I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 77: Achievement: A profiteer who rides the wind and waves

After dealing with the problem of the small red house sausage machine,

The next thing to deal with is the main event.

Sitting in the hotel lobby, Chen Jianhai just turned on his phone.

Countless messages popped out crackling,

"Nanjiang Guangguang Aquatic tycoon is marrying a daughter today. Is it a door-to-door marriage or true love invincible?"

"Is the wealthy wedding held in an internet celebrity hotel a disguised exile or insisting on one's own choice?"

"Wang Wanwan: I hope you are married to love."

"Investment weather vane: a wedding to meet the marriage dreams of millions of girls, and the era of ocean weddings is here."



It's all news about Xu Yong and Wang Wanwan's wedding celebrations.

Although Xu Yong had already made detailed arrangements when he got married.

However, the wedding scene was quickly streamed online.

Immediately it swept the No. 1 spot in the local hot search in Nanjiang City.

Also being searched at the top is the Langai Hotel!

As an all-round wedding banquet hotel that undertakes wedding dresses, wedding projects and wedding rooms.

The Langai Hotel instantly attracted the attention of a large number of young people.

Getting married is a chore, and the preparations before marriage are even more grueling.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many couples have parted ways because of this hurdle.

The appearance of the Langai Hotel undoubtedly means that they have a renovated new house that they can move in at any time.

It saves a lot of time and energy not to mention,

The design and on-site layout of various projects have achieved the ultimate!

It not only saves time and energy, but also saves a lot of quarrels.

Realized the chic dream of one-stop, anytime, anywhere.

Just a short half day,

The phone reservation and rental phone calls at the hotel front desk almost exploded.

"Boss, the online order can't be processed anymore, and there are still a lot of phone inquiries to order the wedding at the hotel."

The front desk complained to the little staff excitedly reporting.

The business of the hotel is good, and they work hard every day.

"Very good, tell them that the hotel is full today and tomorrow and will not accept any reservations."

Chen Jianhai calmly took a sip of tea,

"Tonight, the price of all rooms will be increased. The ordinary sea view room will be charged 400 per night, the premium sea view room will be charged 800 per night, the deluxe sea view suite will be charged 2000 per night, and the price of the deep sea view suite will remain unchanged at 88888 per night."

"Reservations will be made after the price increase stabilizes."

The front desk complained to the little staff that they were stupid.


"Our hotel increased the price as soon as it became famous."

"Isn't it a bit too much... don't be low-key?"

pondering the words,

Complaining about the young employee racked his brains, and finally came up with a word that not only euphemistically expresses his views, but also won't lose his job.

Chen Jianhai; "..."

He really wanted to poke this little girl with his finger,

Ask her if she can figure out who she is!

If the hotel price increases, your performance salary will also increase this month!

It's not that you get married, you stay in a hotel, why do you feel sorry for others!


But considering that the little girl is young, soft-hearted and ignorant,

Chen Jianhai still taught patiently:

"Hotels can increase and decrease hotel prices according to holidays and tight periods within the range of price increases that are in line with the Supervision Bureau and the Price Bureau."

"Now is the peak tourist season, and the hotel's main wedding season. The price fluctuation is a normal decision-making response to meet the needs of the market."

And Chen Jianhai's decision is just to adjust the price to the maximum amount stipulated by the market.

"Oh oh oh."

The petty employee who complained showed a thoughtful and suddenly realized expression.

"Boss, then I will do everything you ordered!"

The little employee said with certainty.

"It's about the same."

Chen Jianhai nodded in satisfaction.


"Congratulations to the host for winning the title: profiteer who rises from the wind."

"Get the attribute [Conquer]: You are born with the ability to convince people, which will make you invincible whether in daily leadership or in market negotiations!"

Chen Jianhai was stunned at first, but then a surprise appeared on his face!

This skill sounds dazzling! ! ! !

I didn't expect that I would casually increase the price of the hotel room price, and I would even get a title and a skill reward!

Before Chen Jianhai digested this happy news,


Another series of mechanical sounds resounded in his mind:


"Congratulations to the host for successfully holding a theme wedding."

"Reward: The hotel upgrade progress bar gets 31% of the upgrade value"


"Congratulations to the host, the achievement: the firm choice of the bride."

"Reward: Get 4000 points."


"Congratulations to the host, for achieving the achievement: returning guests in the public welfare."

"Reward: Get the hotel upgrade progress bar to speed up, and the daily public welfare task increase value is 2%."


A series of system prompts sounded frantically in Chen Jianhai's mind, almost stunned Boss Chen.

3000 points... 31% progress... 2% public welfare task rewards...! !

Are the rewards so rich!

Chen Jianhai quickly called up the system panel,

I saw that the progress bar at the bottom of the panel has directly jumped from 35% to 66%. As long as the progress is 34% again, he can immediately upgrade the hotel to a high-end hotel!

With joy,

Seeing that Haian couldn't hold back his excitement, Chen took out a calculator with his backhand and began to calculate today's wedding proceeds.

"Romantic glass bottom beluga whale suite, a total of 3 nights, 88888 a night, the total income is 266664 yuan."

"The 360° Lost Atlantis AR Panoramic Ballroom costs 50,000 yuan per rental."

"The entrance fee for the glass promenade trestle into the sea and the oath platform is 5,000 per rental."

"The petal cost is 30,000,"

"The banquet is 20,000 yuan per table. There are 100 tables in total, and the total income is... 2 million yuan?!"

2 million...

Just those few tables of meals were worth 2 million!

Chen Jianhai shivered and pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

took a deep breath,

No wonder so many people want to open restaurants, this is simply crazy!

To say that a book of great profits is light!

I made more than 2.35 million in one day, and then throw out employee fees, taxes and other random expenses.

I can make a net profit of 2 million today!

Really, there is no such thing as stealing money!

Besides, Chen Jianhai only counted the big things like catering and room, and he didn't count the rest of the trivial expenses in the income.

This is just the first wedding.

If this month's wedding season,

If the hotel can hold two weddings and one thank you every day,

Even if the customer only orders a wedding package with ordinary configuration, they can earn at least hundreds of thousands per event!

If it is calculated at 1.5 million a day,

That month was 45 million!

"45 million..."

Chen Jianhai grabbed his heart and almost missed it.

This number is almost catching up with the annual income of other five-star hotels!

Just when Chen Jianhai was holding on to his heart, looking like he was going to die or live,

An employee couldn't stand it any longer, and sneaked over with a small bottle of Suxiao Jiuxin Pills in his hand.

He asked in a low voice:

"Boss, are you all right? Do you need some medicine?"

"No, it's fine."

Chen Jianhai hurriedly sat up straight from the paralyzed state,

He looked up at the identification badge on the employee's chest, which read the employee's name~www.readwn.com~ Rui... Rui Keya? "

Chen Jianhai scratched his head awkwardly,

...how to fight this thing? !

You said that you are a good employee, what is your name is not good, you should choose an English name!

Isn't this embarrassing me!

"ruiky"'s face darkened,

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he accepted his fate and did not correct the second-hand boss.

"Boss, I have something to ask..."

Ruiky was a little embarrassed and looked ashamed to speak.

"Can this Atlantis-themed wedding in our hotel cost 300,000 yuan?"

"Why are you asking this?" Chen Jianhai asked suspiciously.

Ruiky smiled shyly, with a happy look in his eyes,

"Boss, I'm also choosing a hotel recently... If 300,000 is enough, I want to hold my wedding in a hotel too!"

"You also want to have a wedding?!"

Chen Jianhai was slightly taken aback.

He was thinking about earning a fortune during the wedding season, but he didn't expect that the first person to book a hotel would be his own employee.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Jianhai took out a quick-acting heart-saving pill, put it in his mouth, and patted his chest openly.

"Enough! 100,000 is enough!"


My employee's wedding, such a big happy event must be done well and according to the best standards!

You have to pay for it!

"The wedding date is set and let me know as soon as possible, and I will give you a red envelope."

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