I Have a Shenhao System

Chapter 732: The purpose

While Jiang Hao was chatting with these two Arab brothers, a well-dressed Chinese middle-aged man walked to Jiang Hao's side.

Then I saw him bow down and said to Jiang Hao with a smile on his face: "Mr. Jiang, our boss has already cooked the special Blue Mountain coffee. I hope you can enjoy your face and have a drink with him."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao knew that the casino could no longer hold it, and wanted to negotiate terms with him.

However, this is exactly the result he wanted.

Jiang Hao smiled and nodded to the middle-aged man and said, "OK, no problem. I just want to drink some coffee to refresh myself."

With that said, he stood up directly, and didn't bother with the chips on the gambling table. After greeted the two Arab brothers, he left here directly with the middle-aged man.

It didn't take long before Jiang Hao came to a large office on the fifth floor and met the backstage owner of the Sands Casino, a middle-aged man in his fifties from the Lin family from Malaysia.

After seeing Jiang Hao coming in, the boss Lin approached Jiang Hao with a smile on his face and shook hands with Jiang Hao: "Hello Mr. Jiang, my dear Lin Canghai, welcome to Sentosa Casino."

Facing Jiang Hao, he had to be more enthusiastic.

Now she is pinching the door of her life!

Seeing this man, Jiang Hao also nodded and greeted with a smile on his face: "Hello Boss Lin."

After the two exchanged greetings, Lin Canghai stretched out his hand to Jiang Hao and asked, "Mr. Jiang, please sit inside. Let's talk while drinking coffee!"

"no problem."

Jiang Hao nodded in response, walked a few steps into the room, sat directly on a soft and comfortable sofa, picked up a cup of steaming coffee, and drank slowly.

Soon, Lin Canghai also sat down, picked up another cup of coffee and drank with it.

Blue Mountain Coffee, produced in the Blue Mountains region of Jamaica, is the best coffee in the world.

Because the Blue Mountains have fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all year round, this climate has created the world-renowned Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, and it has also created the world's highest-priced coffee.

This kind of coffee has all the characteristics of high-quality coffee, not only the taste is strong and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitterness at all, only moderate and perfect sourness.

Only the coffee beans picked from coffee trees above 666 meters above sea level can be regarded as true Blue Mountain coffee, and the following coffee is called high mountain coffee.

The process of picking Blue Mountain coffee beans is very difficult, and unskilled female workers are simply unable to do the job.

It is even more important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immature or well-ripe coffee beans will affect the quality of coffee.

After picking, the coffee beans must be hulled the same day, and then allowed to ferment for 12-18 hours, and then dried on the concrete floor or on a thick blanket until the humidity of the coffee beans drops to 12%-14%. Coffee beans are considered the best.

Of course, it is also the most expensive, and it is difficult to buy on the market.

After drinking half a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee, Jiang Hao put down the cup and said to Lin Canghai: "Boss Lin, we don't even talk secretly. You must have guessed the purpose of my visit to the casino, right?"

It is estimated that Jiang Hao won the Golden Sands Hotel. It is estimated that this meeting has spread all over the world. It is impossible for Lin Canghai, who is competing in the same city, to know it.

Lin Canghai also didn't want to pretend to be in front of Jiang Hao, and nodded with a bitter expression: "To be honest, from the moment I received the casino call, I already knew your purpose."

After Jiang Hao listened, he also smiled.

After putting down the cup, Lin Canghai continued: "Mr. Jiang, is there anything else?"

After Jiang Hao listened, he also watched Lin Canghai sink into thought.

The Lin's Genting Group also has a lot of investments in China, and it can be regarded as a patriotic overseas Chinese.

Although his Genting Group opened casinos around the world and won a lot of money from Chinese compatriots, many of them returned to China.

In addition, Jiang Hao really has no talents who can help him manage this hotel and casino.

This is not something that an erudite card can solve. It also needs to balance various social things. There are many things inside.

After thinking for a while, he said to Lin Canghai: "Well, I don't need this casino and hotel, but you have to give me 30% of Genting Hotel Group."

"In addition, I also need a sea-view villa with the best location for me to live in Xingjiapo in the future."

The market value of the entire Genting Group exceeds 100 billion U.S. dollars, and its 30% share is only more than 30 billion U.S. dollars.

But the money is not enough to buy a casino license in Xingjiapo.

He believed that Lin Canghai would make a correct choice.

Hearing that Jiang Hao left himself so much leeway, Lin Canghai's hopeless expression suddenly relaxed, nodding and saying: "As long as you leave this casino and hotel to me, I can give you 30% of the entire Genting Group. Shares."

Hearing Lin Canghai's happily agreed, Jiang Hao also got up and said, "Okay, I don't need the bargaining chip downstairs. If I buy your shares in Genting Group, I will let my lawyer come to you tomorrow. To handle related matters."

Lin Canghai also got up and nodded, "Okay, I'll be waiting anytime."

Jiang Hao said, "First arrange for someone to help me open the best villa here, and I will live there tonight."

After hearing the words, Lin Canghai also said to the middle-aged man in the Fifth Middle School: "A Bing, call and tell the front desk of the hotel to open the best villa room, and Mr. Jiang will live there in a while."


After the middle-aged man responded, he took out his cell phone and went to make a call elsewhere.


At this time, Jiang Hao took out a piece of jadeite rough one meter high from the system warehouse and placed it on the floor of the office.

This scene directly made Lin Canghai silly.

I really don't know whether Jiang Hao is a **** or a demon, how suddenly such a big rock came out.

"Don't be afraid, this is just a special function of mine."

Seeing Lin Canghai’s suspicion, Jiang Hao also smiled, and then continued: “This is a rough green emerald stone with a glass bottom. You can find someone to engrave the words'Shenhao Yongchang' on it and put it in the casino At the entrance of the casino, you can guarantee the everlasting feng shui prosperity of the casino!"

This is just a play of Jiang Hao's nonsense, and the purpose of doing so is to give Lin Canghai a little bit of color and prevent him from playing tricks with himself in the future.

After all, this hotel and casino are still in his hands, and he is far away from the emperor.

"Okay, I will tell someone to do it tomorrow."

People who run casinos believe in Feng Shui the most, and Jiang Hao's display is enough to convince him.

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