I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 70: Fill another fire for Wang Wanwan



"I know."

"Let's talk about this later."

Chen Jianhai hung up the phone, his teeth hurt so bad, he was completely convinced by these little girls.

At a time when the hotel is so critical,

For your year-end bonus, the boss personally went to the battle to discuss the big business of tens of millions,

Even if you don't help,

Just at this juncture, he called me to report black...

"Boss Chen, do you have something to do?" Xu Yong asked with concern.

Everyone is a manager.

I am harassed by various things every day,

Many people and many things are waiting for you to make a decision, but find a way.

Very busy and very tired.

Xu Yong felt the same way in this regard.

"It's okay, little things."

Chen Jianhai enthusiastically led the two to the yard, pushed open a beautiful flower door,

Outside this door is the golden beach of the hotel.

"The beach in our hotel is very beautiful, but unfortunately it's night. If you come during the day, I can make a big statement. You will definitely fall in love with my golden beach."

Chen Jianhai gave a confident introduction.

If someone else said this, Xu Yong and Wang Wanwan would just laugh it off.

But the two of them are still immersed in the shock of the underwater suite and the lost world,

Hearing Chen Jianhai complimenting his beach so much,

Immediately in my heart, I was also full of curiosity about this beach.

Wang Wanwan even crouched down, grabbed the sand in her hand, and said in surprise:

"This sand is really fine!"

Chen Jianhai smiled.

"Ms. Wang, the most beautiful scenery is ahead, and the sand will leave him alone."

With that said, Chen Jianhai walked in front, Xu Yong and Wang Wanwan walked behind suspiciously,

I really don't understand what to see in the dark sea.

But just a few steps away,

Wang Wanwan paused first,

A pair of eyes staring at the sea under the moonlight,

Immediately after that, he opened his legs, ignoring the sand and running into his shoes, and hurriedly ran towards the trestle by the sea.

"Wanwan, slow down!"

"You have a baby in your belly!"

Xu Yong hurried over to protect his fiancée tightly.

Extremely tired.

After Wang Wanwan became pregnant, she kept saying that she would run and run, and that she would eat ice cream when she said she would eat ice cream. She didn't pay attention to her body at all.

Only when talking about wearing a wedding dress do you lower your head and notice that there is still a little life in your belly.

"It's so beautiful."

Wang Wanwan's voice was soft and soft, like a small hook, which gently tightened Xu Yong's heart.

also ticked,

And Boss Chen's clever ears!

Hearing this admiration,

Chen Jianhai smiled "hehe".

Wang Wanwan was hooked!

For a person who likes the sea,

What can be more attractive than a beautiful glass sea trestle erected on the sea!

A full 200-meter-long glass trestle into the sea has been erected to look like a small European town's bright flower bridge.

The glass is inlaid with various Baroque flower decorations and frescoes.

Turn on the lights at night.

It seems to be a dream flower bridge over the sea.

And at the end of the trestle,

It is a glass pavilion filled with sea water and also decorated with baroque.

The pavilion is very beautifully carved.

Against the background of the lights, it looks like a small church on the sea, painted with various goddesses and cute little angels.

"This is the blue sky oath witness stand."

Chen Jianhai stood up in time to explain.

"The original intention of the design at that time,"

"I just want the groom and the bride to make a permanent vow to the sea in this place, and then walk through this trestle together, come from the sea, and receive blessings and celebrations from relatives and friends."

"After all, the beautiful Venus also came out of the sea, right?"

Chen Jianhai was talking nonsense in a serious manner,

Crazy recalling all the film, TV and cartoon knowledge in mind.

This wedding introduction trip,

For the first time in Chen Jianhai's life, he felt that his knowledge reserve was so poor.

The little fairy tales that I know are almost hollowed out.

The only thing left is Thanos!

However, although he doesn't have enough knowledge, he can't hold back the strong imagination of the hero and heroine!

Hearing the word "Venus",

Wang Wanwan's eyes lit up!

She raised her head and looked carefully at the frescoes on the ceiling of the "Blue Waves Pledge Witness Stand".


"The drawing on it is actually Venus going to the sea."

Chen Jianhai: ...? ? ?

This made me confused!

The three walked on the beach for a while,

Although the climate of Nanjiang City is extremely pleasant,

But it was night after all, the sea breeze was cool,

Wang Wanwan is pregnant with a baby and is a little weak.

The three stepped on the sand before returning to the hotel with Wang Wanwan, who was still unsure.


There is one last big piece of hardware left:

The Lost World has a full 360°AR restaurant scene.

Chen Jianhai is extremely confident!

As long as he brings the hero and heroine to the restaurant set,

You can capture the hearts of two people in an instant!

"Thank you Boss Chen, I don't want to see it anymore."

halfway there,

Suddenly Wang Wanwan refused.

Chen Jianhai's smile instantly solidified on his face.

What do you mean?

What does it mean?

Didn't you like my hotel or what?

Was your liking just now a disguise?

Chen Jianhai was stunned.

Although Xu Yong was not stunned, he was also a little anxious:

"Wanwan, are you too tired and uncomfortable today?"

Wang Wanwan shook her head.

softly said,

"I want to surprise myself."

Chen Jianhai smiled.

Heart: ? ? ?

Can you speak clearly!

What is a surprise? !

Is the surprise in your mouth really a surprise, or a fright to me!

"I want to leave some room for imagination for my wedding."

"If I read it all now, I'm afraid I won't have any expectations by then."

Wang Wanwan spoke very seriously~www.readwn.com~ She looked up at Xu Yong and seemed to be talking about her decision.

As soon as these words came out,

Chen Jianhai's tears are about to fall!

"Okay, then listen to Ms. Wang. We won't look at the last theme match."

"However, for this theme wedding, the hotel specially made three sets of wedding dresses. I wonder if Ms. Wang wants to take a look?"

"Wedding dress?!"

Wang Wanwan was surprised.

"You still have a wedding dress here?!"

"Of course." Chen Jianhai replied with a smile.

"In order to give the bride the best wedding effect, our hotel specially ordered three sets of wedding dresses this time."

"As long as it's a bride who buys a theme wedding at our hotel, you can have it for free."

After speaking,

Chen Jianhai looked at Wang Wanwan's delighted and curious expression with great satisfaction,

A successful smile appeared in his heart.

Sure enough,

Girls have absolutely no resistance to beautiful clothes, especially wedding dresses!

This is the result of his statistics in the wedding survey of all female employees of the hotel.

In every female employee's dream wedding,

The wedding dress has an absolute advantage, crushing the wedding ring and becoming the most important thing for girls at the wedding!

It didn't cost him 2,000 points to buy these three wedding dresses.

Anyway, since Wang Wanwan has already tended to hold the wedding at the Langai Hotel,

I just added a fire myself to make this tendency burn more vigorously!

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