I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 519: The system has added 100 million details

What a bold color design and what a childlike heart!

On three different packaging designs,

The unique properties of Langai Hotel, Jasmine Hotel and Shibao Hotel are listed on it, respectively.

The appearance of these "belongings" are all drawn with the simplest brushstrokes, but the colors filled in them are simply dazzling!

It seems that it was first graffitied by a childish child, and then filled with color by a big touch.

The two are perfectly combined in one place, soft, bold and full of dreams.

It makes people instantly dream back to the good time of eating watermelon and watching cartoons in the cool breeze during the summer vacation.

"The boss really deserves to be the boss!"

"Even the design is so amazing!"

Lin Suyang picked up the three design drawings and examined them carefully. The more he looked at them, the more he admired them!

"But...the design drawings are different, shouldn't the advertising endorsements also be enriched!?"

Now Zhu Tingting's Summer Momo coffee billboard on the street has been hanging for half a month.

Although not long.

But there are too many new and novel things, and the attention of modern people is too easy to be distracted.

Soon, everyone turned a blind eye from the initial curiosity, inquiries, and anticipation.

It seems that the huge billboard is like the most ordinary piece of concrete or brick, and it is no different from other street "pendants".

"It can't go on like this... I have to try to stimulate them more!!!"

Lin Suyang sat in the office, frowning and thinking for a long time.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Jianhai.

Although the boss is always busy, as long as a hotel employee calls him, he will be connected immediately.

But today the phone rang several times before it was picked up.


Chen Jianhai's voice came from Hua Jian, and he didn't sound like he was in a particularly good mood.

Lin Suyang hesitated for a while, then tentatively said, "Boss, is it convenient for you to speak now?"

"Convenient, you say." Chen Jianhai's voice sounded dull.

Lin Suyang said, "Boss, today I received the summer exclusive design drawings of Lang Ai, Jasmine and Lion Castle Hotel."

"Recently, the popularity of summer advertisements is a bit low. I want Tingting to shoot three different styles of themed advertisements based on these three different designs to attract the attention of the audience."

"If possible, it's better to make another short video to connect all three hotel themes together."

"In this way, the speed of refreshing the market's vision can be enhanced,"

"Secondly, the dissemination speed and dissemination breadth of this kind of video clips are better than the publicity effect of ordinary monolithic advertisements."

"Now it's only about a month and a half before the two cities and three places go online together in summer."

"If you can grasp this time period well,"

"Wait until the first day of summer Momo Coffee officially opens, it may not have a strong sales day."

Lin Suyang originally reported his thoughts.

However, although he thinks this idea is good, the probability of Chen Jianhai adopting it may not be high.

After all, when you shoot commercials and short video clips, every picture and every post is money.

Propaganda and marketing these things, to put it bluntly, are made with money.

you get what you pay for,

You have to admit how much money you want to make a big scene.

Although the propaganda department can do things like shooting videos and advertisements, the venue and everything are the hotel's own site so don't worry about it.

But now the big spenders are not advertising designers or media companies, but the actor Zhu Tingting.

Although it is said that Zhu Tingting is now the spokesperson of the Summer Momo brand,

But he is also a contract artist of "I didn't expect there is a" film and television company in Chunyang Province.

If you ask him to shoot short commercials, you still need money.

If the boss doesn't want to pay, then he has no idea whatsoever.

So, after talking about his main purpose, Lin Suyang politely went around the topic and said:

"Boss, I'm just mentioning a work idea. In fact, it's okay not to shoot commercials or short video clips."

"After all, the advertisements shot by the hotel before are very good, and they are completely sufficient in terms of publicity."

"And the exclusive theme coffee design is perfect..."

Before Lin Suyang finished speaking, Chen Jianhai's voice came from the phone.

"Shoot! Why not?!"

"Call Zhu Tingting out and shoot!!"

Chen Jianhai said it very firmly.

"So many endorsement fees, what's wrong with shooting a few commercials?!"

"Don't feel embarrassed to use him because he is from another film and television company."

"As long as you take my endorsement fee, you will treat him as a hotel employee. You can use him as you want!"

"If he dares to play a big game, I will go directly to their boss!"

Hearing Chen Jianhai's words, Lin Suyang was happy.

"Good boss!"

"I'm going to finalize the art planning and advertising design based on your design drawings, and try to shoot the advertisements and short films to replace them within half a month."

Chen Jianhai nodded and asked again:


"I have a question I've always wanted to ask, why don't you shoot the short film in the same way as you did in the first place?"

Lin Suyang was taken aback.

"Which original way?"

Chen Jianhai pondered for a while, and said, "Is it the way I was smeared with cream and made into a Vengeance Hotel Alliance?"

Lin Suyang was stunned for a moment, and immediately patted his head.

Isn't that the PPT that he and Zhao An made by cutting corners at the beginning, specifically to fool Chen Jianhai?

Boss, what does this mean?

Turn over old accounts? ?

Nowadays, the propaganda department is strong and strong, and everything they do is a real good video.

Under his firm control, he completely killed the idea and practice of using ppt to get away with it.

Today, when Chen Jianhai mentioned it again, Lin Suyang said with a guilty conscience:

"Boss, what's wrong with that method?"

Chen Jianhai's voice came from the words: "That method is very good! But it seems that you have only shot like this once, why don't you use it later?"

"Don't you think it's too much to spend money and can't bear it?"

Chen Jianhai asked the most concerned question in his heart.

In this hotel, not only is he afraid of being poor, but his employees are even more afraid of poverty.

When Lang Ai Hotel was first established, everyone was poor and white.

It was only thanks to his system and the hard work of his employees that he built the hotel little by little, and it is not easy to have the scale it is today.

Although he has always given the most money to the propaganda department,

But it is far from enough compared to other hotels.

The employees of the Propaganda Department are also eager to split a dollar into 10 flowers. If everything can be handled simply and optimally, they will save as much as possible.

It's okay to have no money before,

Now that I have a lot of money, I will definitely not be able to live a miserable life again.

"Don't be afraid to spend money."

Chen Jianhai opened his mouth with bitterness.

"As long as it is beneficial to the development of the hotel, as long as it is in line with the market and not extravagant, the marketing and publicity that should be done must be done!"

When Lin Suyang heard this, a big rock fell to the ground.

It turns out that the boss didn't come to look for the back account.

But then, a feeling of emotion came to my heart.

For so long, Chen Jianhai really had unconditional trust in them.

Whether it's their propaganda department or the personnel department next door,

As long as there is a need to spend money, Chen Jianhai never hesitates to allocate funds, trying his best to help them solve their worries and let them display their talents to the fullest.

Even if Chen Jianhai doesn't understand video,

But he still remembered the original PPT, for fear that his employees would not be able to use better equipment and technology because they were reluctant to spend money.

"Boss, the original way of shooting is outdated."

"Now our shooting techniques and methods are the latest. The effect is much better than before." Lin Suyang said.

Chen Jianhai said, "That's fine."

"You can control the specific situation of the propaganda yourself. If there is any difficulty that cannot be solved or you need to communicate with someone, you can come to me and I will solve it."

Hearing this, even if Chen Jianhai didn't stand in front of Lin Suyang,

Lin Suyang also stood up, held up the phone and nodded heavily towards the window, and said solemnly:

"Don't worry, boss, our publicity department will definitely handle the hotel's affairs beautifully!"

"Good boss, I know."

"I have nothing else to do here. If there is anything, I will report it to you at any time."

"Goodbye boss."

hang up the phone,

Lin Suyang clutched the phone and looked at the splendid lawn outside the Shibao Hotel window.

for a long time,

Lin Suyang took a deep breath, full of hesitation!

With the boss's approval, the following work can be carried out easily!

boss! ! !

You see,

These are the new mountains and rivers that I am about to build for you! ! !


Just as General Lin was sharpening his troops and preparing for the expedition,

In the cafe on the first floor of Langai Hotel,

Chen Jianhai looked at the game page on the phone screen dejectedly, frowning tightly.

Is there a bug in this God Buddha Butcher?

During the power battle just now at noon, two more Jiang Ziyas appeared on the other side,

The four-on-one did it for him directly.

Just as he was attentive, suddenly a light flashed in Chen Jianhai's mind!

What did Lin Suyang say just now?

The exclusive theme coffee design is perfect!

Did the system send him my design drawings?

Since the last time he finished designing the summer coffee theme design, he has been waiting for "the system to apply this wallpaper".

But when he wakes up every morning, the cafe still hasn't changed. He thought the system was broken.

Now, after hearing what Lin Suyang said, the co-authoring system entered his design into the database.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianhai directly recalled the system in his mind.


A familiar and cold voice resounded in his mind, and then a huge pale blue system panel opened in front of him.

Chen Jianhai chose the system mall, summer coffee, and special items.

Open the customization option, and three pictures with different styles and bright colors appear in front of you.

Chen Jianhai tilted his head, his eyes full of doubts.

You want to say that these three things were not painted by him, right?

But the perfunctory circles and blue waves above are indeed from my own handwriting

The five circles that I drew at that time, representing the orange cat, the parrot and the white peacock, are still intact on the design of the Langai Hotel, and even the location has not changed.

But you have to say that you painted it yourself.

The full of gorgeous colors and fillings of various shapes, at first glance, are added by the system.

"System, why is this design different from what I drew before!" Chen Jianhai said suspiciously.

"After testing, the original painting of the host does not meet the requirements for database application inclusion."

"In order to better guarantee the experience of using the system, ensure that the Ocean Star commodity system has completed the optimization and improvement of the host's original painting last night.


"After testing, in the host's custom original pictures, the custom picture share is 0.0001%, and the system post-optimization and improvement share is 99.9999%.

"According to the calculation, the host occupancy rate is less than 50%, these three design drawings belong to the system commodity,"

"The host does not have the right to use it independently. If you want to use it, please use the points to buy it."

I knock? !

Chen Jianhai raised his eyebrows,

What is it: The original painting of the host does not meet the requirements of the database application?

This is obviously because the system dislikes the theme of its own painting too low.

Add details to your own paintings, occupy your own theme designs, and then sell them to yourself!

The small means of making money are tightly manipulated by the system, it's so shameless!

Just when Chen Jianhai was frantically insulting the system in his heart, the system's familiar and cold voice resounded in his mind again.

5 Listen to the city

According to system detection, the three themed wallpapers are priced at 2,000 points per piece.

"Does the host spend points to purchase apps?"


Chen Jianhai spoke without hesitation.

Before the system could respond,

The "Host purchase and apply" message immediately popped up in the center of the panel, and the speed was so fast that it almost didn't crash the system.

Cursing is cursing, buying is buying!

Whoever does not buy such a good thing is a fool! !


"The system detects that the host has purchased Summer Momo Coffee's exclusive hotel coffee application theme,"

"The corresponding hotel card cafe theme renovation project will be applied at 2 o'clock tonight."

"In view of the current location of the cafe in the Lion Castle Hotel, please choose the location of the Summer Cafe in the Lion Castle Hotel."

With the system prompt,

On the panel appeared a huge three-dimensional map of the Lion's Castle Hotel.

Due to the large area of ​​Shibao Hotel, rich vegetation and beautiful scenery,

Therefore, when Chen Jianhai built the Lion Castle Hotel~www.readwn.com~, he did not deliberately set up a coffee shop.

Instead, he chose to design seven or eight outdoor cafes in the Squirrel Carriage Road, the Green Lake, the fountain flower bed, the castle shade and the rose garden in the Lion Castle Hotel Park.

The design of these cafes is very simple, with only coffee tables, sofa chairs and soft pillows.

As for the decoration, it is even easier!

What is the natural scenery of the location where the outdoor cafe is located, what is the decoration style, and everything is based on the natural landscape.

In order to better facilitate the leisure and vacation of hotel guests,

Even if the guests did not go to the fixed location of the outdoor cafe, but just chose a place to sit and rest,

You can also contact the housekeeper to send the location,

Order a cup of the drink you want on the hotel's official website, prepare it in the nearest coffee shop, and hand it over to the carriage staff.

One of Chen Jianhai's favorite things to do once,

It is to lie on the boat on Green Lake, order a cup of coffee on the mobile phone, and then the boating staff will deliver it to his boat.

Occasionally, he would sneak the rest of the coffee and pour it into the lake to give the mermaids a boost.

Because of this, Chen Jianhai's boat was beaten a lot.

Looking at the floor plan of the Lion Castle Hotel, Chen Jihai made a serious choice.

"The rose garden is a good place and the scenery is good. But if you build a small building, it will be unsightly from the outside... not good."

"The green lake and the castle were originally designed in the shape of a crescent moon hugging the Lion Castle. The CP has been locked. If there is another cafe, it will always seem like a competition for favor... Not here."

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