I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 61: Dazzling Wedding Themes

Who says successful experiences cannot be replicated?

The successful experience in front of you, if you don't study it, you have to blaze a new path yourself.

That's a big fool!

Actually, since the last time he came back from the Warm and Beautiful Hotel, Chen Jianhai already had the idea of ​​having a wedding season in his heart.

Nanjiang was originally a coastal city.

Beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.

Every year when the wedding season arrives, many people fly in from all over the country.

Direct wedding, honeymoon, vacation one-stop.

Sometimes hotels are in short supply.

Some hotels can even be booked half a year in advance.

At that time, the Warm and Beautiful Hotel made its fortune through weddings.

Maybe... He Chen Jianhai can too!

Thinking of this,

Chen Jianhai excitedly clicked on the "Ocean Star Romantic Wedding" icon.

"Mission description: sea, romance, love... Countless people witness the eternity of love in front of the sea. The beauty of the line connecting the sea and the sky is not only the collision between the sky and the sea, but also the promise of two people walking together hand in hand."

"Task requirements: Please complete at least one themed romantic wedding ceremony of the ocean star within 30 days."

Then, more than a dozen wedding-themed icons with different pictures and styles appeared.

It's like opening the computer game folder,

It is full of activity icons of various styles and screens, and it looks dazzling!

"Are there so many items in the system's optional tasks?"

"You can still choose your own theme!?"

Chen Jianhai was shocked.

With a curious mind,

Chen Jianhai clicked on a black, gold and dark red icon, a bit like the icon of Diablo,

As soon as the icon is selected,

On the system panel in front of him, a lonely castle at the end of the ocean flashed instantly.

【mission details】

Arches, Roman columns, candlestick crystal lamps, several red spiral staircases...

Red-gold, dark red and golden flaming roses quietly covered every inch of the hotel's walls overnight,

The warm blood-red roses cling to the golden flower stand, the vines twist around the handrail of the stairs, winding down along the steps,

The petals scattered all over the ground, the blooming immortal flowers and the giant roses on the plate,

The flower bones on the red velvet tablecloth enrich the retro romantic atmosphere.

Makes you feel like you are in the world of ancient castles,

Beauty and the Beast's European-style retro-themed wedding awaits you.

【Task Description】

Mission consumption: 1000 points to unlock.

Duration: 7 days.

The relevant theme props to which the wedding belongs, the host can purchase it at the props store.


"It's boring."

Seeing the last five words "Beauty and the Beast",

Chen Jianhai suddenly lost interest!

Thanks to the system drawing the theme icons so dazzlingly, it turned out to be just a fairy tale-themed wedding.


Who is the beauty and who is the beast? !

If you tell the groom that you are going to play the beast when you get married today,

The best man will play Mr. Broom and the watch butler,

Look at whether you will be beaten!

Is there anything else? !

Chen Jian Customs dropped the page, returned to the theme icon page and selected it again.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a page, and his eyes lit up!

"Future sci-fi cool wedding theme... This is so cool!"

open the icon,

The screen instantly switches to the sea of ​​stars in the depths of the universe.

【mission details】

Dress? Suit? Wedding dress?

Ha ha!

Go to your ordinary!

Take off the wedding dress, take off the shirt,

Let the mecha battleship be our dress!

With the stars and sea as the auditorium, and the sky-filled cannon fire at the end of the universe as the salute.

In the passion of blood and artillery fire, complete our wedding!

The sea of ​​stars, will see you eventually!

【Task Description】

Mission consumption: 1000 points to unlock.

Duration: 7 days.

The relevant theme props to which the wedding belongs, the host can purchase it at the props store.

"This is so cool!!"

Chen Jianhai opened the props store.

"Battleship floats, heavy salutes, mecha wedding dresses, cabin wedding rooms, full-breath 360° dining room star setting..."

This is to move the entire interstellar universe!

"This Nima... I really want to have it!!!"

Chen Jianhai trembled with excitement,

This is a concept wedding full of sci-fi and futuristic,

It just fits all his fantasies about weddings since he was a child!

If he could hold such a wedding,

Xiaolang and Dabo's envious eyes must be flushed red.

Take a deep breath,

He poured half a cup of hot water to calm down.

Finally regained the only trace of reason left in his heart.

He resolutely exited the current page, his eyes selected on the screen again.

Suddenly, a string of headlines caught his attention.

"Doomsday wandering zombie bride-themed wedding."

Chen Jianhai's eyes lit up,

"This looks pretty good too!!"

open the icon,

A picture of wasteland full of death and hope, ruins and new life appeared in front of Chen Jianhai's eyes.

【mission details】

The fall of the surface, the apocalyptic wasteland, the tilt of the plane...

The land becomes a barren hill, civilization is polluted,

Great changes and strange beasts~www.readwn.com~In the afterlife of **** and flames and yellow sand,

The morning sun will finally reflect on the blue sea one day,

You and I will stand on the ruins of the world,

Bury the ashes of the apocalypse with love,

In the name of "creation", open a new era of life!

【Task Description】

Mission consumption: 1000 points to unlock.

Duration: 7 days.

The relevant theme props to which the wedding belongs, the host can purchase it at the props store.

Chen Jianhai was dumbfounded.

"This... is this a wedding ceremony?"

In Chen Jianhai's mind, countless question marks popped up.

"When other people hold weddings, they are all relatives and friends, and they sit under the ceremony stage to send blessings,"

"This apocalyptic wasteland of zombie brides, is it difficult for the bride and groom to hold machine guns, bow and arrows, and cannons on their waists, shoot garlands and spray flowers at relatives and friends who come up all the way, shoot everyone around them, and then stand Say 'I do' in the auditorium?"

Chen Jianhai didn't understand, really didn't understand.

He doesn't know about others,

But if his parents were still there, he would hold such a wedding in front of a lot of relatives,

The biological father who will definitely be beaten doesn't know.


He knows the power of the system,

A casual 360° VR panorama is definitely not a joke.

Whether it is picture, sound, special effects,

It can definitely be described as "immersive".

At that time, a lively and festive wedding will turn into a new era of death that opens the doomsday wasteland.

It was easy for the children to cry when they were frightened on the spot.

If there is an old man with a bad heart, it will be a big trouble.

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