I Have a Seaside Five-star Hotel

Chapter 79: Win Gold Medal

along the way,

An Xia's footsteps are empty, and everything feels like a dream.

In order to enhance the atmosphere of the restaurant, some hotels invite resident singers to sing for guests during dinner time.

However, he just casually howled all night on the beach,

Just got signed? !

The owner of this hotel is too capricious!


in the hotel lobby,

The news that Chen Jianhai signed a beach singer spread like wildfire.

Many employees came to the lobby curiously, wanting to meet the broken-hearted piano singer by the sea.

Chen Jianhai held the contract in his hand with satisfaction,

Although the music played by the white music shell harp is very good, the music played by the mechanical type always lacks a little spirituality.

I'm tired of hearing it all the time.

He had long wanted to find a singer who could sing in the hotel.

I didn't expect to meet one on my own beach today.

Looking at An Xia on the sofa with a look of despair, as if she had just signed a contract of prostitution,

Chen Jianhai couldn't help but asked curiously:

"What the **** happened to you? Why are you singing on the beach alone with your luggage at night?"

When An Xia heard this, her whole body trembled slightly.

His eyes were red again.

"My girlfriend... ran away with her brother-in-law."

Chen Jianhai was stunned when he heard it, this bridge... how is it a bit familiar!

An Xia looked sad and angry:

"My girlfriend's brother-in-law is also a hotel owner."

"A few months ago, she said she came to her brother-in-law and asked me to sing at her brother-in-law's hotel, but as a result... there was no news."

"I followed uneasy, but when I got there, I found that the hotel was already yellow."

"Everyone said that the hotel owner ran away with his sister-in-law..."

Speaking of the back, An Xia's voice choked again, and the whole person was decadent.

Chen Jianhai sighed and comforted casually:

"Don't think about the past, you can sing well with me, maybe your girlfriend will come back in a few days."

"What you said is true!?"

An Xia's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she saw hope.

"You mean, he can still come back??"

Chen Jianhai: "..."

Does this singer have a brain problem?

Or do people who are engaged in art have very simple feelings? !

You yourself said that there was no news of your girlfriend, and you ran away with your brother-in-law,

Even if she comes back, why do you still want to continue the relationship? !

Chen Jianhai opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before smiling: "I will definitely come back."

"I will definitely come back with her brother-in-law." Of course, Chen Jianhai only dared to say this in his heart.

"Then I'll work hard here and wait for her!"

An Xia nodded hopefully, stood up, and shook hands with Chen Jianhai excitedly.

"Okay, Langai Hotel welcomes you to join us." Chen Jianhai also stretched out his hand with a smile.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission: stop at the golden beach of 100 people---recruiting gold medals to sing."

"Get the reward: Unlock the hotel lakeside garden wooden raft self-service barbecue hall."

"Additional project for the host's optional reward tasks: Hold a hotel lakeside garden wooden raft self-service barbecue music carnival."


[Task name]: Hotel lakeside garden wooden raft self-service barbecue music carnival

[Task description]: Starry sky, lakeside, guitar music!

hot summer, hot


Freshly baked and fragrant roasted products of various colors evoke the most primitive taste buds,

Delicious life, full of happiness

At this moment, happiness is the best! "

[Quest Reward]: The hotel upgrade progress bar increases the progress by 20%.


Wori...Gold Medal sings! ?

This is the cash cow!

Chen Jianhai held An Xia's hand tightly, and his eyes almost burned through An Xia's clothes!

It doesn't sound good,

With the addition of this gold medal resident singer An Xia, even if Dabo and the others make a piece of shit, he can still sell drinks and drinks to make money!

This kind of top-level equipment that can be encountered and cannot be asked for is so casually exploded!

Who can believe this! ?

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen?"

An Xia's expression was a little unnatural, and her hand tried to break free.

It is obvious that he has found a job that provides food and housing. How can he feel that the other party is more excited than himself? !

After a full minute,

Chen Jianhai only reacted, and withdrew his hand a little apologetically,

Looking at An Xia's eyes full of fiery,

"An Xia, how is your voice today? Can you sing tomorrow?"

An Xia looked embarrassed.

"Boss, my release tonight is a bit off, and it has to be delayed for two days."

Chen Jianhai smiled and said, "No problem! In the past two days, you will adapt to the environment in the hotel and have a good rest!"

After speaking, Chen Jianhai patted An Xia's shoulder heavily,

Word by word, he said very seriously:

"Take care of your throat, rest and tell me, I value you very, very special!"


Early the next morning,

Chen Jianhai woke up in bed, took out his mobile phone and opened the hotel's official website,

Satisfied glanced at the hotel's latest room rate, and then the screen swiped down:


"Yesterday an ordinary sea-view room was 498, but today it's 998! Is it just so ugly!"

"All rooms have gone up in price overnight, that's amazing! If it wasn't for your theme wedding, I wouldn't even go to a hotel like yours!"

"I am very relieved that the underwater suite of 88888 is still 88888, and it is still a price that I cannot afford."

Netizens are all fried, and they can't accept this price increase!

But there is no way to accept it. After all, this is the only hotel in Nanjiang that can hold ocean weddings.

The front desk of this hotel has just opened the booking channel.

In an instant, the phone reservation was blasted.

In less than a morning, five or six wedding ceremony venues were booked, which can be described as booming business.



Chen Jianhai is directing his employees to run happily under the sunset.

"Yes, put this table here!"

"The barbecue grill is next to it... Yes, An Xia, just stand there and don't move!"

"Who told you to put the table under that tree! What if the parrot shits!"

"This piece, you can put two tables!"

"Little lantern~www.readwn.com~ Yes, pull the thread from the tree, be careful not to tangle a piece."


An Xia stood in the middle of the lakeside garden with a bewildered face,

Watching Chen Jianhai constantly directing everyone, those who move tables and chairs will focus on themselves and arrange the tables, chairs and accessories for the barbecue.

There was always a sense that heretics were going to be burned at the stake.

Chen Jianhai was sweating profusely, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

I don't know if it's because the hidden mission was triggered,

The system has not made too many arrangements for the hotel lakeside garden wooden raft self-service barbecue music carnival. As long as the host can successfully start the carnival and complete the system tasks, they can get rewards.

And this finally gave Boss Chen the freedom to play!

In the past, almost all large-scale activities in hotels were arranged systematically.

And this time, Boss Chen wants to do whatever he wants, according to his own preferences, to arrange a carnival that he wants!

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