The doctor said that he would not be able to get a good treatment.

Li Chenyu thought to himself that Yi Zhonghai had already paid the money, although it was an IOU, but Yi Zhonghai would not stay in the police station because of Banggeng! Qin Huairu would not let her good son stay for too long.

As for whether Sha Zhu was willing to treat it, it was his own choice, and he would not care anyway. When Sha Zhu heard what Li Chenyu said, he stopped what he was doing, his heart was full of resentment and dissatisfaction, and he glared at Li Chenyu hatefully.

However, Li Chenyu showed a wicked smile and said provocatively: "Shazhu, since you have woken up, you should swallow this rubber tube yourself! This will prevent you from saying that I deliberately want to hurt you."

Shazhu felt uncomfortable when he heard Li Chenyu's words, and looked at him with wide eyes in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Li Chenyu, a bastard, would say that.

Even the doctors present couldn't help but look at each other, and were very surprised at Li Chenyu's strange request. They all thought to themselves, what kind of operation is this?

Shazhu is angry and uncomfortable now, and he wants to pull out the tube in his mouth immediately, but he thinks of the maggots in his stomach.

He endured the uncomfortable nausea of ​​the hose, and swallowed the hose slowly into his mouth with resentment in his heart. Shazhu swallowed it for twenty minutes, his hair was wet, and even beads of sweat appeared on his head, which shows how painful Shazhu was at this time.

Seeing this scene, the other doctors felt a little bit sorry, but they couldn't say it out loud, because this was to treat Sha Zhu.

Li Chenyu looked at the length of the tube that Sha Zhu had swallowed, and then he said, "Okay, Sha Zhu, it's almost done, you don't have to swallow it anymore."

He looked at Dr. Zhang seriously and said quickly, "Doctor Zhang, bring the bucket and syringe over."

Before Dr. Zhang could react, the male doctor next to him quickly brought the bucket and syringe over. Li Chenyu glanced at him and understood that these things were prepared by Dr. Zhao.

"Great, Dr. Zhao, please help me pass the items!" Li Chenyu said to Dr. Zhao with a smile.

Dr. Zhao showed a look of joy on his face and quickly responded, "No problem, I'm very happy to help. This will give me the opportunity to observe closely, and you can show him every step of the operation."

Li Chenyu nodded in approval. He picked up the syringe and inserted it into the top of the hose without hesitation, and repeatedly pumped it in and out, causing the hose to tremble violently in Sha Zhu's stomach with each pumping.

Sha Zhu felt a strong nausea and immediately wanted to lie down on his side and vomit, but Li Chenyu pressed him back with both hands. Seeing this, Dr. Zhao also hurried forward to help, holding Sha Zhu's legs tightly.

Seeing this, several other doctors also came to help and held Sha Zhu together to ensure that he could not move any more.

Only then did Li Chenyu say to Sha Zhu in a cold voice: "Sha Zhu, don't move around. If you move around again, the hose you just swallowed with great difficulty may slip out of your throat.

At that time, it means that you just endured the discomfort and wasted half a day's effort, and the hose you swallowed will be in vain."

At this moment, Sha Zhu was held down by several doctors working together, and he could not move at all. In normal times, with Sha Zhu's strength, they might not be able to control him so easily. It was just that Sha Zhu was too weak now and had no extra strength to resist.

He felt so uncomfortable in his stomach now, as if something was churning inside. He stared at the doctors who were holding him down fiercely, and when he saw Li Chenyu, he was even more angry.

Li Chenyu wanted to give Sha Zhu two big cunt bags right now. Stupid, it wasn't me who threw him into the cesspool, go and seek revenge on Xu Damao.

Just at this moment, a black and yellow liquid with a disgusting smell slowly flowed into the barrel along the hose. The smell spread instantly, making it almost impossible to breathe normally.

However, Dr. Zhang was so excited that he almost clapped his hands and couldn't help but give a thumbs up, and praised Li Chenyu: "Oh, Dr. Li, you are really amazing! This is the first time I've seen someone use this method in so many years!"

Dr. Zhao next to him also echoed: "That's right, it seems that Dr. Li's medical skills are very good!"


The doctor is very courageous. He can even insert a tube into the stomach of a person to stir it. It can not only make the dirt come out, but also keep the person safe. It's amazing. "

The female doctor looked at Li Chenyu with starry eyes, and was very impressed.

Li Chenyu listened to them and said in a faint voice: "You have also seen my demonstration just now. Now I still don't recommend that you try this method easily. After all, inserting a gastric tube is very risky and may cause other complications.

Inserting a gastric tube may damage the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract throat and esophagus. In addition, it is possible that the gastric tube may enter the airway by mistake and cause lung infection.

Therefore, when inserting a gastric tube, it is necessary to strictly follow the medical operation specifications to prevent accidents that should not happen. At the same time, it is necessary to observe in time whether the patient has adverse reactions after inserting the gastric tube. After confirming that the gastric tube is successfully inserted, it should be fixed in time.

After all, the human stomach is still very fragile. If you are not careful, not only the stomach will be damaged, but also the throat will be damaged. "

After hearing what Li Chenyu said, several doctors nodded in agreement. After all, a strange case like Sha Zhu's is rare, at least they have only witnessed it once so far.

Even if they want to conduct experimental research, they can't find a suitable candidate. At this moment, the heart that was originally eager to try was finally suppressed.

After more than ten minutes, Sha Zhu's round belly gradually deflated. There was already half a bucket of feces in the bucket, and there were a few maggots in it.

The crowd Seeing this, everyone was stunned, and then looked at each other. How much filth did this man drink? No wonder he always yelled that there were worms in his stomach! Sure enough, there were several! But now they were all dead.

Seeing that Sha Zhu's stomach was no longer excreting filth, Li Chenyu signaled others to move the bucket away to prevent the air from being polluted.

After taking another bucket, Li Chenyu asked Dr. Zhang and himself to inject saline solution into the hose. When Sha Zhu's abdomen swelled again, the saline solution was allowed to flow out slowly along the hose.

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