I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 455: Can't give up

"I fold!"

Wang Yuncong didn't want to be caught here anymore, so he just folded.

Although he has lost more than 20 million consecutively these times, he still can bear it.

Seeing Wang Yuncong fold, Huang Yina smiled and said to Wang Yuncong: "You are very wise."

Immediately, she took out five 10 million and one 5 million chips and threw them in, smiling: "Mr. Ono Taro, I am 50 million bigger than you."

At this moment, Ono Taro knew that Huang Yina was likely to be a straight flush card.

However, he still wanted to see Huang Yina's hole cards unwillingly, and threw 50 million chips directly, and said, "I'm following, look at your hole cards."

Upon hearing this, Huang Yina smiled charmingly, and gently opened her hole card, which was a 6 of hearts, and smiled: "Sorry, a straight flush."


The other three people in the room exclaimed when they saw Huang Yina got a straight flush.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yina really got a straight flush.

A sixty-year-old man in sixties sitting in the fifth position smiled and said: "It's worthy of Malaysia's gambling. I haven't played a few hands yet. This won a straight flush, killing more than 130 million in one go. , Great."

While One-Eyed was packing up the chips, Huang Yina smiled at the middle-aged man: "Uncle Quan laughed, it's just that my luck is better."

Soon, a middle-aged man in his fifties in the fourth position smiled and said, "If you continue to have such good luck, I think we can't continue playing anymore. How much do you have to lose? "

Huang Yina drank a sip of ice water and chuckled softly: "Who doesn't know that Mr. Li is a big business in Xingjiapo, and are you afraid of losing this little money? Besides, I just got lucky and got a straight flush."

The number one is a young, beard-faced, crooked nut running for nothing. He spoke in bad Chinese and said, "Come on, I can't wait to get a straight flush. You kill the piece of armor."

Huang Yina smiled again: "Prince Abdullah, as long as you pray a lot, the Lord will help you achieve it."

You know, the people who can sit here are all very valuable people.

Otherwise, who would dare to come up with a billion dollars to gamble here?

Ono Taro, the first heir to Toi Sakura Co., Ltd., has a family property of more than 500 billion US dollars and involves many industries.

Uncle Quan, the richest Chinese in Luzon, owns the largest private bank in Luzon, with a net worth of more than 80 billion US dollars.

Mr. Li, the richest Chinese in Xingjiapo, owns 46% of Xingjiapo Airlines and has a net worth of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Abdullah, the little prince of Qatar, is worth not to mention, he has more than a dozen oil and gas fields, and his worth is immeasurable.

I have to say that Huang Yina's methods are not shallow, and she can even invite such people to gamble on the boat.

Soon, they started again...

In the next lounge, Jiang Hao and Ophelia raced for more than an hour to finish the race.

This thoroughbred Great Ocean horse really made him cool.

At this moment, Ophelia was lying limply on the sofa and motionless, her face was flushed, she still didn't seem to fall from the clouds, her brown eyes staring at Jiang Hao infatuated.

I have to say that Jiang Hao is really powerful, even Yanmar can be tamed.

After Jiang Hao took a sip of red wine, he hugged Ophelia and said with a smile: "Let my brother be so rare that you are a big foreign girl."

Although it was the first time for this girl, she could still withstand Jiang Hao's speeding, and she couldn't slow down.

This made Jiang Hao very addicted.

Ophelia held Jiang Hao's neck tightly, still panting and said, "My dear, can you accompany me again tonight?"

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "No tonight, I have to accompany another woman."

After Ophelia heard this, she looked disappointed and said: "Then when can you come to accompany me?"

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I will leave tomorrow, and may never come again. If you miss me in the future, come to China to find me."

Ophelia said: "I will have a holiday in one month. I need to apply for a visa to Malaysia before I can go to China."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "Well, call me when you come to China."

Soothed, Ophelia didn't forget Huang Yina's explanation. She also started from her own body and mind, looking at Jiang Hao expectantly: "My dear, will you love me again?"

"No problem, you can love you twice."

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded, bowed his head and kissed, crossing the mountains, crossing the plains, and once again riding a big ocean horse on the endless prairie...

In the VIP room, six people have been playing for more than an hour.

At this time, the bargaining chips of these people on the gaming table changed again.

At most, Uncle Quan can have 1.6 billion chips at the door.

The second is Huang Yina, which can have 1.4 billion.

For the remaining four, the chips at the door have all been reduced.

Mr. Li has more than 1.1 billion left.

Ono Taro is also more than 600 million.

Wang Yuncong is still around 400 million.

Only the little prince Abdullah lost the worst, with only more than 300 million left at the door, less than Wang Yuncong.

At this time, Wang Yuncong was so anxious that he didn't know how many times Jiang Hao had played. It was almost two hours since he came back.

If he doesn't come back, he will be able to lose all the money.


Another hour and a half passed, Jiang Hao finally fed Ophelia.

Ophelia lay down in Jiang Hao's arms with a contented expression and shook her hand, and said, "My dear, you have lived in my heart now, and I can't let you go, and it!"

"That's right, many women can't let go of it."

Jiang Hao smiled triumphantly and got up and said, "Okay, your mission is complete. Brother is now going to the VIP room to win money. If you win your boss, you will be served together in the future. I."

Upon hearing this, Ophelia hurriedly waved her hand and said solemnly: "My dear, she is very powerful, you must not provoke her, it will kill you."

Jiang Hao shrugged and smiled, and said with a disapproving expression: "Don't worry, I'm much better than her, and no one can kill me. Get up and accompany me. I want you to see who is the best. "

After speaking, Jiang Hao rustled and began to put on his clothes.

Soon, Ophelia also put on her dress.

After a drag racing, Ophelia suddenly became a lot more mature and looked more feminine.

"this is for you!"

Jiang Hao took out a Chanel diamond necklace worth tens of millions and gave it to Ophelia.

European and American women don't like jade very much, so Jiang Hao didn't give the emperor green.

"Thank you dear!"

Seeing the diamond necklace, Ophelia was indifferent to excitement.

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