I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 527: Where is your shop?


Dozens of hands were raised in unison.

The only ones who didn't raise their hands were Chen Jianhai, Lin Tao and Su Jie.

However, the strength of the three of them was insignificant at all, and then Tong Tongsheng's voice sounded:

"Good! Pass."

and many more……

What the **** is passed!

Chen Jianhai was anxious: "Boss Tong, I'm new here, and I'm very quiet. All the people here are my seniors. It's not suitable for me to be elected as the president of the association!"

Tong Tongsheng waved his hand and said, "Boss Chen, the traditional concept of the older generation is no longer suitable. In today's society, the able ones come first and speak with strength."

"In just six months since you came to Zaomen, your achievements are obvious to all. There is no one more suitable than you."

Results... What did I do? !

Chen Jianhai was a little confused.

Until now, few people have stayed in his Shituoling Hotel, and the turnover has been appalling, and he has been unable to make ends meet.

And he was so young that he had never been a team leader in Dalian, let alone the president.

Isn't that bullshit!

Lin Tao looked at Chen Jianhai with a pale face, his lips trembling slightly.

Everyone is the same to open a hotel in Zaomen, the same group to join the club, and the same group to run the business on Cream Road.

In terms of turnover, the Colorful Holiday Resort Hotel is almost dozens of times that of the Lion Castle Hotel, but why...

Why can Chen Jianhai become the president of Zaomen Intermediate Hotel Association? !

Boss Lin, who has been diligent and strong all his life, felt a little sore in his throat. He had managed to keep his body well before and got angry again.

Chen Jianhai looked at Su Jie for help, but found that the other party was also stunned, obviously unaware of today's meeting arrangement.

"Boss Tong, I'm really not suitable."

Chen Jianhai was a little anxious: "In terms of experience, ability, and management, all of you here are my teachers and seniors, and they are the objects of my study and follow. I am really not suitable."

As soon as these words came out, all the bosses present spoke up.

"Boss Chen, you are too modest!"

"Yes, Boss Chen, the achievements you made in Nanjiang are obvious to all."

"Our group of people's old ideas have already been finalized, and we can't come up with any new ideas or solutions. What we need most is fresh blood like you."

Good guy... this is going to bleed me!

Chen Jianhai's scalp went numb.

No wonder Tong Tongsheng didn't let himself sit on the edge of the corner today, co-authoring today is the grand door, and he has to sit in the main seat.

Then... I'm sorry, Boss Lin!

Chen Jianhai gritted his teeth and decided that everyone would die together, and pulled Lintao to block the gun and go into the water.

"Actually, as far as fresh blood is concerned, I think Boss Lin from Colorful Holiday Resort is the most suitable!"

Chen Jianhai looked sincere: "Boss Lin originally came back from studying abroad, and has rich learning experience and management experience."

"The Colorful Holidays Resort belongs to the Magic Century Theme Park and is quite powerful."

"I don't think there is a more suitable candidate than Boss Lin."

Lin Tao was stunned when he heard this!

Grab the asparagus!

What are you doing with me at this time!

Tong Tongsheng responded very quickly and said, "Boss Lin is naturally excellent, but the colorful holiday resort belongs to the Magic Century Theme Park. The traffic and workload are too large, and Boss Lin is too busy to take up positions in the association."

Chen Jianhai was angry.

Dad doesn't have time!

He can't even have a single hotel, and I have three hotels!

"Boss Chen, don't refuse any more."

Tong Tongsheng looked straight at Chen Jianhai, his eyes were not calculated or gloating, but full of sincerity and pleading.

Chen Jianhai was originally a soft-hearted person, and when he saw the other party's eyes, his emotions of resistance were weakened by most.

"Yeah, Boss Chen, don't refuse. You are the president of the board."

The rest of the people followed suit.

Seeing that it was difficult for Chen Hai to ride a tiger, he glanced at Su Jie, wanting to see if the other party could do anything.

But Su Jie also showed hesitation and entanglement, and it seemed that he was not sure whether this matter was good or bad.

It seems that today is not over.

Chen Jianhai quickly calmed down, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "But I just came to Zaomen for a few days, and I am not familiar with the place of life, so I rashly accepted this president, and I don't understand many things..."

Tong Tongsheng said, "These are not problems!"

"In addition to the president, this team also has the vice president and other key members, and Secretary-General Su is also a fellow of Boss Chen. We will do our best to help you!"

Hearing the words "Fuxing Zuo", Chen Jianhai's scalp went numb.

I know that this is the president of the Shell Hotel Industry Association,

Those who didn't know thought that he wanted the yellow robe to add his body and make himself king.

Tong Tongsheng then said: "The candidate for the chairman has been determined, let's determine the candidates for the vice chairman and other team members..."

Everything after that is like watching a movie. ,

Tong Tongsheng said the name of the proposed person, and everyone was responsible for raising their hands to vote.

Chen Jianhai now has a special status and it is not convenient to raise his hand.

Lin Tao is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, and today is not his home court, as long as he follows everyone to express his position.

Su Jie was in charge of taking the minutes of the meeting next to him, and his expression was serious from beginning to end.

Soon, a new team was elected.

President: Chen Jianhai

Vice President: Tong Tongsheng

The other members are not known to Chen Jianhai, but they are all Tong Tongsheng people.

The warm applause rang in his ears, and Chen Jianhai, like an outsider, applauded along with the people next to him.

"President Chen, you can do it with confidence! All of us will firmly support you!"

Tong Tongsheng stood up and stretched out his right hand towards Chen Jianhai.

Chen Jianhai quickly stood up and stretched out his hand, looking flattered: "Thank you for your trust in me, I will definitely aim at the high-level hotel association, and do my best!"

At the end of the meeting, Tong Tongsheng and the new team members did not leave in a hurry. They first led Chen Jianhai around the Shell Hotel Industry Association to briefly understand the situation.

Then he briefly introduced the current situation and hotel distribution of Zaomen Hotel, and handed over some confidential data and documents.

When everything was almost explained, Tong Tongsheng and others also ended in a timely manner, saying goodbye to Chen Jianhai and leaving.

Only Chen Jianhai and Su Jie were left in the president's office, slowly digesting this fact.

"This table, cabinet, and sofa are all new...and it smells of formaldehyde."

Chen Jianhai opened the window with a wry smile on his face.

"Brother Su, you don't pay attention, don't tell me about such a big thing."

"If you tell me that I am the protagonist in today's meeting, I will definitely not come back."

Su Jie was in a hurry.

"Boss Chen, I really don't know!


"When they cleaned up the office a few days ago, I thought Tong Tongsheng would come up. I really didn't expect them to push you up."


The two men sighed heavily.

"Originally, I was thinking of going back to Nanjiang to help the Coconut Umbrella Hotel Industry Association to rush to the high-level association. Now I don't even think about it anymore, my body is completely tied here."

Chen Jianhai sighed and opened the desks and cabinets.

These people...the service attitude and details are really not good at all, not even a smell-absorbing charcoal bag in the cabinet and drawer.

"Three hotels are not enough for me to run, and now there is one more association..."

Su Jie looked at Chen Jianhai's frown and said:

"Boss Chen, I'll give you some charcoal buns and green dill when I look back."

Chen Jianhai opened his mouth and said, "Don't fix that, it's slow. Brother Su, you can just see which room has unused desks and cabinets and replace it for me."

Su Jie objected: "You are the chairman now, how can you use the old one?!"

Chen Jianhai sighed: "What is the president, he's just a worker. You can just give me a whole set of boring desks that you can use. Anyway, I'm here to work, and it doesn't matter whether it's new or old."

Su Jie nodded helplessly: "Okay..."

"Then I'll put your new set of desks, chairs, and cabinets in another office for flavor. After half a year and a year, it's gone, and I'll replace it for you."

Chen Jianhai smiled bitterly: "Brother Su, you have confidence in me. I don't know if I can last for a year and a half."

I haven't figured out the 500,000 points, but now I have another job to impact the senior association.

This life... why is it so difficult!

After walking out of the association, Chen Jian Haichu with a sad face was standing at the corner of the street. Watching the cars coming and going, he sighed faintly, feeling a little hungry in his stomach.

How to solve worries, only barbecue.

"Let's go, Xiaofan~ I'll take you to the Zaomen East Sea Dragon Palace in General Lang."


Since it's just over the meal, there are not many dining guests in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the skewering is also very fast.

Chen Jianhai was really hungry, so he immediately started eating the meat skewers, but Wen Zifan kept looking at his phone, not knowing what he was contacting.

Seeing that he was almost finished, Wen Zifan frowned and said, "Boss, there was another 3 million remittance in the hotel account just now."

"Well, I see." Chen Jianhai nodded and drank the Coke in the cup.

Now money is not something he should worry about.

He is not short of money.

"Maybe it's the deposit from Chunyang Province who 'didn't expect there to be a' film and television company?" Chen Jianhai asked indifferently.

"No." Wen Zifan shook his head: "I checked, the previous remittance of 60 million from the hotel and the remittance of 3 million this morning were not from Xiao Caishen and the film and television company."

Chen Jianhai was startled, and looked at Wen Zifan in doubt.

"I just checked with their financial department, and the other party clearly replied that they did not give us the money." Wen Zifan paused and asked:

"Did you talk about cooperation with other companies, and this is the money someone sent us?"

"No... I've had three business talks recently," Chen Jianhai put down the meat skewers in his hands, his eyes full of confusion.

63 million is not a small amount, who would pay so much money to their hotel for no reason.

The key is who has the strength to make so much money for himself? !

"Let's go back to the hotel first." Chen Jianhai picked up a tissue to wipe his mouth, stood up and walked towards the gate of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Xiaolang had already explained it to the staff of Donghai Dragon Palace before.

Whenever Chen Jianhai comes to eat, he will be free of bills and no money.

But today, before Chen Jianhai stepped out of the store, the barbecue staff on the side chased after him.

"Brother Chen, you haven't settled the bill yet."

Chen Jian Haitou didn't even reply, and said directly: "The account is on your boss's head."

just kidding~

Xiaolang eats and drinks in his hotel every day for free, how dare his barbecue shop accept his own money?

"Brother Chen, our boss has changed."

Chen Jianhai paused in footsteps and looked back at the other party with a shocked expression:

"What did you say?"


A thousand miles of Gangneung in one day~

Thanks to the high-speed rail, Chen Jianhai finally understood the meaning of this poem.

At 9 o'clock that night, Chen Jianhai hurriedly got off the train, stopped a car, and went directly to Xiaolang BBQ restaurant.

In front of the barbecue restaurant, Xiao Lang and Xu Bo were sitting at a small square table drinking on a plastic stool under the street lamps.

"Brother! Why are you here!"

Seeing Chen Jianhai, Xiaolang quickly got up excitedly, and pulled a stool from the side for Chen Jianhai to sit on.

"What do you want to eat? Do you want to eat canned food?"

Chen Jianhai had a calm face: "Where's your store?"

Xiao Lang turned back and pointed to the barbecue restaurant, "My restaurant is here."

"Where's your shop?!"

With the same sentence, Chen Jianhai stared at Xiaolang and asked again.


Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Xiao Lang spread out his hands in a dashing manner: "Isn't the hotel short of money, Dad will give you the whole time, and you will have to pay it back then."

Chen Jianhainao Guazi "buzzed".

His lips were dry and his voice was a little hoarse:

"Donghai Dragon Palace can't sell 60 million~www.readwn.com~ What else are you selling?!"

Xiao Lang said indifferently: "There are three baby horses."

"Those three baby horses have been around for several years anyway. I've been disliked by them for a long time. I just sold them this time..."

"You big idiot!"

Chen Jianhai punched Xiaolang firmly in the face.

Xiao Lang was caught off guard, and even people, stools and tables fell to the ground, and the wine bottle murmured on the ground for a few times, and many people with loud voices cast curious glances.

"What are you doing crazy!" Xiao Lang was also angry.

The two scuffled on the ground, and greeted each other's face and body with a fistful of fists.

"What else are you selling! Where did the 3 million come from!??"

Chen Jianhai's eyes were red and he grabbed Xiaolang's neck and asked.

"3 million... what 3 million?! Dad will give you a total of 60 million pocket money." Xiaolang said angrily.

not you...

Chen Jianhai turned his head to look at Da Bo who was sitting on the small plastic stool beside him.

The disgraced Xiaolang who was beaten followed Chen Jianhai's eyes and asked in amazement:

"Dabo, you also sold things? What did you sell for 3 million without a family and no business?"

Although everyone is the second generation and the second generation of the store,

But Chen Jianhai and Xiaolang are real small bosses who inherit the family business.

Xu Bo is still a young man waiting to be fed, waiting for Xu Ba spy to give living expenses,

Even if he has a waist, he will not be able to reach 3 million.

Xu Bodan smiled and said, "Don't look down on me, Dad relies on his ability to eat."

"I sold the recipe for handmade dragon beard lotus noodles from the God of Cooking contest to a food processor,"

"Although the money is small...but it is the way of a literate person."

"Isn't it cool?"

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