The old man was very angry.

Meng Yuanfang's eyes were as cold as ice. He stared at Yi Zhonghai and said, "Yi Zhonghai, do you mean that Sha Zhu was suddenly attacked by a pile of shit in the toilet?

Do we need our security department to send a few people to guard the toilet and always guard Sha Zhu who is responsible for cleaning?"

"I don't mean that. Section Chief Meng misunderstood." Yi Zhonghai immediately smiled at Meng Yuanfang with a flattering expression on his face.

"Oh, you see, I really misunderstood. Shazhu is just a toilet cleaner, so there shouldn't be any big danger, but Master Yi is different!

You are an eighth-level worker in the factory, and you are the treasure of our factory! You need someone to protect you closely!

Xiao Zhao, Zhang Wang, you two are responsible for following Master Yi from today to protect his safety. Wherever Master Yi goes, you go.

Sleeping, eating, and even going to the toilet, you have to follow him. What if a bad guy sneaks into the factory and persecutes Master Yi? Wouldn't this cause the factory to lose an eighth-level fitter?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao and Zhang Wang looked at each other, and they were all happy in their hearts, but they still said in unison with a stern face: "Yes, Chief!"

However, at this moment, Xiao Zhao suddenly laughed and broke the silence.

"Hey, Chief, you may be too busy to remember this Master Yi Zhonghai! He is no longer an eighth-level fitter in the factory. Since he made a mistake, he has been demoted to a sixth-level fitter by the factory."

Xiao Zhao's words were like a hammer, breaking Yi Zhonghai's last dignity. His face turned pale in an instant. He stared at Xiao Zhao with wide eyes, his lips trembling slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

He never thought that the people in the security department would speak so harshly, and would bring up his demotion again at this time, and in front of so many people.

After hearing what Xiao Zhao said, Meng Yuanfang pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Really? Oh, Comrade Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level fitter in the factory, an old worker, how could he make a mistake?"

Xiao Zhao laughed and explained: "It seems that Comrade Yi Zhonghai is too loyal and helped his apprentice Jia Dongxu cheat in the exam. He was demoted after being discovered by Director Yang. Section Chief, have you forgotten that you were there at the time!"

Meng Yuanfang nodded, then looked at Yi Zhonghai, he sighed and said: "Oh! I had forgotten about it. Master Yi! How could you make such a serious mistake?

Grade 8 fitters are the backbone of the factory! Your behavior is really disappointing! "

"Then Chief, since Comrade Yi Zhonghai is no longer a grade 8 fitter, we two don't have to protect him! After all, there are many grade 6 fitters in the factory. If we all go to protect him, even if we add more people from the security department, it won't be enough!"

As soon as Xiao Zhao finished speaking, a burst of laughter broke out in the cafeteria. At this moment, Yi Zhonghai's face instantly turned red, and his chest kept rising and falling with anger.

Zhao Haifeng said with a smile: "Yi Zhonghai has really hit a wall this time! Although Meng Yuanfang is only the deputy section chief of the steel mill security department, in fact, the security department is completely under his control.

Yes, who made the section chief of the security department suffer from illness all year round, and he has been looking forward to retiring and enjoying his life when the time comes!"

Gao Hongjun also nodded repeatedly on the side, agreeing with him, "Humph, Yi Zhonghai is indeed a little too confident, and he still thinks of himself as the eighth-level fitter back then. Now he is dumbfounded!

Let's see what he can be proud of in the future." Gao Hongjun covered his mouth and laughed.

Li Chenyu nodded in agreement, but secretly thought in his heart that Yi Zhonghai really overestimated himself and underestimated the security department. You have to know that the security department nowadays is not the kind of ordinary people who are hired to serve as security personnel in the future market.

In a large state-owned factory like the Red Star Steel Mill, the people in the security department are basically retired soldiers. Everyone has excellent physical fitness, and the security department is an important department with real power.

As long as the worker in the steel mill is reported to the security department, no matter whether it is a big thing or a trivial matter, they have the right to arrest people, and everyone in their security department is equipped with real guns and live ammunition when they go on a mission.

The security department of the Red Star Steel Mill also has a special arsenal, which stores a large number of militarized weapons, equipped with rifles, machine guns, 4

0 fire, mortars, recoilless guns, 56-type 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns, etc., are basically the same equipment as the troops.

If anyone dares to come to the steel rolling mill to make trouble, who dares to make trouble? There were many factories equipped with weapons in the past. Now it is also because of the war, and there are many hidden enemy spies. So they are equipped with corresponding weapons and equipment.

These people in the security department usually go to work step by step. If they have free time, they have to participate in militia training.

Once the country has a need, they can carry steel guns and rush to the battlefield. Although they may not be able to kill the enemy and make merit, at least they can ensure the safety of the factory.

No matter what kind of security incident occurs in the factory, they must go to them for help. Therefore, it is absolutely beneficial to have a good relationship with these members of the security department.

However, Yi Zhonghai believes that even if he is demoted, he will still be re-examined in the future, so he feels that demotion is not a big deal for him.

It's a pity that by that time, there will be other new eighth-level fitters in the factory. He will no longer be the only one, nor the best one. Only then will he realize how serious a mistake he has made.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai has also keenly realized that he has angered Section Chief Meng. His face instantly turned red, and he stammered to explain:

"Section Chief Meng, I never meant to say a bad word about your security department! I just said the wrong thing because of the impulse. I... "

Meng Yuanfang even felt that it was unnecessary to look at Yi Zhonghai. He turned his head and looked at Sha Zhu directly, and said calmly:

"Comrade He Yuzhu, from what you said just now, you said that you were in the toilet and were suddenly hit by a pile of shit. Then the question is, did you see clearly who did this to you? "

Sha Zhu showed an innocent and confused look on his face, and could only shake his head helplessly, and replied: "It was really too sudden at the time. I was only concerned about quickly dodging the shit that was thrown at me, and I didn't see clearly who threw it. "

Meng Yuanfang then raised another key question: "So do you have any suspects? In other words, who have you had a grudge with recently, or have a grudge against?"

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