I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 523: Brother Cai, you are right!

Everything in front of you is like a mirage.

On the huge and luxurious golden wishing pool,

Nearly 100 statues of goddesses carved from smooth and delicate marble pillars with a height of 10 meters stand barefooted in the air with gods holding different musical instruments on the wishing pool, with firm eyes, sacred and gentle.

And above the goddess statue, another wishing pool is floating in the air like a mirage,

The spouting spring water flows out from the mouth of the bottle-supporting **** the back of the golden lion, flowing in all directions like a waterfall.

It is then pooled in the bottom pool.

The steps on both sides were faintly exposed in the flowing water, and someone vaguely climbed up the steps in the water to go to the Nvshen Hall.

"Brother Cai,"

"This fountain must be 70 meters high."

Xiang Dian raised his head, with a hint of despair in his voice.

Originally, the two of them were thinking of taking 3 days to get a rough outline of the Trevi Fountain by means of photography, line drawing, etc., and then waited to return to the company's studio to slowly describe the details.

But looking at it now,

This big fountain more than 70 meters high, let alone 3 days,

Even if the whole team comes to draw together, it will never come down without 3 months!

Men Youcai also turned ashen, forcibly pulled the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile:

"Yeah.... More than 70 meters high, which is about the same height as the 17th floor."

"But fortunately, the wishing pond above the Roman column looks the same as the wishing pond below."

"We just need to finish painting the Trevi Fountain below, and the... one hundred Roman columns of the goddess."

The atmosphere instantly became heavy.

Two people stood in front of the wishing pool, one on the left and one on the right, with their hands crossed in front of them to create a rectangular visual space, thinking about how

Present the wishing pool in its entirety as quickly as possible.

There are quite a lot of talents in the artist group of the digital smart game development company.

The reason why I chose the two of them to paint the Trevi Fountain,

It is because both of them are majored in architectural design, and they have a strong advantage in depicting buildings.

Many important scenes and pavilions in the game are designed by the two of them.

The most important Fengshen altar in Fengshen Buddha Temple was drafted and outlined by the two of them together.

If this architectural painting embarrassed both of them,

Not to mention the rest of the artist group, whoever came would be dumbfounded.

"I took a cursory look,"

"There are hundreds of gods on the reef shell alone in this wishing pool,"

"The Roman column is 20 horizontal and 15 vertical, and there are at least 70 on the periphery,"

"And the expressions of the goddesses on each pillar are completely different,"

"The task given to us by the team leader is to draw this wishing pool when the game version is updated next month."

"If we re-engraved the original 1:1 classic, this task would be impossible."

Men Youcai put down his hands for framing, stared at the huge floating wishing pool in front of him, and thought quickly.

"Moreover, the rendering of the game screen and the loading flow are limited."

"Fengshen Buddha is originally a mobile phone game, even the largest folding screen mobile phone on the market is only 8 inches."

"It is unrealistic to display such a huge building on an 8-inch display in great detail."

Xiang Dian nodded before: "Brother Cai, you are right! What should we do then?"

Men Youcai continued:

"I remember that when Director Qin gave us a meeting before, he once said such a sentence."

"The dreaminess and reality of the game itself determines that when we design game theme scenes and buildings, we must not only innovate greatly

Courageous and reasonable. "

"In the process of creating a virtual building, the most important thing is not to copy the appearance of the building, but to focus on the experience that the building brings to people."

Xiang Dianqian listened carefully to Men Youcai's words and said, "Brother Cai, you are right! What should we do?"

Before Men Youcai did not answer Xiang Dian, he continued to analyze:

"I just took a closer look,"

"Although the golden wishing pool is magnificent and delicate in shape, it is completely different from the Fengshen Buddha in terms of the elements presented."

"We Fengshen Buddha is an ancient cyberpunk game with the theme of the myth of the gods in our country,"

"And the gods of the Wishing Pool in front of me are all ancient gods cultural series belonging to foreign countries, and even the goddess statues on the Roman columns have the flavor of ancient Greek Olympus."

"If we really re-engraved the Wishing Pool into the Fengshen Game Card Pool,"

"Don't wait for gamers to spit at that time,"

"The company alone can't get around us."

Xiang Dianqian shuddered: "I said why I've been looking at this wishing well all the time."

"It turned out that the biggest difference turned out to be here!"

Xiang Dian Qian slapped his thigh fiercely,

"Brother Cai, you are right!

So what should we do? "

Men You Cai pondered for a while.

"I think,"

"What we have to do now is definitely not to restore the appearance of the Trevi Fountain,"

"It is to express the sense of piety in the hearts of those who pray in the wishing pool and the sense of destiny in the game."

"The best virtual buildings are never how similar you imitate,"

"It's you who is in it, and her story unfolds in front of you like a picture scroll."

Xiang Dianqian looked at the door with great admiration:

"Brother Cai, you are right!

So what should we do? "

There was a hint of courage and determination in Men Youcai's eyes.

"Keep the prototype and make appropriate changes!"

"We came to Zaomen, not to sketch, but to design card pools for games,"

"Everything has to serve the interests and themes of the game."

"The main building of the Golden Wishing Pond is the six golden lions on the ground and in the air. This element must be preserved."

"The gods under the golden lion statue can be slightly blurred..."

"For example, when we conceived plot characters and bosses before, we left a lot of hand-painted scraps of characters and bosses."

"These scraps are not related to the existing game modeling, and secondly, the character modeling fits the theme of the game, and these scraps can be used to replace the gods under the lion's feet."

"For another example, for the more than 80 goddess pillars, we can use light and shadow to blur the character patterns on them,"

"Only draw game characters in the brightest and most conspicuous places."

"In this way, more than 80 characters can be constructed with less than 6 characters."

"For another example, we can completely replace the bottle-supporting girls sitting on the six lions with the six most popular characters in the game."

"And once this master setup infrastructure is in place,"

"If we update any character version in the future, we can replace the character on the lion's back at any time."

"As long as the character modeling of the setting group is completed, it is OK to directly input the program, which saves a lot of engineering in the later stage."

Xiang Dianqian looked at Men Youcai with admiration: "Brother Cai, you are right!

! Then we do it! "

Perfect, so perfect!

When he first saw this golden wishing pool, Xiang Dian's head was completely blank, and he wanted to quit.

But after listening to Men Youcai's analysis, everything suddenly went smoothly.


They are not pure realist painters, they come here to do sketches and paintings,

Instead, he draws the card pool as a game artist!

If there is no analysis of the door and wealth, and the theme of the painting is smooth, then it is easy to deviate in the direction.

Once a game deviates from the direction of the style of painting and the direction of culture, it means that it will be sentenced to death.

No matter how much effort and time you put in, you will go further and further down the wrong path.

And, what is art?

Art is the reprocessing and re-creation of the real world!

As long as they are based on the six lions in the golden wishing pool of the Lion Castle Hotel, it is not a big deal to make some changes in the details.



Men Youcai and Xiang Dian took out their mobile phones, took a photo and recorded a video of the golden wishing pool in front of them.

To the team leader, explained the project situation and painting ideas,

After obtaining the consent of the group leader,

Only then did the two take out their iPads, and in accordance with the previous model of countless cooperation, they divided the labor and conducted the wishing pool in front of them in an orderly manner.

Break down the painting...


As noon approaches,

Many people came out of the hotel building and came to the wishing pool with their mobile phones.

Although judging from the latest feedback, the number of occupants at Shituoling Hotel is not very large.

But in fact, many players have noticed the golden wishing pool, and they have come to draw cards one after another with curiosity.

"Are the two people in front painting?"

Pang Xuexen carried the drawing board on his back and looked at the door in front of the wishing pool in front of You Cai and Xiang Dian, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

During this period of time, he has been eating and staying at the Lion Castle Hotel, constantly looking for inspiration to paint.

Maybe it's time to turn,

Or maybe it's because his style of painting fits the dark fairy tale of Lion Castle Hotel.

After my own concept painting of the wizard of Vicham was posted on the Internet of Little Peter, the attention and likes are getting more and more day by day.

Even now, he has personally opened the official real-name comic author qualification certification in Little Peter, and the fans under his name have exceeded 200,000.

This was something he hadn't even dared to think about before.

Originally, he was going to continue to draw the theme map of the playground today.

But there is no way. In order to build the joint project, the entire area of ​​the Fantasy City is now blocked, and it is impossible to enter at all.

He had nothing to do around, and when he heard that a floating cafe was built above the Wishing Pond, he came to see it curiously and wanted to draw something different.

Just came here,

He was attracted by the holy and beautiful huge building in front of him.

Such an ingenious idea!

Fuck this beautiful building!

This is simply art!

Pang Xuexen trembled with excitement.

No one he has seen for so many years has as many gods as the golden lions under the Wishing Pond.

If I could draw all of this wishing pool...

Pang Xuexen trembled all over, and he was shocked by this crazy thought.

take a deep breath

Pang Xuexen quickly composed the picture in his mind, wanting to choose the best angle and line of sight to paint,

But at this time, he found to his dismay that the best position had been firmly occupied by Men Youcai and Xiang Dianqian.

Pang Xuexen glanced at the backs of the two people very resentfully,

And choose carefully for half a day,

Finally, not far from Men Youcai and Xiang Dian, he took out a pony, a drawing board, and a pencil, and sat down to sketch slowly.

When he took out a pencil and measured the central axis of the gesture in the air,

Men Youcai and Xiang Dian also stopped the brushes in their hands and turned to look at Pang Xuexen.

Pang Xuexen turned his head to look at the two of them.

They both saw a trace of admiration and admiration in each other's eyes.

"In such a huge building, he chose to use primitive and simple drawing tools such as pencil and drawing paper. This old man is really a ruthless man!"

"For such a huge building, you choose to use an electronic painting tool like an ipad for digital painting. These two brothers are really ruthless!"

With respect for each other,

Pang Xuexen, Men Youcai and Xiang Dianqian nodded friendly to each other as a greeting,

Then they bowed their heads and began to draw their own.

"Reed Reed"

With the sound of the nib rubbing on the paper, the water flows from the fountain minute by minute through the finger gaps with cocoons.

Saw someone painting in front of the Trevi Fountain,

Many guests and hotel staff stood beside them curiously to watch,

Everyone who has seen the paintings in front of Men You Cai and Xiang Dian will say something in admiration:

"It's so beautiful, the painting is so beautiful!"

And every person who passed by Pang Xuexen's painting, his face changed slightly,

First, he looked up suspiciously and looked at the Wishing Pond.

Looking at Pang Xuexen's painting in shock again,

In the end, he left quietly and lightly,

His eyes were filled with: I'm sorry for disturbing you.


There is a dryness in the autumn air,

The majestic Lion Castle Hotel cast a huge light and shadow on the ground under the projection of the sun.

A bright red glow hangs in the sky, the cry of an unknown blue-purple big-tailed bird on the trees and horseshoe ruts on the white cobblestone road

The voices echo each other,

The pace of this city is very fast.

But the rhythm of this hotel is visibly slow and charming.

Pang Xuexen has always been a person who lives in his own world~www.readwn.com~ He is completely uninterested in the fast-paced life and hurried footsteps of other people.

For him, the wishing pool in front of him was the more precious thing.

Although the sun is about to fall, the light is not very friendly to him,

But the shadow of this mottled and flowing water is more in line with his painting habits and painting style, and even the whole person is more serious

immersed in painting

"This old man is really getting more and more energetic as he draws!"

Men Youcai and Xiang Dianqian looked at Pang Xuexen curiously.

Although everyone is a painter, the two of them like to draw and are good at drawing,

But for the two of them, painting was work, a means of earning a living.

The content of the painting in front of them is just a task for them, not what they want to paint in their hearts.

So naturally, he couldn't be as dedicated as Pang Xuexen.

Men Youcai put the stylus back next to the ipad and looked at the paintings in front of him and Xiang Dian.

Although there are only rough lines and outlines on the board, there is no specific coloring and refinement.

But the entire golden wishing well has been sketched out.

Since the two people painted this time, they did not pursue panoramic restoration.

Instead, it mainly expresses the inner piety of those who wish in the wishing pool and the sense of destiny in the game.

So under the influence of this feeling and tone,

The whole painting reveals a bright sense of splendor, as if countless gods and epics are about to be born in the hall behind the Roman column.

From the heart there is a feeling of worship.

"I don't know what that old man drew."

With curiosity.

Men Youcai and Xiang Dian held the iPad in front of them and walked in the direction of Pang Xuexen.

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