I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 495: Three days together

Seeing the reward drawn, Jiang Hao asked, "System, are you giving me an excavator toy?"

【Ding——This excavator can grow and become smaller according to the host's mind, and has an autonomous mining function, which is not afraid of high temperature, cold, and pressure. 】

[At present, it can be digged to a depth of one 10,000 meters in the ground. If you want to dig deeper, you need the host to upgrade it with a superb value. 】

"Damn it."

Hearing the system's answer, Jiang Hao was completely surprised.

This excavator is really awesome. It can not only search for mineral sources on its own, but can also dig to a depth of one 10,000 meters in the ground.

You know, the deepest zone that humans can detect underground is 12376 meters underground, which is the depth of the z44 oil well.

However, due to various technical reasons, humans can no longer continue to dig down.

However, this excavator can now dig a 10,000-meter underground.

If you upgrade it again, you can continue to dig deeper, which will break through the limits of human detection.

You know, some scientists have discovered that there may be about sixty trillion tons of gold and one trillion tons of diamonds on the earth.

Although most of these gold and diamonds are stored in the core of the earth, about a few thousand kilometers below the surface, it is impossible to mine there with the current technology of mankind.

However, in the earth's crust tens of kilometers away, there is also a large amount of gold and diamonds stored, and the weight is also quite large, estimated to be tens of billions of tons.

If you can dig out a small part of the gold and diamonds in the earth's crust, you will definitely make a fortune.

I have to say that the super excavator drawn this time is really a magical prize.

"Then after I own this super excavator, can I use it to find underground gold and diamond mines?"

【Ding——Any underground minerals can be found. As long as the host performs command operations on the super mobile phone, the super excavator will conduct underground mineral exploration according to the host's instructions and dig out countless underground minerals for the host. 】


Jiang Hao knew it, and snickered in his heart.

After being happy for a while, Jiang Hao continued to ask: "System, can you give me more of this super excavator? You can buy it with Shenhao value."

If you can buy more of these excavators, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort in the future, and you can quickly dig out various underground treasures.

[Ding-currently not possible, you have to upgrade the system to level three, it will be sold in the system store. 】

"Then how many missions will I have to upgrade to level three?"

【Ding——It still needs the host to complete seventeen second-level tasks to be promoted to third-level. 】


Jiang Hao responded thoughtfully.

It seems that I can only wait slowly.

Spent level one, and now it's level two again.

"Husband, what do you think?"

Shangguan Jingyu looked at Jiang Hao in a daze for a full minute, and asked with a tender face.

Jiang Hao recovered, smiled and kissed her forehead, blinked his eyes and said, "Thinking about our future."

Shangguan Jingyu smiled and asked with a happy expression: "What will happen to our future?"

Jiang Hao smiled gently: "When I have nothing to worry about, I will take you to live in a secluded old house in the mountains as a home, repair fences and plant flowers when you are busy, and drink tea when you are free."

"Ha ha……"

Shangguan Jingyu laughed after hearing this, and said with a happy face: "Then you hurry up and don't worry about it. I will definitely go with you to the old house in the deep mountains to drink tea."


Jiang Hao nodded, looking forward to it.

If there is such a place in the deep mountains that is isolated from the world, and take all of your own women, it will be a kind of fairy day, and you will die of happiness.

However, this kind of thing can only be thought of the same thing, and it cannot be realized at present.

At this time, Shangguan Jingyu yawned.

Seeing her sleepy, Jiang Hao put his arms around her and said, "Go to sleep."


Shangguan Jingyu nestled in Jiang Hao's arms and slowly closed his eyes.


For the next three days, Jiang Hao and these five women did not leave the courtyard in the sky, and enjoyed the three-day wedding together.

Early on Tuesday morning, five women reluctantly got up from Jiang Hao's side.

They are so busy that they have to go to work.

At half past seven, the five women withdrew, leaving Jiang Hao alone in the entire courtyard.

After more than an hour, Jiang Hao naturally woke up.

He checked the time, it was almost half past eight.

After finding out his cell phone and browsing today's news, he called Tong Yaya.


The call was quickly connected, and Tong Yaya responded in a sweet voice.

Jiang Hao said: "Notify Qin Xiaolan and the others to go to the Oriental Entertainment City around 1 p.m., I am looking for something to do with you."

Last time I promised Geng Xinxin to let these people go to Xinghai to shoot game posters, and now it's time to let them go.

"it is good."

Tong Yaya responded.

After putting down the phone, Jiang Hao went to the bathroom for a wash, took out a new set of clothes from the system warehouse and put on it, and drove downstairs to the Jinghua Building.

At around nine o'clock, Jiang Hao arrived at the Jinghua Building and took the elevator directly to the Ye's Financial Investment Company on the 23rd floor.

This is the first time he has come since this investment company was established.

As soon as he arrived at the company's door, Jiang Hao saw four security guards standing here.

And a beautiful front desk also greeted him politely: "Hello sir, can I help you?"

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded, "Thank you for asking Mr. Lin to come out for me, please."

The front desk clerk smiled and said, "Do you have an appointment with Mr. Lin?"

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I am her husband, what else do I have to make an appointment?"

Downstairs, he called Lin Peishan, but it was a pity that he turned it off, probably in the morning meeting.

Financial investment companies usually go to work at 8:30 and have meetings at 9 o'clock. This is the same as Xinghai’s angel investment.

The front desk clerk looked at Jiang Hao in a daze, and then smiled again: "Mr. Lin is having a meeting. You might as well go to the reception room next to him and wait a moment."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao rolled his eyes.

However, she didn't blame the front desk girl of the person in charge.

After all, this is an extraordinary period and we must be vigilant.

But he didn't want to waste time here, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed out.

After the phone was connected, Jiang Hao said, "I'm at the door of the company, come out to pick me up."

Not long after putting down the phone, I saw Yu Yue trotting out all the way.

As soon as he saw Jiang Hao, Yu Yue asked happily: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to guide your work."

Jiang Hao laughed, hugged Yu Yue and kissed in public.

This scene immediately stunned the front desk and the four security guards.

Didn't this man say that he was President Lin's husband?

Why did you kiss Mr. Yu again?

Could it be...

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