I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 474: All in one piece

Sanlitun, the symbol of Yenching night, the originator of bar culture, the landmark of trendy life, and the mecca of fashionable street photography.

As it was the weekend, the night here became more lively, and there were all handsome men and beauties.

Especially some women, one by one, dressed stylishly and generously. Many men who looked at their eyes were straight, and they couldn't help swallowing.

Five people walking here, enjoying the noise and comfort of Yanjing City in the evening.

Soon, they came to the Taikoo Li business district.

After seeing the three characters "Tai Koo Li", Jiang Hao couldn't help but think of the Uniqlo incident that moved the country several years ago.

He was still in college at the time and was completely shocked after reading it.

A hundred years of repairs have been able to ferry together, and a thousand years of repairs have been made in Uniqlo.

To this day, Jiang Hao heard that the heroine of the year has already made her debut as a singer, which has broken the morale of many people.

But this is not surprising.

In the age of traffic, how much money can self-love make?

The criteria for success today have changed.

"Sisters, do you want to go to the bar for a few drinks?"

Seeing the bar street nearby, Lola called out.

"Hehe, I want to go." Xu Muxi said with a smile.

Li Xiaomo and Qian Duoduo looked at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "Don't look at me, just go if you want. Anyway, if you drink too much, it will only make me cheaper at night!"

"Then it will be cheaper for you big bad guy tonight, go, sisters, let's go happy together!"

Qian Duoduo smiled and pulled Li Xiaomo across the crosswalk and walked into a bar.

Although it was just getting dark, there were already a lot of people in the bar, people of all skin colors.

When these people saw these four super beauties coming in, they immediately caused a lot of commotion.

Jiang Hao and the four women found a vacant deck in the depths and sat down. A waiter came over and asked, "Good evening, how many would you like to drink?"

Jiang Hao looked at the four women and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Laura thought for a while and said, "You can have any wine. We mainly want to enjoy the atmosphere here."

The other three women nodded.

Jiang Hao asked the waiter: "Give them four bottles of your best wine here, five more fruit plates, and two bottles of iced Coke."

The waiter was very insightful. When he looked at Jiang Hao's wear and the watch on his wrist, he knew that Jiang Hao was an absolutely rich man. He directly suggested: "Sir, why don't you just order a Shenlong suit. There are six bottles in total." , The price is 88888 yuan, and it can also light up VIP lights for you."

After listening, Jiang Hao nodded slightly: "Just it!"

"Okay, come right away."

The waiter responded with a smile and went back to prepare.

Xu Muxi said with a smile: "Follow Brother Hao to go out is open, and wherever you go, it is the most expensive!"

After Jiang Hao heard this, he curled his mouth and said, "Do you still want to drink a few hundred dollars a bottle of fake wine?"

Li Xiaomo smiled and said, "Then we don't want to drink, come up!"

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "You will be the brightest boy in this bar in a while!"

Jiang Hao smiled and understood what she meant.

Haven't you eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run?

"Hi, several beauties, can we buy you a drink?"

At this moment, four tall and broad old black men came up.

Under the dim light, they couldn't see their faces, and they could see a pair of white eyes and a white tooth, which was so terribly cripple.

If you walk in an alley without street lights in the middle of the night, you can definitely scare a few to death.


Jiang Hao was particularly annoying to people who like to tease around like this, especially the black people who didn't know themselves, and he cursed directly.

Mar, don’t you know what you look like?

"Friend, you have so many girls, you might as well give us some, I can pay for your drinks!"

Another black man said to Jiang Hao holding a wine glass, speaking in Chinese quite a bit.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao almost didn't laugh.

With hundreds of cocktails in his hand, he wanted to pay for Jiang Hao's drinks.

Is this particularly dementia?

"Hurry up and get away from me!"

Jiang Hao scolded again, but still in English.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, a tall and burly black man slammed his fist on the bar and said angrily: "Boy, we are Americans. Believe it or not will kill you?"

After Jiang Hao heard this, he smiled disdainfully: "Da Lao Hei, this is China's territory, don't pretend to be here, be careful of being struck by lightning, even if thunder doesn't strike you, I will also strike you!"

Yesterday, he cleaned up two Audria's big boys on the gambling boat. It seems that he has to clean up these few American big boys today.

Grandma's, are Americans great?

Make him anxious, no matter where you are from, you can't miss it!

At this time, several waiters came in a line holding the ace of spades light board, and there were four people behind the line holding the light board "There is a mine at home".

On the front desk, on the big screen, the highest-spending first Shenlong suit 88888 was also played, and a DJ also took the microphone and praised Jiang Hao graciously, attracting everyone's attention.

This is the rule of the bar. Anyone who has ordered the Shenlong set must light up the VIP lights and accept the cheers of everyone.

I have to say that the rich can accept the respect of others anytime and anywhere.

Fortunately, Jiang Hao is not so vain, otherwise he would be envied to death every day.

However, this is a lot of money and Jiang Hao is really a drop in the bucket.

Among the four little girls, only Qian Duoduo had been treated like this in a bar with her brother.

Although the other three women had seen it, they had not enjoyed it, and they were all flattered by this one.

The scene that once envied others finally fell to them today.

Soon, these waiters put the wine on Jiang Hao's wine counter.

The eyes of some young ladies in the bar lit up.

Ace of spades, this is their favorite!

Many women come to the bar to be lucky enough to have a glass of this kind of wine.

However, when they saw the four women sitting next to Jiang Hao, they all felt ashamed of themselves and gave up their intention of going up to Jiang Hao.

After the tumult, these waiters also withdrew.

The previous waiter also handed the bill to Jiang Hao and smiled: "Sir, you spent a total of 88888 yuan. This coke and fruit plate are given to you by our bar for free. If you need to scan the code, use the QR code on the bill. can."

Jiang Hao nodded, and then said to the four big gangsters next to him: "Come on, don't you want to buy the order for me, pay for it!"

The four old men frowned. They didn't expect Jiang Hao to order such an expensive drink, equivalent to more than ten thousand dollars.

This makes it impossible to pretend to Jiang Hao!

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