I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 74: This marriage...I'm not getting married

early morning,

There was a bad incident in the Langai Hotel in which "landscapers were angry with plant scissors and shopping with kitchen knives".


There was no bloodshed and no casualties in this incident.

The impact of the incident is small,

In the end, Comrade Xu Qiaoni, the hotel noodle-pulling king, suppressed the situation and **** the plant shears.

Only then did everyone control the main beating contestant, Comrade Zhu Tingting, in time.

Saved the reputation of the hotel.

The office of the owner of the Langai Hotel.

"Are you going to rebel! You're crazy!"

"Dare to go to the kitchen to fight... You are not afraid of being beaten to death by them!"

Chen Jianhai kicked Zhu Tingting on the body, his face flushed with anger!

on the ground,

Throwing away the plant shears that were covered with dough, it was sticky and looked... a little disgusting.

Zhu Tingting cocked his neck with a dissatisfied expression:

"Boss, I'm just trying to scare them! Otherwise Jonny won't want to paste my scissors with dough!"

"I'm giving them a step down!"

When Dao Dun heard this, he was angry.

"You fart!"

"If it wasn't for our brother Johnny who didn't have the same knowledge as you, give us a wink, let us release water, and give you a step down."

"Do you think you can kill three in and three out in the kitchen?!"

"Just to liquidate one person, throwing a plate can fly you to death!"

Listening to the two people coming and going again and again is like talking cross talk,

Chen Jianhai kicked the knife pier hard again.

"Shut up for me too!"

"I usually look at you very clever, why are you making trouble today!"


Chen Jianhai stared at Zhu Tingting,

"Tell me, why are you going to the kitchen to cause trouble!"

Zhu Tingting raised his chest and raised his head: "I'm thinking of the health of the hotel staff!"

"It's because they don't work in the kitchen, which makes the hotel staff upset."

"Others dare not say it, I dare!"

"Others dare not do it, I dare to do it!"

Dare you to be paralyzed...

Chen Jianhai almost scolded.

You are provocative and fighting in the hotel, you are justified!

Who gave you the courage!

Before he could say these words, Dao Dun was so angry that he cursed beside him:


"Apart from your partner, who else in the hotel has diarrhea!"

"It's obviously that she accidentally didn't know what she ate, and you pushed this **** to our kitchen!"

"Are you the one to be bullied by our kitchen!"

When Zhu Tingting heard this, his face flushed instantly.

Almost red to the base of the neck.

Chen Jianhai was so frightened that a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

It's over,

Isn't this bully provoked by the knife pier, and he wants to do it at my place!

Under crisis,

Chen Jianhai first pretended to inadvertently kicked off the plant shears on the ground,

Then he took a big step, and naturally blocked between Dao Dun and Zhu Ting Ting,

With hands ready to go,

As long as Zhu Tingting made a move, he would immediately press him on the sofa.

But to his astonishment,

Zhu Tingting looked at Dao Dun with a blushing face, and looked at Chen Jianhai with embarrassment.

stretched out his hand and scratched his head,

With an awkward and uneasy look on his face,

"Who told you that Qin Mengqiu was my target?"


In an instant,

The tense and gunpowder-smelling atmosphere in the room was instantly extinguished.

Dao Dun is also a good gossip.

Hearing this, he immediately pricked up his ears and asked:

"She's not your partner?"

Zhu Tingting blushed even more, feeling a little shy in embarrassment,

"She hasn't agreed yet..."


Chen Jianhai was also shocked.

"Then I usually see the two of you flirting with each other, and you send honey water and medicine, right?"

Zhu Tingting coughed unnaturally:

"Good friend... It's the right thing to do."

Dao Dun looked at Zhu Tingting's eyes, instantly filled with sympathy.


The short-lived "gardener's anger with plant scissors and kitchen knives shopping" ended quietly.

When Chen Jianhai, Zhu Tingting and Dao Dun came from the office,

Daodun held Zhu Tingting's dough plant scissors,

"Brother, give me the scissors. The dough on it is mushy. I promise to clean it up for you."

Zhu Tingting was also embarrassed and said:

"Brother, I took the liberty in the morning. I'll do nothing tonight, so I'll go to the kitchen to clean up!"

Daodun patted Zhu Tingting on the shoulder,


"How can you come to the kitchen to work? Come over tonight when you're done working. We will cook a few side dishes in the kitchen, and our brothers will have a good meal in the evening."


Amid the enthusiasm of "brother and brother", Chen Jianhai finally sent off the two sword gods in the hotel.

"It's not easy to lead a team."

Chen Jianhai sighed.

"I don't know what's going on with Xu Yong and Wang Wanwan. When will it be settled."

The price of a sea-view suite is 88,888 per night, and he lost nearly 100,000 yuan for every night he vacated.

To leave a sea-view suite that can make a lot of money and not use it is simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

But at that time, he was already prepared in his heart to take the long-term strategy and lose the big fish and sink the boat.

It was agreed that this suite and three wedding dresses would not be used by others until Wang Wanwan got married.

Then he must have killed the idea and won't let others move!


Wanwan, you have to do your best!

My grand hotel depends on you!

Just when Chen Jianhai was praying devoutly,

"Wan Shen", who is dozens of kilometers away, seems to have heard the prayers of her faithful believer Chen Jianhai.

At this time, Zheng Zheng negotiated fiercely with Xu Yong.



"What you said makes sense~www.readwn.com~ Wang Wanwan was sitting on the sofa hill, holding a small teacup in her left hand and pressing her right hand on her stomach.

Nodding while responding,

"That said, it's still a warm and beautiful hotel. It's stylish and splendid, and it was also the place where Xiao Qin and the others held their wedding. I think it's very good."

"The Yuemei Hotel is also very good. We held a meeting there last time, and the service was very good. The interior decoration of the hotel is also good and of high quality."

"Although Nanjiang Glory Hotel has been a little low-key in recent years, its catering features are really first-class, and you can also refer to it."

"Lang Ai Hotel... Our Wang family is holding a wedding and going to an Internet celebrity hotel. We always feel that it is not good to surrender our identity."

"Wanwan, what do you think?"

Everyone discussed it for a while, and finally turned their attention to Wang Wanwan.

Wang Wanwan smiled slightly: "What's wrong with the Internet celebrity hotel, the Internet celebrity shows that he is innovative and creative, and can be liked by everyone."

"I like the Langai Hotel very much."

"And I have already decided that my wedding will be held at the Langai Hotel."

After speaking,

Wang Wanwan winked at Xu Yong mischievously.

A little fox-like smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He tilted his head slightly to one side,

The expression on his face seemed to say:

"My mother decided to make a knot at this house,"

"If you're not happy, that's fine."

"You can choose which hotel you like,"

"This marriage, I'm not going to get married!"

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