line up at the back, I'll be there first!"

"Then let's toast the boss together!"

"Come on, come together."

Just as Chen Jianhai sat down and picked up his chopsticks, he immediately rushed over a dozen employees, vying to drink Coke with him.

My own employees have this heart,

Chen saw Haile's happiness,

Moreover, on such occasions, if he doesn't drink with any employee, it will inevitably make others think more.

But drinking and drinking,

Chen Jianhai couldn't take it anymore.

This Nima,

These **** definitely did it on purpose!

Since he finished drinking Coke with Bai Cheng and the little girls, he hadn't sat down to eat a single bite of food.

These employees are either alone or in groups.

One by one, they all lined up behind to pay their respects.

It's fine if you drink.

The key is this Nima is Coke!

Chen Jianhai poured it to the end, his stomach was full of gas, and he couldn't take it any longer.

But he couldn't show the kindness of the employees, so he simply hid in the toilet and didn't dare to come out for a long time.

sitting on the toilet,

Listening to my employees shouting their voices all over the corridor,

Chen Jianhai fell into deep suspicion.

I am a dignified boss, who was drunk by the employees and hid in the toilet,

Where is this going to make sense!

Fortunately, those **** are still individuals. In the end, they couldn't find Chen Jianhai, so they didn't look for them at all.

After eating and drinking enough,

The restaurant has directly become a large-scale team building, and the staff of the Warm and Beautiful Hotel are silently speechless when they hear the cries of wolves and ghosts.

This song... If it wasn't so bad, it would still be nice.


Wait until all of your employees have completely released themselves.

Chen Jianhai sneaked back to the restaurant and found a small corner to hide in.

With the plate in his hand, he quickly grabbed something to eat from the table,

Just now, before he had anything to eat, he began to be given Coke by the staff. There was nothing to eat in his stomach, and now he was very hungry.

is eating,

Suddenly there was a "ding" sound in my mind,

"Congratulations to the host, for completing the task and launching a classic hotel special dish."

"Reward: The hotel restaurant is expanded into a rotating crystal music restaurant on the second floor."

"The hotel will be renovated from 2:00-4:00 in the morning. During the renovation, everyone will fall asleep."

The prawns in Chen Jianhai's mouth instantly turned bad!

His expression was full of surprise and joy,

trembling legs,

If it weren't for the fact that all the employees were on the scene, he was concerned about his face as a boss and couldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Otherwise, he would have to jump in place!

"Has the Spicy Beef Noodles in Tinfoil Sixty-Six succeeded?!"

Chen Jianhai asked excitedly in his mind.

The system sounded:

"Ding, this hotel's special dish is coconut milk fruit smoothie."

Chen Jianhai's face is full of black lines!


The bowl of big ice **** that was baked turned out to be a special dish of the hotel? !

What about Xu Bo's Spicy Beef Noodles in Tinfoil Sixty Years?

The system did not answer.


Chen Jianhai had a slight toothache,

Thinking of Dao Dun's live broadcast room,

Immediately, there is a feeling of planting flowers that will not bloom, and planting willows and willows inadvertently.


its not right!

Now the staff of the hotel are eating and singing here, and the bakery is also taking the rise of dessert research in the warm and beautiful hotel.

Now, no one can sell smoothies in the hotel.

In other words, this reward should have been achieved long ago.

But why did you tell me now? !

"Ding, today the host completed the task and got too many rewards, and the hotel upgrade progress bar has been activated."

"There is a delay in the system,"

"But it does not affect the normal use of the system and the settlement of rewards."

Chen Jianhai: ...

Really long time to see.

It was the first time he heard a delay in the system.


"System task: Ask the host to complete an optional task on the system panel."

"The optional task is the main task of hotel upgrade. Completing the optional task can get the hotel upgrade acceleration bar~www.readwn.com~ to help the hotel upgrade."

The voice just fell,

A large system panel appeared in front of Chen Jianhai.

Countless optional tasks are listed above, of various kinds, and Boss Chen's eyes are all over the place when he sees it.

And at the bottom of the system panel,

There is a yellow progress bar with the number on it saying "33%"

At the end of the progress bar, a small white house sign is displayed.

Chen Jianhai clicked the little house sign curiously,

There is a small frame in the middle of the system panel.

It says:

"The next upgrade target of the hotel is a high-end hotel."

"Introduction to the upgrade of the luxury hotel star system: After reaching the upgrade conditions, the hotel building will be unlocked to 15 floors, 2 gardens, and 10 types of green plants and flowers will be unlocked,"

"Unlock 5 advanced menus and 7 desserts,"

"Unlock 3 beach rides, 1 premium parking lot, and unlock bathroom renovations in guest rooms."

"All employees of the hotel where the host is located, the limit for professional buffs is 0.3%, and for every working day, 0.3% professional buffs will be added."


A lot of blood-throwing rewards smashed Chen Jianhai's eyes.

He was still worrying about how to build a 15-story hotel in three months.

But looking at it now,

The ten-thousand-zhang tall building rises from the ground and reaches the fifteenth floor. It is just around the corner! !

Chen Jianhai was excited.

A pair of eyes stared directly at the panel, constantly choosing among various optional tasks.

Like a weasel staring at the chicken coop in the dark night,

Exudes a faint light.

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