I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 499: signing the contract

Although Chen Jianhai really wanted to take Song Zhan and Zhang Mingyuan to play around Nanjiang,

But Song Zhan and Zhang Mingyuan are both old men with heavy responsibilities after all. They ran out to play for a day or two. If they stayed outside for a long time, their family would be in a mess.

"Boss Chen, it's a pleasure to cooperate!"

"President Zhang! Happy cooperation!"

In the meeting room of the Jasmine Hotel on Xiaomajia Island, Chen Jianhai and Zhang Mingyuan signed the cooperation document together. The two sides got up and shook hands warmly.

"President Zhang, I look forward to the uncles and aunts from the sanatorium coming to Xiaomajia Island for vacation!" Chen Jianhai said enthusiastically.

"Thanks to Boss Chen for his warm hospitality. It is our luck to sign a contract with Jasmine Hotel." Zhang Mingyuan also replied enthusiastically.

"I've been disturbed at the hotel these two days. Lao Song and I are leaving Nanjiang this afternoon. If there is a chance in the future, Boss Chen will definitely come to Huoxiang as a guest."

Chen Jianhai smiled and said, "I must go!"

After signing the contract, Chen Jianhai and Zhang Mingyuan negotiated a big deal, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Beside her, Rui Keya prepared tea and souvenirs prepared in advance, packed two exquisite gift boxes and handed them over.

"Uncle Song, are you going back to Zaomen? Let's go together!"

Chen Jianhai delivered the gift box to Song Zhan and Zhang Mingyuan, and spoke in anticipation.

Song Zhan said, "Okay, let's go together."


Originally, Chen Jianhai wanted to go back to Nanjiang, and he could stay at the Langai Hotel for a while to see what the current situation of the hotel is, and by the way, also to see Brother Fan.

But after Song Zhan's private yacht was moored at Fuman Fish Wharf, he got in the car and headed straight to Zaomen, without giving him any time in between.

Chen Jianhai secretly sighed.

All right,

Anyway, in less than 10 days, the international wine exchange meeting of Xiaocai Shen Beer Yaye will be held, and I will have to toss back then.

Now, let's take it easy, and go back to Lion Castle to finish the linkage project.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chen Jianhai found Wen Zifan's chat page,

"I'll go back to Zaomen first, and I'll be back in ten days."


ding dong dong~

The ringtone of the mobile phone woke up the two people who were fighting for snacks in the Tao Taobao live broadcast room last night.

"Who is it?"

Wen Zifan took out the phone from under the pillow, opened his eyes in a daze to unlock the phone,

After seeing the sender's message and content, the amber eyes popped open!

"Good boss!"

Wen Zifan quickly entered four words, then turned off the phone, and turned over happily.

"What's the matter, so happy in the morning." The little sister muttered.

"My big boss took the initiative to send me a message this morning!"

"...Stupid ×."


Time passed quickly and silently.

At first, Chen Jianhai was still happily chatting with Song Zhan and Zhang Mingyuan in the car, but as they chatted, the two old men walked over with their heads down.

Chen Jianhai chatted briefly with the driver, then sat quietly in the co-pilot, took out his mobile phone, and opened the Little Peter Doujin.com.

Although Lin Suyang and his publicity department have always arranged and worked in a unified manner in the hotel's publicity and cultural shaping, as a boss, he has to understand it from time to time.

Most importantly...

He was really curious about that strange fan site.

I want to see what anti-human things can be launched on the Internet recently.

Perhaps it is the search and recommendation function that comes with the website. As soon as the software is opened, the home page directly pops up the character paintings and fan stories of the magic world of Vikham in the Lion Castle Hotel.

"Good guy, it's only been a few days of work, Pang Xuehen can do it!"

Chen Jianhai was stunned for a moment.

I saw that the full-screen homepage recommendation was full of paintings by Pang Xuexen.

In addition to the hottest midnight mermaid carousel picture on the top,

The Dark Sorcerer's Crystal Ball Divination Chart and the Abyssal Lake Knight Chart are all recommended in the first few items.

Fan novels written by Datouch Copywriting are updated daily on the Internet in the form of serialization, just like reading online novels lively.

And these are not the most attractive to Chen Jianhai.

What surprised Chen Jianhai the most was that the Magic Century Theme Park next door also caught little Peter's east wind. Using the same market, he published the fanart and fanart of the Wizard Castle on the Internet.

for a time,

The two magic parks are crazy about wizard themes, and all the magic lovers are hooked.

The double castles of "Lion Lake Castle" and "Wizard Castle" on the Internet also coexist in different styles.

"What's going on with these two hotels?"

In the Zaomen Meske Hotel, Tong Tongsheng looked at the news on the Internet with doubts in his eyes.

Recently, he has been paying close attention to the situation of Lion Castle Hotel and Magic Century Theme Park.

At first, he thought that Chen Jianhai was just relying on his wealth and the popularity of the Magic Century Theme Park to build a theme hotel.

However, with the rise of supernatural themed rooms in Lion Castle Hotel, the broadcast of Huadu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast and the emergence of online comic novels,

Tong Tongsheng pays more and more attention to Chen Jianhai.

The so-called expert watches the doorway, while the layman watches the fun.

As a hotel operator, his methods of propaganda and propaganda for the hotel are simply ingenious.

So after seeing the series of propaganda methods of the Lion Castle Hotel, he will be shocked enough.

He didn't know where Chen Jianhai got his courage, or whether he was crazy or confident.

To be able to come up with such a unique method as a "spiritual room",

Not only did it attract the attention of the market, it even surpassed the Magic Century Theme Park next door in terms of reputation.

"No wonder he dared to run from the Nanjiang River to build a hotel, it really has some tricks!"

Tong Tongsheng shook his head gently,

In the past few days, he has reviewed everything from the operation of the Lion Castle Hotel to the present.

If the supernatural room of the Lion Castle Hotel is just a gimmick to attract people's attention,

Then the next live broadcast is an important step for the Lion Castle Hotel to fully launch its own name and kick open the door of the Zaomen star-rated hotel.

Young people don't talk about martial arts!

It was clearly stated that it was just to build a hotel, but you actually built a playground inside the hotel!

And next to his hotel, there is a great **** like Magic Century Theme Park.

This kind of courage and means, he can't do better than this if he asks himself.


The Lion Castle Hotel focuses on the promotion of the Magic Paradise, and the Magic Century Theme Park also launched a series of stories about the Wizard Castle.

But I don't know why, Tong Tongsheng always felt that the smell of fireworks was not too strong, on the contrary, it meant that they cooperated with each other.

This is very confusing.

"What exactly are these two hotels?"

Tong Tongsheng knocked on the table, his pupils revealing the color of thought.


"Boss Chen, your hotel is ahead."

"Do you want to park at the entrance of the town, or at the entrance of the subway station?"

As the car drove into Zaomen, the driver of Song Zhan took the initiative to ask.

Chen Jianhai glared fiercely: "Brother, do you also know the hidden door of my hotel?"

"I know!" The driver's elder brother smiled and said:

"There are a lot of videos about the Lion Castle Hotel on the Internet now. I watched them and really liked them."

"It's just too expensive. We can't afford it for more than 5,000 a night."

"It's fun to watch videos online."

The eldest brother of the driver laughed very earnestly, and Chen Jianhai also listened to it.

"Brother, please help me park at the entrance of the subway station. There are many people in the town, and it is not very convenient to drive in."

"By the way, tell me your ID number! I'll go back and ask the front desk to issue you a free experience card,"

"When are you free, bring your sister-in-law's family to the hotel to play. The food, drink and entertainment are all free."

The driver's brother: "Really?!~!!"

Chen Jianhai: "Really!"

Having said that, Chen Jianhai took out his mobile phone and directly asked for the ID number and phone number of the driver's elder brother.

Song Zhan didn't speak, just sat in the back and looked at Chen Jianhai with a smile on his face.

The driver's brother parked the car at the intersection of the subway station.

Chen Jianhai got out of the car and waved at Song Zhan and Zhang Mingyuan.

"Master, when you are free, come to the hotel, let's have a barbecue at the Wishing Pool!"

Song Zhan smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

"Let's go, sir!"

Chen Jianhai watched the car drive farther and farther, raised his head, looked at the sky high above his head, and took a deep breath.

Although he only left for three days,

But Zaomen's autumn mood is stronger.

Under the scorching sun, the air was filled with a faint smell of dry grass and scorched trees.

Chen Jianhai grew up in Nanjiang since he was a child, and was used to smelling the sea breeze.

Suddenly, I smelled this dry smell, my nose and throat felt dry and not very comfortable.

But he likes this warm smell very much.

On the square, the subway entrance and exit of the golden lion shone brightly in the sunlight, shimmering with dazzling light.

On the outside of the subway car with the golden lion body, five or six workers are hanging billboards on it.

In the billboard, Zhu Tingting was wearing a suit, holding a cup of blue-green coffee, with a confident smile on his face.

"It's different when I enter the entertainment industry, it's much more handsome than before!"

Chen Jianhai looked at Zhu Tingting's appearance on the billboard and scolded in a low voice.

From his impression, the other party is still the hotel gardener who holds the plant scissors in his hand, sneaks up the sleeves of the staff uniforms, and always shows his muscles to hook up with the girl at the front desk.

But who would have thought that now, Zhu Tingting left the hotel and entered the entertainment industry, and Qin Mengqiu also took a temporary job in the hotel and chose to study abroad.

Really... ah!

Chen Jianhai sighed, turned and walked into the hotel.


In just a few days, the summer coffee endorsed by Zhu Tingting spread all over the streets of Nanjiang and Zaomen.

Although the Xia Momo brand is not a national chain at present, it is just a small local brand, but the endorsement fee given by Chen Jianhai is equal to that of the first line.

Not only that, everything such as photographers, magazine covers, fashion accessories, etc. are all smashed down with a lot of money,

Since Zhu Tingting pays attention to a relationship with him,

Then he, Chen Jianhai, was also happy to throw money at his brother to support the scene.

"Why do I suddenly have the feeling that the big boss is taking care of the little star..."

Chen Jianhai suddenly felt a chill on his back, took a sip from the thermos cup on the table, and then closed his tie in the mirror.

Today is the day he started the joint project with Magic Century Theme Park,

Both parties have to have a groundbreaking ceremony, and the construction can start only after the ceremony is over.

Due to the special situation of Lion Castle Hotel and Magic Century Theme Park, it is not suitable to hold this kind of ceremony in the park.

So the two decided to hold a ceremony on the shared square on Dream Street Cream Road.

"Boss, it's time to go."

Lin Suyang stood at the door and said to Chen Jianhai.

Chen Jianhai raised his head and looked at his watch, then looked at the mirror again.

"You said, can Fatty Jin recognize me as a Lucky Unlimited Tourist?"

Lin Suyang stood beside him, looked at Chen Jianhai carefully, and then shook his head decisively.

"Don't worry, boss, he doesn't recognize him."

Last time, Chen Jianhai led Xiaolang, Dabo, Lin Suyang, and Lord Xie for breast augmentation to the Magic Century Theme Park for a lap.

In the end, Chen Jianhai was selected as a lucky tourist by Magic Century Theme Park. He boarded the Wizard Castle to meet Jin Jamie, and got an unlimited play card of Magic Century Theme Park.

Although it's not a big deal, right?

But if you recognize it, it will be a little awkward.

Hearing Lin Suyang's words, Chen Jianhai raised his eyebrows slightly: "You really can't tell?"

Lin Suyang nodded heavily: "Don't worry! I really can't see it."

People rely on clothes!

The last time Chen Jianhai wore a gourd doll jersey, he went through a day of torment in queuing, climbed mountains, blew strong winds, and dipped in swimming pools, all of which were unremarkable.

Today's Chen Jianhai is dressed in formal clothes, and his beard is freshly shaved.

Coupled with the triple buffs of the system [Personal Charm], [Affinity], and [Cover], the whole person exudes a humble, gentle, affectionate and broad temperament,

It's not the same person from that day.

"Let's go~"

Chen Jianhai took a deep breath and walked towards Cream Road Square with his head held high.

At the same time, Jamie Kim also went to the square with a few confidants.

In addition to the person in charge of the amusement project, Ran

The head of the personnel department and the head of the propaganda department are among them~www.readwn.com~ This time, the head of the propaganda department has done a strong psychological construction, no matter what, be sure to get the contact information of the head of the propaganda department of the neighboring hotel,

Then, take a good look at the scriptures! ! !

If possible, it is best to realize the magic linkage between the two wizarding worlds, and use the strength of both to create the magic world of Cream Road.

By then, the effect will definitely explode!

Here, the head of the propaganda department was ready to roll up his sleeves and sighed deeply at night with Lin Suyang.

On the other side, Lin Tao followed behind Jin Jamie with a heavy heart, and there were a few low coughs from time to time.

His illness was purely a fire attack.

Although his fever has subsided through acupuncture and drips,

But the fire in the body hasn't gone away, and the cough is still bad day by day.

When I thought of seeing the boss next door soon, I was both dissatisfied and curious, conflicted, my throat was itchy, and I looked sick.

On the contrary, the head of the personnel department next to him was excited and his eyes were shining, as if he was going to witness something extraordinary.

good guy,

Thinking that he once interviewed Chen Jianhai...

He was so excited! ! !



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