I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 405: Solved satisfactorily

Seeing Jiang Hao standing out alone, Liu Yang said solemnly: "Jiang Hao, can you do it alone? Don't think that the brothers are all people who are afraid of death, we have difficulties together!"

Jiang Hao turned his head and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm enough by myself, you all sit down and watch the excitement first!"

At the next moment, everyone watched Jiang Hao step by step in amazement.

At this time, Sun Shichang finally relieved his anger, covering his mouth and ordered: "Don't worry about killing!"


Some people at the door moved, and together they attacked Jiang Hao with clubs, machetes and axes.


At this time, Jiang Hao's big hand, unprovoked an extra bright three-row army thorn, swung it out.





A group of mobs, is Jiang Hao's opponent?

Wherever the army stab passed, blood spattered, his arm was cut, and he lay on the ground, wailing constantly in his mouth.

"how can that be?!"

The scene in front of him changed Sun Shichang's expression and suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect Jiang Hao's skill to be so powerful, he would abolish all his fifteen capable horses.

You know, these people are all elites in his hands. People who really crawled out of the dead have experienced countless fights.

Although I dare not say that one enemy ten, but at least one to fight two or three is still no problem.

Right now, these people were so lightly dismissed by Jiang Hao.

"It seems that you do have the arrogant capital, no wonder you dare to challenge me, but you must also know that no matter how people can fight, they are still weak when facing guns."

Sun Shichang sneered, then slowly raised his hand.



Soon, there were two people who hadn't done anything at the door. Suddenly they took out two short shotguns from their bodies, pushed them directly, and aimed them directly at Jiang Hao.

Seeing the gun, Liu Yang and Zhang Yu were all shocked.

In an instant, the entire private room became quiet, and the needle dropped.

Soon, Sun Shichang laughed arrogantly beside him: "Boy, aren't you good at fighting? Try to challenge me now?"

Facing these two shotguns, Jiang Hao still had a murderous look, and he said with disdain: "Your son threatened me with a gun before, but I still live well!"

"is it?"

Sun Shichang sneered.

Jiang Hao still said calmly: "Or you order them to shoot, but I can guarantee that you will die in the end!"

"Jiang Hao——"

The few people behind were almost crying, for fear that he would provoke Sun Shichang to order the shooting, which is not a joke.


Sun Shichang laughed and nodded: "Since you don't believe me, then I will fulfill you." He waved his hand and said, "Kill him."



Soon, there were two gunshots from the room, and hundreds of steel **** flew towards Jiang Hao.

However, the space around Jiang Hao had long been completely distorted, and these steel **** couldn't get close at all.

"Jiang Hao..."

Behind him, several people shouted in unison.

Especially Zhao Lusi and Jiang Qin screamed loudly with sad voices.

However, the next scene is absolutely shocking.

Jiang Hao turned out to be safe and sound.

Everyone stared at Jiang Hao with eyes wide open.

This scene is simply unbelievable.

Jiang Hao is not only superb in martial arts, but also not afraid of shooting? !

At this moment, Sun Shichang on the side seemed to have eaten shit, with a gloomy expression on his face.

He couldn't figure out why Jiang Hao would not be afraid of a shotgun bombardment.

And two shots were fired at once.

If this bombards a normal flesh and blood body, it is estimated that the body will be shattered.

But Jiang Hao is completely unscathed now.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Hao quickly bullied himself up and slashed away at the two gunmen.

He is not afraid of guns, but it is difficult to guarantee that this shotgun will fly around and will not injure those behind him.

Therefore, these two gunmen must be killed first.

Just as the two gunmen pushed the bullet and loaded it again, Jiang Hao's army stab also waved.




After four crisp noises, four **** arms and two shotguns were seen falling to the ground.

Seeing such a picture, Sun Shichang's stomach churned.

After abolishing these two minions, Jiang Hao also put away his army thorns.

He walked in front of Sun Shichang again, grabbed his throat, and directly lifted his 100-jin body.

Jiang Hao tilted his head and said with a look of disdain: "Old stuff, I said you overestimated your abilities, do you believe it now? And...you don't want to live anymore!"

With that said, he took out the silver needle and pierced it directly in his heart, closing one of his blood vessels.

After two days, this old thing will die of heart failure, and the world is hard to save.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao flicked his hand, and directly threw Sun Shichang to the side.

It didn't take long before Lu Fei arrived here with a group of prosecutors and police officers.

When they saw the **** scene here, they all frowned.

And Liu Yang and the others were shocked when they saw these people.

Jiang Hao has injured so many people, if he goes to court, he will definitely be sentenced heavily.

Seeing Lu Fei, Sun Shichang yelled: "Brother Lu, help me. Get this **** quickly. He has injured a lot of people."

At this time, Jiang Hao also spoke, and said with a smile: "Brother Lu, you can clean up the rest of the stall!"

Lu Fei nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will do it well."

After that, Lu Fei said to Sun Shichang: "Sun Shichang, you are suspected of organizing a black society, wounding people with a gun, and forcibly confiscating land. Now you have been approved for shop and taken away."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Sun Shichang said in shock: "Lu Fei, I'm Secretary He's brother, do you dare to arrest me?"

Lu Fei sneered and said, "Even if you are the younger brother of Secretary He, you will still be arrested if you break the law."


Soon, the two police officers stepped forward and grabbed Sun Shichang and took him away.

"Take your own arms and follow us!"

Looking at these Ma Tsai on the ground who lacked arms, Lu Fei frowned and said.

How dare these horses not follow?

They all stood up reluctantly, picked up their broken arm and followed some policemen away.

As for the two gunners, they can only be done by others.

Soon, the room was clean.

Jiang Hao waved his hand to Lu Fei, and said with a smile, "I'll see you for tea another day!"

Lu Fei smiled and nodded: "I'll be with you anytime!"

After Lu Fei and the others had left, Jiang Hao also smiled at everyone: "It's only eight o'clock now, should we continue drinking in another place?"

The monkey suggested: "Why don't we go to Wild Lily to sing!"

"I agree."

Soon someone raised their hands to agree.

"Then what are you waiting for, get up and go!"

Jiang Hao smiled, took Zhao Lusi and Jiang Qin's hands and walked out, followed by Liu Yang and the others.

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