However, Xu Damao had no sympathy at all, but laughed with gloating: "Hahahahaha... Well, the retribution for stealing things is so quick! Isn't this just asking for trouble?" His voice was particularly loud, as if he was afraid that others couldn't hear it. After saying that, he looked at Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu triumphantly, his eyes full of ridicule and disdain. When Sha Zhu heard Xu Damao mocking her sister Qin, he immediately stood up and retorted: "Xu Damao, are you itching to get beaten again? Even if it was stolen by Bang Geng, so what?

He is still a child and doesn't know anything. At most, he can just compensate Li Chenyu with some money. Why the hell are you meddling in this!"

"Stupid, his real father hasn't spoken yet! How can you, a fake father, have the right to talk too much?" Xu Damao cursed back.

"You bastard, if you dare to slander me and sister Qin again, I will beat you to death!" After Sha Zhu finished speaking, he wanted to rush over and beat Xu Damao up.

However, Yi Zhonghai beside him quickly pulled him back, glared at him fiercely, and whispered in dissatisfaction:

"Shazhu, at this critical moment, you still have the mind to play around here! It won't be too late to find a chance to beat him up after Banggeng recovers!"

Shazhu came back to his senses, saw Banggeng still lying on the ground, looked at the heartbroken Sister Qin, and felt extremely distressed for Sister Qin.

He hated himself for not being able to help Sister Qin now, and almost causing trouble, and then his heart was filled with deep self-blame.

At this moment, Liu Haizhong's head was buzzing and hurting badly. He really went through too many things today, and his heart was never at peace.

He didn't want anyone to die in the yard, so he turned around and angrily shouted at Xu Damao, who looked smug:

"Xu Damao, what are you saying there? The most important thing right now is to save people! Do you really want to watch Banggeng get choked to death?"

After hearing Liu Haizhong's accusation, Xu Damao snorted, curled his lips, and stopped talking.

Yi Zhonghai was very anxious when he saw Banggeng in such pain. Jia Dongxu was his old man! He was also his godson.

He treated Banggeng as his own grandson. How could he watch Banggeng suffer?

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but frowned, and asked Li Chenyu anxiously: "Li Chenyu, you see this situation is urgent, should we send Banggeng to the hospital immediately?"

Li Chenyu felt that everyone's eager eyes were focused on him, he shook his head slowly and said: "I'm afraid not... Because the foreign body has been stuck in the gas part, Banggeng is currently experiencing severe breath holding and breathing difficulties.

Our courtyard is so far away from the hospital, Banggeng is likely to be in danger of suffocation on the way to the hospital. Therefore, I personally think it is not appropriate to take the risk of sending Banggeng to the hospital."

After saying this, Li Chenyu paused for a moment, and then added: "Of course, the final decision still lies with you two, Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu.

After all, you are Banggeng's parents, and this concerns Banggeng's life and safety, so you still have to make the decision yourself."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu again. After listening to what Li Chenyu said, the two of them couldn't help but fall into hesitation.

Faced with such a difficult choice, they were at a loss for a moment, their hearts were full of contradictions and struggles, and they had no idea what to do.

At this time, Yan Bugui suddenly said: "I heard that drinking vinegar can soften fish bones. Why don't you go and pour a bowl of vinegar and quickly pour it into Banggeng."

"Yes, yes, Uncle San is right. How could I forget about this! I was also stuck by a fish bone before, and I drank vinegar and it was fine." Someone began to say.

"Eating steamed buns can also swallow fish bones. Go home and get steamed buns!"

"You can spit out the fish bones by scratching your throat with your hands."

"Let Banggeng eat a big mouthful of rice balls to take the fish bones down."

"Swallowing sugar will also work."


Everyone began to talk about the folk remedies they knew, and the scene became chaotic again.

After hearing this, Sha Zhu immediately said, "Sister Qin, I still have some vinegar at home. I'll go home and get it for you."

Qin Huairu cried and shook her head and said, "It's useless. I just gave Banggeng half a bowl of vinegar at home. It didn't help at all."

"Sister Qin, is it you

Didn't we give Banggeng enough to drink? If not, then give him more! Maybe it didn't work because he didn't drink enough. "Shazhu suggested anxiously.

After hearing what Shazhu said, Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu looked at each other and thought that this was most likely the real reason why Banggeng got the fishbone stuck in his throat.

So, Qin Huairu hurriedly shouted to Shazhu: "Shazhu, go home and get some vinegar quickly. Now only you, the silly uncle, can save Banggeng! "

Li Chenyu did not stop Sha Zhu from running home to get vinegar. Drinking vinegar would not kill Bang Geng anyway. At most, it would cause acetic acid to corrode the oral mucosa and cause oral mucosal ulcers.

It would also cause the tooth nerve to loosen and cause toothache, but it would not kill anyone.

After all, his parents had already agreed, so what reason did he have to object?

Sha Zhu hurried home, picked up his own vinegar bottle without hesitation, and strode back to the backyard.

He poured it into Bang Geng's mouth, and kept muttering: "Drink it quickly, Bang Geng, drink as much as you can! It will be fine after you finish it, hey, don't shut up! "

After Sha Zhu finished speaking, he used one hand to pry open Bang Geng's mouth, and with the other hand, he held the vinegar bottle and poured vinegar on Bang Geng. However, he did not see the hateful look in Bang Geng's eyes, which seemed to want to eat him.

Seeing this scene and hearing Sha Zhu's words, Li Chenyu could not help but burst out laughing.

But at this time, everyone's attention was focused on Bang Geng, and no one noticed Li Chenyu. He was secretly happy in his heart: Oh, Sha Zhu is still as humorous and funny as usual.

"Well, why is it still not working? Could it be that I drank too little? Then just drink more. "

Shazhu then poured vinegar on Banggeng until he had finished the whole bottle of vinegar he brought, but Banggeng still couldn't spit out the fishbone.

As a result, Banggeng's condition not only did not improve, but became worse. Blood even flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes began to roll back, as if he might die at any time.

This scene frightened Qin Huairu so much that she burst into tears immediately, "Banggeng! What's wrong with you? Don't scare your mother!"

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