I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 493: Distribute bounty

Soon, Jiang Hao was sitting in the main seat, with a Heclan Great Yangma on either side.

And Wang Yuncong and the four of them are also surrounded by a little beauty.

There were a dozen people sitting at a large table.

A beautiful girl beside Jiang Hao graciously poured him a glass of red wine.

Jiang Hao looked at Qian Jialiang and said, "While your medicine's effect hasn't happened yet, I'll speak up quickly."

"Last time I won you a hotel, I won't pay you back the hotel, but I can give you money and give me the card number. I will give you 2 billion US dollars."


Qian Jialiang waved his hand and said, "I can afford to lose."

Jiang Hao said: "It's not whether you can afford to lose, but since we are a family, I can't win your money."

Wang Yuncong persuaded: "Jia Liang, Lord Jiang has won tens of billions of dollars on the gambling boat. If you don't miss your money, you can accept it!"

After thinking about it, Qian Jialiang took out a gold card from a bag beside him and said, "Since you won so much money on the gambling boat, then I won't be polite with you anymore. I just want to do it again recently. If you invest in a hotel, you will receive your money, and then I will give you some shares."

Jiang Hao smiled, did not say much, and transferred 2 billion US dollars to him according to Qian Jialiang's card number.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao said to Situ Sheng and Wei Dayong: "You have performed well in Yanjing during this period. Give me the card, and I will give you 200 million US dollars each."

Situ Sheng and Wei Dayong hurriedly found out their bank cards with joy, and received 200 million US dollars from Jiang Hao.

In this scene, all these women nearby were dumbfounded.

At this moment, Jiang Hao gave out 2.4 billion US dollars. How rich is this?

After finishing this matter, Jiang Hao raised his glass and said, "Remember, follow me, and you will never lose a little bit. We did this glass."

"Jiang Ye, we respect you."

Everyone at the table also raised their glasses and took a drink.

After drinking, Qian Jialiang asked in a good mood: "I heard Duoduo say this afternoon, you won an oil field from a prince in Qatar?"

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "This Prince Abdullah is also the sponsor of this sports car contest. When we go to Qatar, we will directly arrange with him."

Situ Sheng smiled and said, "I also want to play with you."

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded: "No problem, we will go to Qatar together to see where the tyrants in the Middle East are!"

Hearing this, Situ Sheng raised his wine glass again, and smiled at Jiang Hao: "Jiang Ye, in the future, I Situ Sheng will look forward to your horse's head, and this glass will respect you alone!"

Hearing Situ Sheng's words, Jiang Hao smiled and had a drink with him.

After the two of them drank this glass of wine, Jiang Hao said to Wei Dayong: "Recently, find more people to go to the Jinghua Building to protect my company. I am afraid that the **** Zhong Yiming will jump over the wall and go to the Jinghua Building to make trouble."

Wei Dayong nodded and said: "Don't worry, Lord Jiang, I have already called Zhong Yiming to warn him. If there is another time, I will come directly to the door and let him bleed."

Both Wang Yuncong and Wei Dayong were friends with Zhong Yiming.

However, Zhong Yiming offended Jiang Hao, and all drew a clear line with him, and even turned his head against him.

Hearing Wei Dayong's words, Jiang Hao shook his head and warned: "Don't act recklessly. This **** is protected by a strong person. If you go to a hundred people like you, you will die."

"What you have to do now is to send more people to guard the Jinghua Building, so as not to let people make trouble."


After Wei Dayong listened, he also nodded.

After a few people chatted for a while, the strength of Situ Sheng, Wei Dayong, and Qian Jialiang came up, their faces flushed.

Seeing them like this, Jiang Hao smiled, and waved his hand: "Let's find a place to solve it, don't worry about us, I have to go if I have something to do in a while, and we will get together again in the next day."

"Then you continue to drink, we will withdraw first."

Qian Jialiang got up and smiled embarrassedly, and left the place after pulling the two women beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Dayong and Situ Sheng also led the two female companions beside them to leave.

In the room, Jiang Hao, Wang Yuncong and four women were left.

Wang Yuncong smiled at Jiang Hao and said, "Jiang Ye, these two black crannies are clean. You can take them away tonight."

Jiang Hao looked sideways and took a good look at these two Heikelan pretty girls, they were all great beauties, which showed that Wang Yuncong had really taken a lot of thought.

"What is your name?"

Jiang Hao asked the two foreign girls in standard Heikelan.

The two foreign girls didn't expect Jiang Hao to speak Hecran, and they were overjoyed and narrowed the distance between each other.

The foreign **** the left smiled directly: "My name is Yila."

The one on the right followed: "My name is Linna."

"You come to China for school?" Jiang Hao asked again.

Yila nodded and said: "Yes, we are exchange students learning Huaxia, and we have to go back to China in half a month."

Exchange students are international students sent to each other between the friendship universities of the two countries. Most of the time is short, usually half a year or a year.

Jiang Hao knew it, holding up his glass and said, "Come on, to drink to our acquaintance."

Wang Yuncong and the two women around him also followed up with their wine glasses, and had another drink with Jiang Hao.

After drinking, Wang Yuncong said to Jiang Hao: "Jiang Ye, these two are named Yang Ying and Zhang Yi, and they are also clean, or leave them all for you?"

Jiang Hao looked at the two Chinese girls next to Wang Yuncong. They were both in their twenties. They looked pretty and could score 92+ points.

The two girls also looked at Jiang Hao expectantly, hoping that he could keep himself.

However, Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't have so much time tonight, you can take it yourself."

"okay then."

Wang Yuncong stood up and said, "I won't delay your work here anymore. First take them downstairs and have a good time. You let the cigarette I bought on the bar. Don't forget it when you leave. "

Jiang Hao waved his hand: "I see, let's go."

"Then you guys have fun."

Wang Yuncong smiled and left the private room with the two women beside him.

After the three of them left, Jiang Hao chatted with these two foreign girls in Hecran, and at the same time began to misfortune.

I have to say that this foreign girl is indeed superb, neither fat nor thin, but very plump. It is completely two kinds of beauty with the domestic firewood girl.

However, foreign girls also have a fatal flaw, that is, when they sweat, they smell too much, which has something to do with their diet.

Jiang Hao took out the silver needle and directly cured the two of them, and began to enjoy...

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