I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 415: And us

Yu Changgui hurriedly comforted: "Don't sigh and sigh all day long. Human fate is destined. Although you can't move now, you can at least talk to Xiaoqin and chat with Xiaoqin."

"If you don't want to leave, wouldn't it be more lonely if you let her talk to someone in the future?"

Hu San sighed, "But this will only make her harder."

At this time, Jiang Hao stepped forward and sat on the edge of the kang facing Hu Sandao: "Uncle San, I will order Chinese medicine. Maybe it can cure your disease. Don't talk about life or death, and wait for a good time with San Aunt. It's true."

"Can you really heal me?"

Hu San's expression suddenly became excited, and he turned to look at Jiang Hao on this side.

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded: "Basically there is no problem. Come on, I will give you a pulse first."

With that said, Jiang Hao reached out and grabbed Hu San's wrist and felt his pulse.

Soon, he traced out Hu San's condition, and there was some congestion in his brain that forced the brain nerves, causing him to lose consciousness below the lumbar spine.

"Uncle San, I can cure your disease. You can eat this pill first, and I will give you the injection later."

With that said, Jiang Hao took out a divine pill and fed it into Hu San's mouth to enhance his body functions, and then took out the needle box and began to sterilize the silver needles.

While disinfecting, he said to Yu Changgui: "Uncle, do me a favor on the kang. First turn Sanshu's body over and lie on his stomach. Later, I will put two needles on his spine."

"it is good."

Yu Changgui took off his shoes and put on the kang, gently turning Hu San over.

After years of paralysis in the Kang, Hu San's back has given birth to a lot of bedsores.

However, thanks to the diligence of the third aunt, who often turned over and scrubbed him, the disease was controlled.

Otherwise, even with this disease, Hu San would be killed slowly.

After Jiang Hao took the silver needle and stuck six needles against Hu San's head, he also stuck two needles in his lumbar spine.

The lumbar spine has not moved for more than 20 years, and various nerves have long been decayed and blocked.

Jiang Hao rescued people to the end, and he was able to cure all the problems in his whole body in one step.

After more than ten minutes, the essence, qi, and spirit on the silver needles dissipated. Jiang Hao also pulled out the silver needles and said to Hu San: "Uncle San, you can turn yourself and try it yourself."

According to Hu San's words, he moved.

The miracle appeared soon.

Hu San could actually turn around on his own.

Nearby, Yu Changgui looked at all this in surprise, his mouth opened, but he didn't know what to say.

Jiang Hao's medical skills are so amazing that he healed a man who had been paralyzed on the Kang for more than 20 years in such a short period of time.


Soon, Hu San knelt in front of Jiang Hao and said with tears: "My nephew, please accept my respect."

Jiang Hao cured his illness, which is equivalent to saving two people. This kind of grace is worth his kneeling.

"Uncle San, what are you doing? Get up!" Jiang Hao quickly laughed, and motioned to Yu Changgui to help Hu San up.

Yu Changgui hurriedly helped Hu San up and said with a smile: "Lao San, get up quickly, it's not good for you to kneel like this."

Hu San got up and sat down, feeling deeply moved.

After Jiang Hao collected the silver needles, he smiled and said, "Uncle San, find a piece of clothing to put on, and let my uncle accompany you for a walk in the yard. You can exercise your leg muscles first. Active."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Hu San began to look around.

However, he has been paralyzed for twenty years, where is his clothes at home?

I had to find a dress my third aunt was wearing and put it on.

Seeing that Hu San was wearing something nondescript, Jiang Hao originally wanted to take out a set of clothes from the system warehouse and give it to him.

But after thinking about it, I was afraid that I would frighten the two of them by taking out their clothes out of thin air, so I had no choice but to forget.

"Go, let's go to my house, I will let Yue'er's mother find a set of clothes for you to change first!"

Yu Changgui jumped off the ground, put on his old cloth shoes, and helped Hu San get off the kang, and walked out of the house bit by bit.

"You two move slowly first, I'll go back first!"

Jiang Hao didn't care about them anymore, and after a few words, he walked straight out of the Hu's compound.

As soon as I left the door, it was very unfortunate that I ran into the fancy little sister.

However, she has changed another set now, dressing herself up to be gorgeous, wearing big sunglasses and holding a sun umbrella, but she looks a bit like an urban girl and doesn't know where to go.

"Big brother, go to Sanshu's house to stop by?"

After seeing Jiang Hao, Sister Xiaoli took the initiative to say hello.

"Yes, go and see San Shu!"

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded, and asked politely: "Are you going to go out?"

Sister Xiaoli nodded and smiled charmingly: "There is a movie in town tonight, I'll go see it first."

Jiang Hao smiled clearly after listening.

This is how to go to the movies, wear such a showy, it is probably to go for a show.

This is the case in some rural areas. Movies are shown in the evenings. Movies are fake, but **** acts are real.

He nodded and smiled: "Then you go, I'm going back."

However, as soon as he turned around, he heard sister Xiaoli ask: "Can you drive me a little bit?"

Jiang Hao turned his head and said with a smile: "Sorry, I don't have time now, you should think of a solution by yourself!"

After speaking, he abducted directly into the Yu family compound.

Listening to Jiang Hao’s unsatisfactory words, she also angered Sister Xiaoli, twisting her slender waist and muttering: "What's so great about driving a broken BMW X7? I even took a Bentley when I was in Xinghai. Where's Mulsanne!"

Back in the house, I saw three women busy cooking.

Seeing Jiang Hao's return, Yu Yue brought him a basin of water and said, "Wash your hands and face first."

"it is good."

Jiang Hao took the water basin, took out the house and began to wash his hands and face in the courtyard, suddenly feeling much colder.

Entering the house again, Yu's mother Zhang Ningxiang said to Yu Yue: "Yue'er, you don't need to be busy here, you can accompany Xiaohao, and your third aunt and I will be busy."

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Well, then I won't help you."

After the two entered Yu Yue's boudoir, Jiang Hao threw himself on the bed in the room and chatted with Yu Yue.

Soon after, Yu Changgui helped Hu San step by step and walked into the yard. He heard the third aunt in the outhouse ran out with an exclamation, and cried with Hu San.

Yu Yue sat up and looked out the window, looking at Jiang Hao in surprise: "Have you cured the third uncle's disease?"

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded, and said, "This little illness, it's time to catch it."

Yu Yue plunged directly into Jiang Hao's arms and smiled with joy: "You are too good, now the third aunt's codle is broken, and you don't know how she has survived these years."

"When I was a child, I always slept at his house, and I could always hear my third aunt crying secretly in the middle of the night. I didn't quite understand at that time, so I asked her why she was crying. My third aunt said that a bug got in her eyes."

"Later, I gradually understood that the third aunt was sighing that she was not pityful, but she was helpless."

Jiang Hao hugged Yu Yue and nodded and said, "I was also moved by the dedication of the third aunt, so I will help the third uncle to heal. I hope they will be happy to be old in the future!"

"And us!"

Yu Yue said shyly.

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