I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 740: The brother went to work on the first day, and the technique was fierce

"I have a seaside five-star hotel"

For a moment, the door boy seemed to be wronged outside, and suddenly saw the short bear of Wei An's parents, and ran over with joy and complaint.

"What's going on?" Chen Jianhai frowned a little.

The doorman brother has been working for almost two years, and he usually handles these things very well, why is he still choking with the doorman brother today?

"The car arrived a little earlier. The elder brother said that we had been parked here for too long, so we must move the car."

Chen Jianhai nodded, and said: "Get in the car first, let's not cause trouble for others."

"Okay boss." The door boy said as he actively opened the door of the bandit carriage, ready to welcome everyone into the carriage.

Standing by the side, Chen Jianhai welcomed everyone into the car with a smile.

This Chenzhuang exclusive 10-wheel extended bandit horse vehicle adopts 2+8 wheels with 10 wheels, a special load-bearing chassis, and a strengthened anti-collision system to ensure the safety of the vehicle.

The front is still the iconic front face of a bandit horse, and there is an extremely chic poster of the word "Chen" in ink cursive script on the hood, which is very visually impactful. The poster of Chen Zhuang is also printed on the outside of the carriage, and there is a huge poster at the rear. The screen can play promotional videos at any time.

Coupled with the dreamy and toned arrangement of the blue starry sky inside, the bar built around the wavy sofa and 12 LCD screens, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a "mobile palace".

Gao Zhan and the others looked at the car in front of them in shock, and then turned to look at Chen Jianhai with a shy face. They really couldn't believe that Chen Jianhai could take out this kind of car and use it as a hotel pick-up car.

Although they are all well-off people who have seen the big world, they basically use official vehicles, and even their own cars are mostly practical, and some people even use ordinary vehicles. car,

After all, it is not easy to start a business and maintain a business. I am too busy with my company’s affairs every day, and I don’t have the heart to think about the things I enjoy, let alone spending tens of millions to buy and modify such a car for pure entertainment.

But if I don't have it, it doesn't mean I don't like it!

At that moment, everyone could not wait to enter the carriage one by one.

At this time, the doorman brother came over, very unhappy and said:

"You can't park your car for such a long time. This is the main entrance of the school. How will we manage it after you do this?!"

Chen Jianhai hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's go now."

The doorman brother also said beside him: "Brother, this is my first time going to work today, and it's my fault that I didn't manage my time well."

Chen Jianhai frowned slightly, but he didn't expose the little lies of his employees.

When the last person got on the bus, the door boy pulled Chen Jianhai's sleeve, hesitated for a long time, and said:

"Boss, get in the car in a while and fasten your seat belt."

Chen Jianhai: "?"

The doorman brother truthfully said: "The brother who drove the car is going to work for the first time today, he is a bit aggressive..."

Chen Jianhai: "?!?"


As soon as the car door was closed, the door boy sat on the front passenger seat and fastened his seat belt carefully.

The bus brother said indifferently: "Have you received someone?"

Door boy brother: "Got it."

As he said that, the little doorman said with a thousand words of caution: "Brother, let's be careful when we go back, don't just stop at the bus stop when you see it."

After a pause, the doorman brother said again: "Don't get angry with those taxis and private cars, it doesn't matter if we let them, you don't need to fight with them."

Bus Brother: "...I will try my best."

The door boy looked at the man in disbelief, his eyes full of suspicion.

According to the route plan they traveled before and the time they left the hotel, they can arrive at Huoxiang University at the expected time.

But who would have thought that this bus brother really stepped on the accelerator too hard~www.readwn.com~Wori, the steering wheel flew up.

Even if the door boy has driven a Benlari, his approach is already bold enough, and he has never seen such a rampant one.

In fact, this is also good.

After all, with such a domineering and eye-catching car, the cars, SUVs and off-roaders next to it dare not move forward at all, and hide as far as they can.

But Nima, who would have thought that this big brother's occupational disease is deeply rooted in his bone marrow, and he will start to slow down as soon as he sees the bus stop, and he will be as crazy as grabbing the top of a mountain to avoid other buses. Who can bear this!

At this time, the bosses who didn't know that they had boarded a "black bus" were happily howling and dancing in the bandits.

Serious and meticulous in public places, what does it have to do with my wild love of playing after get off work? !

Not to mention that the environment in this car is so hidden, you can't see it outside when you are dancing shirtless!

Moreover, the independent compartment inside the Bandit is completely isolated from the driver's cab, and the dark glass maintains a considerable degree of privacy. The call with the driver in front can be communicated with just one touch, which is extremely convenient for the owner to transmit information to the driver in front at the first time.

Finally somewhere to sing!

No good person can't help but be trapped in the school to study in the dark. Finally, I can relax for a short time, and the time will be missed!

But it's a pity, since I have to participate in the opening ceremony later, it's not easy to go there with a full body of alcohol, so no one touched the wine in the bar.

Just as everyone was singing and dancing, a sharp turn and the brakes were accelerated, almost causing everyone in the car to hug each other.

"What happened? Hit it?!"

"What happened outside?"

Chen Jianhai hurriedly looked out of the car, and then a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

bus stop?

Why did you stop at the bus station? !

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