I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 457: Can't calm down

Soon, Ono Taro smiled and said to Jiang Hao: "Mr. Jiang, you have already bought a piece of 8. Good luck will not accompany you again!"

"That may be true."

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes at him.

At this time, Huang Yina also frowned, thinking in her mind.

Now, she can kill as long as she buys the heart K, or other heart cards and variegated kings, and she still has a lot of wins.

In the end, she decided to make a desperate move and spend 10 million to buy this card.

"Don't steal chickens, I will tell you 5 million!"

Ono Taro smiled and threw a 5 million chip.

Immediately afterwards, One-Eyed issued the fifth card.

Jiang Hao got the last eight, Huang Yina got the king of spades, and Ono Taro got a 4 of hearts.

"Three talks!"

He glanced at the card face with one eye, and said to Jiang Hao.

"Haha, Taro Ono, take a look, Sanjo, you two have a fart, I can kill you! 10 million."

After Jiang Hao laughed, he threw out a 10 million chip.

At this moment, Huang Yina also secretly calculated, and unceremoniously followed 10 million, and also added 10 million.

According to the rules, the dragon can kill three and two pairs.

Taro Ono, who got the Fulhaus, were overweighting the two people, and smiled and said: "Can't I be Fulhaus? 20 million with you, and 10 million with you!"

Having said that, three 10 million chips were thrown out.

"I'll go, you two want to steal a chicken and trick me into fold?"

Jiang Hao's eyes condensed, he hesitated for a moment, and looked at Huang Yina, and found that this woman was also looking at him with a smile.

Finally, Jiang Hao clicked on the two hundred million remaining chips in front of him, and said with a smile: "Come on, I have 232 million here, Stud!"


Everyone present did not expect that Jiang Hao would play stud for the first time when he came up, and they were all stunned.

Huang Yina smiled, then I'll follow you.

Ono Taro was even more happy, nodded and said: "It's just what I want, stay with you."

Although both of them can see that Jiang Hao is likely to be four.

However, if the hole cards are not opened, no one can guarantee that Jiang Hao is stealing chickens.

When Huang Yina and Ono Taro both followed Jiang Hao for 212 million, Ono laughed and said: "Mr. Jiang, for this deck of cards, it is Fulhaus, don't tell me you are four."

Jiang Hao also opened up his trump card, smiled and said: "Sorry, I am really four, 8888, good luck!"

Seeing Jiang Hao's trump card, Huang Yina and Ono Taro were also completely discouraged, and their heads buzzed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao's life was really good, so he took four of them when he came up.

And also won so much money.

This time, Jiang Hao not only won the last time Wang Yuncong had lost before, but also had a surplus of hundreds of millions.

Now, he has more than 1 billion chips in his hand.

After collecting the chips, Jiang Hao directly gave Guiyan a million chips and said with a smile: "You have dealt the cards for so long tonight, you can rest."

Hearing the ghost eyes, he was stunned!

Huang Yina smiled and said: "One-eyed is the best stud croupier on our gambling boat. No one is more suitable to stay here to deal cards than him."

Jiang Hao shrugged and smiled: "If you don't want him to lose his hands, just let him stay, I have no objection!"

The casino has the rules of the casino. If someone is found to be out of business, they will chop off their hands, or chop the fish directly.

Huang Yina pretended to be silly and asked, "Mr. Jiang suspected that he would give a thousand dollars?"

Jiang Hao smiled: "Don't I doubt that I can't replace him? Change to a younger one."

Huang Yina pursed her lips and nodded and said, "Of course."

After speaking, he waved to Guiyan and sent him away.

Before long, a young male croupier came in and the gambling started again.

In the second game, Jiang Hao folds directly.

Although he could see the cards, he couldn't change them, so he didn't follow.

In this round, Mr. Li used a pair of Jacks to wipe his scalp and defeated Ono Taro's pair of 10s, and Ono Taro lost another 100 million.

In the third game, Jiang Hao folds again.

In this round, the killing of five of them was indissoluble.

In the end, Abdullah, Ono Taro, and Mr. Li directly stud, and they were all obliterated by Mr. Li with a big dragon, winning more than 400 million.

At this time, the extremely brave Ono Taro and Abdullah lost a billion and were unconvinced, they directly took out the black gold card and exchanged one billion chips on the gambling boat, which is considered to be fighting.

Half an hour later, it was the tenth game.

At this time, Jiang Hao stopped being polite with them, and directly ordered the system to adjust the card sequence and prepare to kill the Quartet.

It's getting late now. He only ate a meal at nine o'clock in the morning and did so much physical work. He was still hungry. How could he have time to spend with them?

Next, Jiang Hao had cards on the handle, and these people also followed the cards again and again.

It didn't take long for all the chips in front of these people to be in front of Jiang Hao, with a total of 7.4 billion.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Wang Yuncong, Ophelia, or even everyone in the room, they were all stunned.

Is this the God of Gamblers alive?

How can I win everyone's money so quickly!

"It's late, everyone, I should go back to eat and sleep too!"

After winning everyone's money, Jiang Hao also smiled and stood up and wanted to leave.

At this time, Huang Yina said coldly: "Mr. Jiang has won so much money, still want to leave?"

The elegance before is gone.

She has seen many winners, but no one can get so much money in his hands.

Before and after, Jiang Hao has swept 7.8 billion in her casino, and she has lost more than one billion in money alone.

She has always been arrogant and eager to find that she was wrong and should not let this man come to the VIP room.

Not only did he fail to win back the money he won, but instead allowed himself to lose more.

This was definitely a fatal mistake, and it made her seem unable to calm down.

Soon, the bodyguards in the VIP room stretched their hands into their arms. As long as Huang Yina gave an order, more than a dozen guns would be aimed at Jiang Hao soon.

In the room, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing this posture, Wang Yuncong also secretly stood up anxiously, preparing to advance and retreat together with Jiang Hao.

Even Sophielia betrayed Huang Yina, and after hesitating for a while, she got up to rush over.

However, as soon as they took a step, they were forced to retreat by Jiang Hao's eyes.

Jiang Hao licked his lips, smiled fearlessly at Huang Yina and asked, "Ms. Huang doesn't want to kill people and make more money, right?"

This kind of thing often happens in movies.

Jiang Hao didn't expect to meet him one day.

However, this really does not have any deterrent effect for him.

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