I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 411: Small town fair

After the two stayed in the house for a while, they walked out again.

Get in the car and start.

Drive to the town a few kilometers away.

Soon after, the two came to Qingshan Town.

Since today is Sunday, it is also a weekly episode in Qingshan Town.

Therefore, there are more people in the town.

I saw a road running through Qingshan Town on both sides of the road, full of people selling goods, selling everything.

Some people simply parked their trucks, tractors, and electric tricycles on the side of the road, opened the carriages, and put them on the counter.

All kinds of shouts came and went one after another, but they didn't have a local atmosphere.

Fortunately, this road is just a small township road, and there are not many vehicles passing it, otherwise it will have to make the driver anxious.

Jiang Hao parked the car on the side of the road outside Xiaoji, got out of the car and walked over with Yu Yue.

Along the way, countless people looked at them, handsome men and beautiful women, and everyone looked seductive.

However, there are still more people who look at Yu Yue.

Holding Jiang Hao's hand, Yu Yue walked for a while on this crowded avenue, and finally came near a brand new large tractor.

I saw a half-carriage of watermelon on the big tractor. A piece of cardboard said "Watermelon keeps sweetness, 0.8 yuan per catty".

It may be approaching the evening, which is the peak of selling melons. There are quite a few people buying melons. Three people, two old and one young, are busy.

After standing nearby for a while, Yu Yue saw that the three of them were not too busy, so he stepped forward and shouted at them: "Dad, mom, brother, Jiang Hao is here!"

Hearing that his uncle was coming, the two middle-aged couples with straw hats and honest faces hurriedly turned around and looked at Jiang Hao with a smile.

This is the face of a typical rural person, the face and body are tanned by the sun, revealing a quality of diligence.

"Good uncle, good aunt."

Jiang Hao bowed and smiled at the two men.


The couple responded with joy.

This uncle is really impeccable.

There is one, there is everything, the real person is more handsome than the picture, and the old couple is full of eyes.


Soon, the stout man nearby who was collecting money was also busy, turning around and greeted Jiang Hao. It was Yu Yue's brother Yu Yunqing.

Because of working in the farmland for a long time, this young man who was only one or two years older than Jiang Hao looked like he was ten years older.

However, it looks better.

Yu Yue is so beautiful, and her brother is not far behind.

"Hello, brother!"

Jiang Hao also greeted Yu Yunqing.

At this time, Yu's mother Zhang Ningxiang said to Yu Yunqing next to her: "Yunqing, pick a melon for Xiaojiang to quench his thirst!"


Yu Yunqing nodded, knocked on these watermelons in the car, and picked a large watermelon weighing more than ten kilograms and cut it.

Yu Yue’s father, Yu Changgui, brought a plastic stool and placed it near Jiang Hao, exposing a big yellow tooth and said, "Xiao Jiang, sit down."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said with a smile: "Uncle, we will be a family soon, don't be polite with me, just sit down."

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Yu Yue's face suddenly showed a calm smile, and his heart was very sweet.

Soon, Yu Yunqing cut the watermelon and brought two large pieces to Jiang Hao and Yu Yue.

Jiang Hao was not polite, so he took it and ate.

The sapling melon is very sweet.

In a few moments, a large piece of watermelon was eaten by Jiang Hao.

"It's so sweet!"

Jiang Hao dropped the peel and said with a smile.

Yu Yue took out some tissues from her bag and handed them to Jiang Hao.

After wiping his mouth and hands, Jiang Hao took out a box of Liqun from his pocket and handed it to Yu Changgui and Yu Yunqing each.

Yu Changgui and Yu Yunqing took Jiang Hao's cigarette and lit them.

After smoking a few puffs, Yu Yunqing looked at the cigarette and asked Xiang Jiang Hao: "Brother-in-law, how much is this cigarette? It's so good to smoke!"

Jiang Hao is currently smoking Liqun Fuchun Shanju, a box of 600 retail, this root costs 30.

"Not much money."

Jiang Hao smiled, took out a box from the system warehouse and threw it to Yu Yunqing, "This box is for you!"

He doesn't smoke too much, he can only smoke a box in two or three days, so he doesn't have many with him, and now there are only three boxes left.

Otherwise, he can directly take out one to Yu Yunqing.

Nearby Yu Yue said with a smile: "Brother, this pack of cigarettes costs 600 yuan, and you smoke this cigarette for 30 yuan."

She accompanied Jiang Hao to buy cigarettes in Xinghai, so she knew the price of the cigarettes.

"My god, it's so expensive!"

After hearing Yu Yue's words, Yu Yunqing exclaimed, and the old couple of Yu family were shocked.

This uncle is too extravagant.

Fortunately, Yu Yue hadn't told them Jiang Hao's real wealth, otherwise they would be scared to death.

Soon, Yu Yunqing returned the box of cigarettes to Jiang Hao, shook his head and said, "You should take it back. I don't dare to smoke such expensive cigarettes anymore for fear of burning to death.

Jiang Hao continued to stuff it back and said, "Just hold it for you. It's just a pack of cigarettes. If you want to smoke, I can care for you."

"Brother, take it for you." Yu Yue persuaded him.

Hearing what his sister said, Yu Yunqing had to accept the pack of cigarettes.

However, it is estimated that he can smoke this pack of cigarettes for a year.

"Old head Wu, two hundred management fees, happy!"

At this time, a group of people came nearby, not only with crooked noses and squinting eyes, but also in fancy dresses, with large gold chains hanging around their necks, collecting management fees at a nearby stall selling peaches.

Looking at their aggressive looks, if you don't pay, you will definitely get a beating.

The old farmer selling peaches nearby looked like an honest person. Seeing these people come to collect the money, he hurriedly cried and said, "Brother Shark, I haven't sold 200 yuan of peaches this day. I really don't have that much money for you. "

"Do you want to break my rules?"

A man with a cockscomb head and a twenty-eight-nine-year-old man looked at this old man selling peaches coldly.

"Don't dare."

The old peach seller raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and tremblingly took out a large amount of change from the leather bag in front of him, ten yuan, five yuan, one piece and counted.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao frowned and asked Yu Yue beside him: "Who are these people and why are they so mad?"

Before Yu Yue could respond, I heard Yu Yunqing whisper: "The man with the comb-head is called Zhang Jian, nicknamed Shark, and he is a tyrant in Qingshan Town. Every day he goes to the market, he will bring people to blackmail some money. Whoever doesn't give it will throw a car and smash the goods, or hit someone else. In the past few years, they have crippled several people."

Jiang Hao's eyelids sank: "Is no one to care about such a person?"

Yu Yunqing shook his head and said, "This Qingshan Town belongs to the remote mountainous area of ​​Binzhou. Sometimes it is a nest of snakes and rats. Who cares?"

"Someone reported the crime before, but they were released after being caught in a few days, but the person who reported the crime was somehow interrupted and the house was burned."

"From then on, no one dared to mess with them anymore."

After listening, Jiang Hao also silently wrote down.

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