After taking the photos, the photographer looked at the photos in the camera, nodded with satisfaction, and asked happily: "Comrade, your photos are very good. Can I hang your photos in the window after they are printed? Don't worry, I won't charge you for the photo this time." There was a hint of expectation in his eyes, thinking that the other party would definitely agree, after all, it could save two dollars.

Li Chenyu shook his head after hearing what he said, and refused without thinking. He was not short of money, so he refused directly: "I'm sorry, I don't want our photos to be hung in the window for others to see.

But don't worry, we will definitely pay for the photos taken this time."

The photographer felt a little disappointed when he heard Li Chenyu's decisive refusal. After all, when he saw Li Chenyu and Ding Qiunan, he secretly marveled at how outstanding they looked.

He firmly believed that if their photos were displayed in the window, it would definitely attract more customers to take photos.

After the two of them walked out of the photo studio, Li Chenyu turned to face Ding Qiunan and whispered, "Qiunan, I have to go to the countryside to purchase some supplies. How about this, you go back to the factory first, and I'll go to the courtyard to find you in the evening."

When Ding Qiunan heard Li Chenyu say that he would go to see her in the evening, her cheeks instantly flushed like the sunset. She glared at him shyly and responded coquettishly, "I know, you go quickly! Otherwise, it's getting dark and it's not safe on the road."

Li Chenyu really wanted to kiss her pink cheeks at this time, but at this time on the street, even holding hands was not allowed. If it was someone else's family, it would be reported by the enthusiastic aunties in a minute.

So he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, raised his eyebrows, and whispered in Ding Qiunan's ear in a low voice: "Yeah, Qiunan, I will go as soon as possible!"

After that, he turned around and left with joy, leaving Ding Qiunan standing alone, with a peach blossom face and a pounding heart.

At this moment, Li Chenyu quickly got on his bike and rushed towards the countryside. After more than an hour of riding on the bumpy dirt road, Li Chenyu's speed was significantly faster because Gao Hongjun was not with him this time.

He pedaled his bike at lightning speed, heading towards Zhaojia Village on the edge of Sijiu City. This is the village where Li Chenyu is responsible for purchasing items today.

When Li Chenyu rode into the village, a group of children immediately swarmed up and surrounded him. Faced with this situation, Li Chenyu had no choice but to get off the bike.

He took out a few candies from his pocket and said to one of the little boys with a smile: "Little boy, I'm a buyer. Can you help me find the village chief? As long as you call the village chief, these candies will be yours!"

When the little boy heard that there was candy to eat, his eyes instantly flashed brightly, and his smart eyeballs rolled straight around. He asked with suspicion: "Is what you said true? As long as we call the village chief, you will give us candies?"

Li Chenyu looked at the quirky little guy in front of him, smiled and nodded, and answered affirmatively: "Of course, I am an adult, and I will never deceive children."

"Okay, you guys must keep an eye on him here, and don't let him run away! I'm going to find the village chief right now."

The little devil warned the other children, and before he finished speaking, he ran towards the village as fast as he could.

After about ten minutes, the little boy finally led a dark-skinned, serious-looking middle-aged man to walk over quickly.

Seeing this, Li Chenyu immediately took the initiative to greet Village Chief Zhao: "Hello, Village Chief Zhao, I am Li Chenyu, a purchaser at the steel mill. I wonder if you still remember me?"

Village Chief Zhao raised his head when he heard the voice, and looked at the young man in front of him. Then he suddenly realized and remembered, and immediately showed a warm smile and said:

"Oh, it turns out to be Comrade Li! Welcome, welcome, come with me to the village! It just so happens that everyone has accumulated a lot of good things during this period of time."

Li Chenyu smiled and nodded, then handed the prepared candy to the kid next to him, and then pushed the bicycle into the village with the village chief.

Along the way, the villagers who were working in the fields cast their curious eyes on the two of them, and at the same time did not forget to greet the village chief.

"Village Chief!"

Just then, suddenly an old lady saw Li

After Li Chenyu, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Li Chenyu carefully.

The smile on the old lady's face became brighter and brighter, and she seemed very satisfied with Li Chenyu. Then, the old lady turned around and shouted at the village chief:

"Hey, village chief, who is this handsome boy? Is he your relative?"

When the village chief heard this, he knew what she was going to do! He couldn't let her interfere with today's acquisition.

He glared at the woman fiercely, turned to the villagers who were working, and said with a smile:

"Fellow villagers, this is Li, the purchaser from the steel mill. He came to our village today to buy all kinds of agricultural products.

If any family has extra vegetables, eggs, chickens, ducks, geese, etc., you can take them to the brigade later. And don't worry, the price will definitely be very fair and reasonable!"

After hearing what the village chief said, the villagers immediately became excited and began to think about what else they could sell for cash.

"Oh, this is really great news! I have to tell my daughter about this good news."

"That's great! I dried a lot of radishes a few days ago, and now I can't finish them, so I can take them to the brigade to exchange for some money."

"Purchaser Li, I want to ask, how much can radishes sell for per pound?" A villager asked impatiently.

"One cent." Li Chenyu answered with a smile on his face.

Hearing this answer, the dark-skinned man standing beside him turned around and shouted to the woman beside him: "Mother, go home and get our dried radish!"

"Okay, I'll go home and get it now." The woman responded and hurried home.

At this time, another lady hurriedly interrupted and asked: "I still have some dried sweet potatoes at home. Buyer Li, how much do you charge per pound?"

Li Chenyu answered calmly: "One cent and three cents per pound."

The lady nodded and said with satisfaction: "Well, this price is not bad, one cent more than before. Buyer Li, don't leave! I'll go back and get it now!"

Before the voice fell, someone else shouted: "I have chicken eggs and duck eggs at home. How much can you pay for them?"

For a while, everyone asked Li Chenyu about the prices of various agricultural products.

After asking clearly, they turned around and ran home impatiently, fearing that they would waste time to get things to sell to Li Chenyu.

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