I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 263: Happy happy

"Husband, come!"

Soon after, Tong Yaya beckoned Jiang Hao, her face full of bewilderment that Jiang Hao could not resist.


These three little fairies are forcing themselves to be cruel!


I have wine now and I am drunk now.

Then use a golden hoop to completely surrender these three little fairies.

Jiang Hao's physique value has reached 20 points, four times more than normal.

If a normal guy can drive five times a night, then Jiang Hao can drive 20 times.

Besides, there are more than this number!

"I'm coming!"

Jiang Hao got up and happily joined the team of three.

Seeing Jiang Hao also come to dance, the three women all smiled.

But they danced harder.

"We are old husbands and wives, we should see each other frankly!"

Jiang Hao joked, and unceremoniously took off the fig leaves of the three of them.

How nice it is for everyone to see each other frankly.

At this moment, even the air in the private room became charming.

This kind of scene is something Jiang Hao never dreamed of before.

With the roar of music, Jiang Hao began to dance wildly.

At this moment, he can dance with whomever he wants to dance with!

Besides, you can dance as you want.

Dance him for a lifetime, and carry on happiness to old age.


At three o'clock in the middle of the night, all four of them were tired from playing, and turned off the speakers to prepare to rest.

Jiang Hao drove Zhang Zilin's Mercedes-Benz GLC and took them all back to Jingyun Hotel.

Although they were crazy all night.

But the three daughters still kept Jiang Hao's love for you and me, and couldn't bear to be separated from him.

This is the richest man in China, and the three daughters haven't gotten rid of this excitement yet!

After returning to the hotel, the four of them washed and hugged each other to sleep.

When it was almost nine o'clock the next morning, Jiang Hao woke up first.

He did not disturb the three women who were still sleeping, and quietly got up and walked to a small office in the suite.

At nine o'clock, the Nangang Futures Exchange opened.

He turned on the super phone and began to control gold futures.

After a wave of rise and stability in the London and New York markets yesterday, the price of gold jumped by 391.23 yuan/gram, or 4.23 points, as soon as the Nangang futures market opened.

Moreover, prices are still rising.

Jiang Hao instructed the system to start throwing out these orders little by little.

If you throw it all at once, it will only make the price of gold fall.

Therefore, he can only sell a little bit.

Quietly, don't shoot guns!

I have to say that the Asian disk is really too small.

It took an entire hour before he sold the 25 million lot in his hand, which still caused the price of gold to drop by 2 points.

Finally, he began to settle.

This single deducted the principal and handling fees, and Jiang Hao made a net profit of 105.5 billion Hong Kong dollars on 100 accounts.

About this money, he made less than a quarter of the money on the London stock market last night, and it was exchanged for more than 13.6 billion U.S. dollars.

When Jiang Hao's settlement was completed, it immediately caused a violent shock in the Nangang futures market.

Many people are asking who made so much money?

If the money were in the European and American markets, it would never cause such a sensation.

But this is an Asian dish!

The original amount is small, coupled with the fact that people come in and out so lavishly, spontaneous combustion is an explosive news.

Soon, someone dug up a bit of Jiang Hao's personal information from the exchange, only knowing that he was Jiang Hao, a young man from the Mainland who was only 26 years old.

"Extras, extras, the mainland financial geniuses born in the 1990s swept the Asian gold futures market, netting 105.5 billion Hong Kong dollars overnight."

Soon, major financial websites in Asia began to report on this matter and directly topped the hot search lists of major websites in Nangang.

At this time, Jiang Hao became completely famous.

Of course, this is what he did deliberately.

Otherwise, with the ability of the system, how could someone know some of his information.

This news has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of countless investors to the gold futures market and began to try to make less money on gold futures.

Due to the participation of some small and medium retail investors, the price of gold on the Nangang Futures Market began to rise again at this time, reaching 391.24 yuan/g.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Hao directly sold 20 million short futures orders.

If this is the European and American markets, he will definitely sell a short order of 100 million lots.

But no matter how many empty orders he throws, someone has to take it, and no one takes it.

Fortunately, a large number of retail investors have poured in now, and within an hour and a half, Jiang Hao's 20 million empty orders were divided up.

After all this is done, it is already 11:30 noon.

And the three of them, Tong Yaya, were all awake long ago, all kinds of mobile phones kept ringing, and they were all busy answering the phone.

Jiang Hao approached the room, and the three of them all smiled at him.

Immediately, Zhang Zilin got up and said: "I have to go to the airport to pick up one of my Wanwan sisters. She will be there in half an hour. I have to accompany her to sign some performance contracts in the afternoon!"

Soon, Tong Yaya also got up and said: "I have to go to the entertainment city too. The female assassin injured the security on the third floor last night. I have to go to the hospital to give condolences."

Only Yang Mi was still lying on the bed and smirked: "You are all busy, today I will occupy my husband alone for one day, and I may not be convenient in another two days."

"Then you can relax today, don't exhaust your husband, or we will never end with you!"

The two smiled and put on a new dress. They kissed Jiang Hao goodbye and left without even eating.

Jiang Hao picked up the bedside phone, called the restaurant downstairs, and ordered some meals.

Yang Mi needs to cover her head and face wherever she goes, and it is impossible to go downstairs to eat with him, so she can only order food to be delivered.


At this time, his cell phone rang.

I picked it up and found that there was a new mail coming from my mailbox.

Clicking on the mailbox, it was the little photographer from the Civil Affairs Bureau who had created an electronic atlas of the certified photos of him and Lan Keer.

In the photo, Lan Kerr pouted and looked upset.

But Jiang Hao smiled naively.

Especially the photo of the two kissing, it is very awkward.

There is even one. When Jiang Hao is holding Lan Kerer and kissing, a small hand of Lan Kerer is pinching his waist.

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing when he saw this photo.


Yang Mi asked while lying on the bed.

"look by youself!"

Jiang Hao didn't evade, and threw the phone directly to Yang Mi to watch.


After seeing the photo, Yang Mi frowned and glanced at Jiang Hao, and asked incredulously: "Are you married to Lan Ke'er?"

Yang Mi has naturally heard of the four beauty of Beijing.

But she didn't expect that Jiang Hao would still have a relationship with Lan Kerr.

And they are still legal couples.

This is a bit too surprising!

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