I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 513: Doing business is not easy

The silver-colored table knife gently cut a piece of foie gras, which was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The fragrant foie gras was mixed with mild caviar and fried on the taste. Huang nodded lightly with satisfaction. Delicious in the world! !


Although the fat content of foie gras is very high, Huang really likes this tone. No matter where he goes, he must try the foie gras. "Hello, ma'am, this is the wine that our restaurant presents to you. I wish you a happy meal."


The restaurant employee on the side brought a glass of golden wine from the plate and placed it on Huang's table. "Giving wine?" Huang's brows slightly raised her to grow so big. Is it fresh made by the restaurant itself??" Huang Duanqi asked "no lady" curiously, and the service staff introduced enthusiastically: "This wine is a newly developed autumn fantasy golden wine by Xiao Caishen, which is currently only for us. Long Hotel Restaurant Autumn Fantasy Gold Wine?


Huang was very curious and looked at the wine glass in front of him. The round crystal glass was polished brightly, and there was a guide on the glass wall. You could see the state of the wine in the glass. , the top "" gently exploded, and it swelled into a wave like a wave. Take a sip. The familiar bitterness did not taste the heavy sweetness. After the fragrance of the fruit, a small sip of Jing came over. In the wine, the full taste of the sun is full of turbidity on the tip of the tongue, and you can feel the tiny bubbles beating, "This is delicious!!" Huang looked at her hands in shock. For socializing outside, drinking wine of this degree is like drinking water to her, but this "drink" is really good!


Eating foie gras and drinking alcohol... a little bit doesn't match~ But Huang still couldn't help ordering a bottle of Xiao Caishen Autumn Fantasy Golden Wine. Not only him, but also many foreigners with blue eyes and blond hair in the restaurant People also have a bottle of golden Little God of Wealth Autumn Fantasy Golden Wine. Gao Mo is talking quietly and in a low voice, while watching the sea view from the window and tasting the food, his face shows a very enjoyable expression, "There are quite a lot of foreign tourists in this area of ​​Nanjiang~ Huang glanced at it inadvertently, and a thought flashed in his heart. After a full meal, Huang walked out of the restaurant. The night scene of the Lang Hotel was more attractive than the daytime, with the stars shining overhead. The lights came on, and there were happy laughter and beautiful guitar playing and singing next to the pool. Next to the pool bar, next to Zishulin, there was a small stage Xu Bo sat on the stage, playing the guitar in his hand. Playing lazy blues, mixed with gold, purple and blue lights, adding a blurred color to the whole night. On the small card table next to the stage, there are hotel dessert special snacks made by Long Hotel, which are colorful and thick. Through the door of the pool bar, you can see a well-maintained middle-aged man in a dovetail vest, who is making fancy cocktails in a rusty and flexible manner. Although the autumn wind at night is a bit cool, it is compared with the dryness and heat of the day. However, only Shuxian Huang ordered a cocktail, sat at the card table, his eyes locked on Li Zheng's body again... Really possible!


She has been exploring new people for so many years, and the people who can make her move twice are basically inseparable and the surrounding of this hotel is really good, whether it is comfort, decoration or privacy. If the annual meeting is held here...


Huang Duan picked up the cocktail and looked at Xu Bo with a look that was half heart and half scrutiny~ Although Chunyang Province "did not think there was one" film and television company is just a film and television company, but the number of employees under it is still extremely large In addition to those departments of finance, outreach, publicity and planning that ensure the abnormal operation of the company, the most important employees of their company are all big stars!


No matter how beautiful and beautiful the big stars in the film and television magazines are, once the curtain goes down, the real identity is the employees of the film and television company. Usually, at the end of the year, the big stars are crazy to join the group, and they fly around to participate. When I was invited to participate in various shortlisted awards and various commercial activities at home and abroad, the annual meeting of a film and television company in Chunyang Province was not very fixed. This is a relatively leisurely time period for everyone, and the main reason is that their company's annual meeting has extremely high requirements on the privacy of the hotel. The big stars are also busy for a year, and they also want to get together. In one place, stay away from the flashlight and fanatical fans, play and make trouble, offer a glass of wine to the leaders, and tell the gratitude for the promotion and support in the past year, and by the way, talk about the new year in the future. Planning and resources Therefore, strong privacy, high grades, good food and beverages, and a great environment have become the most important criteria for Huang's selection of hotels for the annual meeting.


Huang Xin was moved, but she will stay in Nanjiang for two days this time. In these two days, she can take a good look at the hotel. When the final decision is made, she will go to Huang Baichuan to talk about the Nanjiang Xiaocai Shen wine exchange discussion meeting in the blink of an eye. After three days at four in the morning, the back kitchen of the Lang Hotel was brightly lit. The roar of the machine, the chopping of vegetables and the sound of the dough chopping board could be heard from far away in the corridor. But it is the kitchen. Although the employees in other departments are also very hard, the work intensity and work pressure of the employees in the kitchen are three to five times that of other employees. Being a cook is a job that requires both physical strength and a lot of responsibility. It is necessary to make the food carefully and carefully, and to judge which dishes do not meet the customer's taste according to the remaining situation of the dishes removed every day, and make adjustments and improvements in time. At times, the pride and satisfaction in my heart is also something that others cannot feel. In short, it is love and hate!


When I wake up every morning, I want to turn off the alarm clock and shout that I quit my job, but when the day comes when the salary and bonus are paid, they all swear to cook in the hotel until they die. Life is the person of the hotel, and death is Li Zhengjun's ghost haunts him for the rest of his life! ! ! ! ! !


The three-day meat-stuffed dumplings, fish-flavored shredded pork, and Sixi **** were deliciously eaten by foreign friends, especially the dumpling plates of the buffet every morning and evening were empty. The international friends visited the wine factory, so the kitchen staff can be lazy today and don’t need to prepare the meeting meal at noon. “Li Zhengjun, what are we going to do tonight?” The stir-frying spoon was ready to prepare the dishes, and asked Xiang Huang, “What do you think? Is it?" Brother Huang asked, "It's light on the whole?" The fried spoon said unsurely: "We don't know that foreigners are stomachs. Can a stomach with such a big fish, big meat and big lard take it every day?"

"They go to the wine factory all day and come back in the evening to eat something light. Wouldn't the stomach feel better?"


"Worry about it!" The knife next to him said while cutting shredded potatoes, "The milk can be drunk straight from the refrigerator, can you? It won't kill you!"


"That's roughly gridded beef steak and roast pig, how much oil do we have for a dumpling stuffing like that~"


"Besides, I think they have a lot of butter and cheese cream compared to lard. Ours is not waste oil, so it should be fine."


Listening to the simple discussion of the kitchen staff, Brother Huang thought about it and said, "Just give them something light!"


"Let's cook a whole seafood meal at night, give them something light and fresh, and smooth the oil in their stomachs~ and make a braised boneless steak."


"They are willing to drink soup and eat meat if they want to eat meat"


After preparing the dishes for a while, he asked, "Chen Jianhai, do you want bones for the fine ribs? Is the bone fine ribs still delicious?"


Li Zheng opened his mouth and said, "You don't know that, foreign friends who are not high-level eat bones with bones, and take care of vegetables, they will clean the bones before serving them!"


"Besides, if they break their teeth in our hotel, it won't be good for our hotel's reputation." To be safe, Jing Pai has cleaned the bones! ! "


"Okay Chen Jianhai" Ji Cai sighed, glanced at Dao'er Dao'er's hands spread out in mid-air, and said, "Go ahead, brother!"




After breakfast, a group of foreign friends in suits and ties boarded the Jane bus tour bus of Blue Sky Travel Agency. Today's arrangement is very complicated. Before the morning is completely hot, Ning Youyou will lead the group first. Friends walk around the main scenic spots of Huanhai Road in Nanjiang City, probably to let them have a preliminary understanding of Nanjiang city. At noon, they will directly drive them to Xiaocai God Wine Yaye, and a special person will lead them to visit the wine factory. When they were almost done visiting, Ning Youyou drove them back to the hotel, which Huang Baichuan didn't expect. Ning Youyou spoke foreign languages ​​quite smoothly. There was even a professional language translator on the sightseeing bus, which could translate Gao Mo's words are transformed into the language equipment of various countries. Huang Baichuan's eyes are straight when he sees it. In the past few days, Johnny has been running between the hotel and the company every day, and he has to drink a few drinks with these international friends at night. Although the pool bar in the Lang Hotel is very good, it is an in-house bar exclusively for hotel guests, and the nature tends to be quiet. These foreign friends are not very disgusted with these bars, so Jonig has to take them to Nanjiang at night. The bar was so high that it was painful. When I got home in the second half of the night, I didn’t even have the strength to wash. I went into the room and put my slippers on the bed and went to bed. I woke up after two o’clock and prepared for the next day’s exchange with foreign friends. Iron bones, but he was exhausted. When he led the group of international friends back to the hotel in the evening and sat in the Chinese restaurant to prepare to eat, his eyes were all gone, but what he didn't expect was today's Chinese restaurant. Huang Baichuan even sat here to eat, looking the same, as if he had spent a few nights ("You eat first, I see a friend, I will come over later"


Brother Joni told his foreign friends, and then walked to the opposite side of Huang Baichuan's table with a plate. "Boss Chen~" Brother Joni sat down and greeted "An Xia~" Huang Baichuan replied in a sullen voice. They looked at each other and then sighed at each other to do business...it's not difficult!


Johnny sighed in his heart. He was busy with the discussion meeting every day, and he had to worry about the company's affairs. He was really tired and exhausted. Huang Baichuan was obviously running around for the hotel business, and no one could watch Huang Baichuan idle. With blue eyes, Johnny asked half-concernedly and half-curiously, "What has Boss Chen been up to lately?" Huang Baichuan owed a debt and burst into tears. Start a game, and fight against them every night~www.readwn.com~ The spoon that Jonig picked up was in the air, and Huang Baichuan didn't notice Li Zhengjun's stiff expression. With a mouthful of rice in his mouth, he said weakly: "I'm so tired, really..."


"I'll have two cups for the top right now, or else I won't be able to fight the power battle tonight." An Xia... Do you want to come with me? Let me play with you? "


Johnny: ... Farewell!


Picking up the plate, Johnny mercilessly turned around and returned to the arms of foreign friends. Although being with foreign friends was quite tiring, Tetsu was more irritating than Huang Baichuan!


Everyone is the boss. He spends a lot of time with the guests every day, and he is almost dead drinking. As a result, Huang Baichuan plays games all night long and spends most of the night. There is no reason to spread this out! ! ! !


Here, Johnny rolled his eyes frantically, but he didn't notice that the foreign friends next to him were about to roll their eyes when they were eating "!!!!!!"


"Huang~ Jiege, Siqi?"


Li Zhengjun looked at the other party's plate and saw a layer of golden red broth poured over the white rice on the plate, and it was full of large pieces of fine steak. I ordered some chopped green onion and parsley, and there was still a side of the plate. There is a bowl of clear soup. The international friend just learned to learn how to play the child. Originally, these days, I was really excited to play with the child. However, when I ate this broth bibimbap, I still thought it was not enough. Yin Wu's small mouths eat the oil brightly, just like wearing a little bee lip balm, it looks extremely sexy


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