I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 464: Ransom someone with money

"You threaten me?"

Hearing George's words, Huang Yina frowned, her expression gloomy.

George seemed a little mad and said: "Yes, when we return to Audria, we will find someone to kill you **** and blow up your ship."

Hearing George scolded herself as a bitch, Huang Yina couldn't bear no matter how high she was.

She stepped on high heels, walked to George's side in a few steps, and immediately brought down the demented George with a dashing leg.

Immediately after, she lifted her foot and stepped on it, and the sharp heel pierced George's cheek directly into his mouth, and her skin sprang and blood flowed.

Everyone was stunned again, but didn't expect this super beauty to be such a cruel master.

"Don't think you are from the Tang De family, I dare not move you!"

Huang Yina finished speaking in a cold voice, and lifted her high heels, and saw a blood hole on George's face.

George's face was painful and hideous, and he said in pain, "Then let's just wait and see!"

Huang Yina said with disdain: "No problem, I'm just waiting for you to find someone to kill me and blow up this ship."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao looked at George and said with a smile: "There is only one woman who dares to threaten me. You can go swimming in the Pacific Ocean soon!"

Hearing that Jiang Hao was about to throw these two people into the sea, Huang Yina frowned and said, "Brother Hao, let's keep these two people first. If they are really dead, it would not be good for the Richard family and the Tang De family to vent their anger together. It's done."

Jiang Hao glanced at Huang Yina, then nodded: "Since you have concerns, then I will spare their lives."

"However, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable. I will call their family members for a while and use 5 billion dollars to redeem them for their lives. If the money is not available for half an hour, they will still go directly into the Pacific Ocean. I don't like doing things. Sluggish!"

If there are few such scourges on the earth, it may become better.

Huang Yina calmed down for a moment, and finally obeyed Jiang Hao's words, and told several waiters in the restaurant: "Follow Mr. Jiang's words."

Now Jiang Hao is her god, and she is obedient.


After a few waiters responded, they stepped forward and dragged the two people away.

"Let's go, let's go eat."

After dealing with these matters, Jiang Hao took the three women to the reserved private room.

In the private room, Wang Yuncong and Ophelia had already ordered some food, sitting here waiting for Jiang Hao.

When he was bored, Wang Yuncong told Ophelia to cheer and talk about some of the great things that Jiang Hao had done in Yanjing.

On the other hand, Ophelia listened with gusto, exclaiming from time to time.

Soon after, Jiang Hao opened the door of the room with the three beauties and walked in.

Seeing Jiang Hao coming, both Wang Yuncong and Ophelia stood up.

Wang Yuncong smiled and said, "I thought you couldn't get off tonight."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao didn't react in particular, but made Huang Yina a big blush.

This guy has something to say!

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes, walked to the upright position, sat down, and said, "Let's have dinner, I'm almost fainted!"

Ophelia nodded, walked out of the private room and began to inform the waiter to serve the food.

Soon, some meals were brought in, and some Malaysian dishes were also brought in.

Jiang Hao was already a little dizzy from hunger, and immediately began to gobble up.

Both Yan Dan and Cao Wenjing were full, and they didn't eat any more, they just sat and watched.

After adding some food to his stomach, Jiang Hao slowed down, and said to Wang Yuncong: "In a while, you will leave the US$20 billion exchanged, and all the rest will be returned to the casino.

Wang Yucong is not stupid, he naturally knows why Jiang Hao would do this.

Now that the two of them are so good that they are sleeping together, naturally they can't ask for the money anymore.

He nodded and said, "I'll take care of it after dinner."

Jiang Hao said as he ate, "You also leave 500 million dollars, I said, you will not treat you badly if you follow me, but you are not allowed to poke me in the future."

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Wang Yucong was very excited and said to Jiang Hao: "Jiang Ye, you are so much better to me than my father, he has never given me so much money."

Before and after, Jiang Hao directly or indirectly gave Wang Yuncong more than six billion soft sister coins, which is indeed more than what his father gave.

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes: "Go away, I don't want to be your father."

Hearing this, everyone laughed, only Wang Yuncong looked embarrassed.

More than half an hour later, a staff member on the gambling boat walked into the private room and said to Huang Yina: "Boss, George and Vic and many people have transferred five billion dollars to the casino account. They both demanded Now take the speedboat to leave the gambling boat and go to the nearby Dongyi country."

After listening, Huang Yina nodded and said: "Let them go."

The staff took the order and left the private room.

Wang Yuncong asked curiously: "Who are George and Victor?"

Yan Dan opened his mouth and explained what had happened before.

"Damn it."

After listening, Wang Yuncong gave Jiang Hao a double thumbs up, and smiled: "Next time you encounter something like this, you must call me. I like to clean up crooked nuts like this!"

Once in Yanjing, Wang Yuncong really did not clean up the crooked nuts that were forced in the Chinese clothes, so that they learned how to respect grandpa.

"No, I'm afraid you will share the money with me!"

Jiang Hao shook his head and continued to eat delicious food.


This sentence embarrassed Wang Yuncong again.

Fortunately, Huang Yina relieved him at this time and said, "When you go to refund the money later, deduct the five billion dollars too!"

Wang Yuncong nodded: "I see."

After a while, Jiang Hao was full, patted his belly, and smiled: "This Malaysian food tastes really good."

Huang Yina smiled and said: "When you have time to come to Malaysia, I will take you to more authentic Malaysian cuisine."

Jiang Hao nodded: "No problem, I will definitely go if you are there."

After everyone was chatting for a while, Huang Yina stood up and said: "Brother Hao, there are many things in the casino, so I won't accompany you."


Jiang Hao nodded: "Go ahead and leave us alone."

Seeing Huang Yina was leaving, Ophelia also said goodbye to Jiang Hao and followed her away.

After Jiang Hao and Cao Wenjing Yan Dan were left in the room, Jiang Hao also got up and said to the two women: "Go, we should go back to rest, too."

The two women followed and left here with Jiang Hao.

After arriving in a luxurious suite on the top floor of the gambling ship, Jiang Hao sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at his mobile phone.

On WeChat, many people left messages for him, most of them were women.

Especially the little fairies who just joined this morning, all invited him into their live broadcast room to be a guest.

Jiang Hao replied one by one, not going to fight the landlord with him.

I am not being taken advantage of, so why don't you give them gifts to attract fans for no reason?

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