The people in the cafeteria who had been beaten by Sha Zhu felt very happy, they deserved it, they should beat him to death.

At this time, several people squeezed into the crowd, shouting loudly, "Move aside, move aside, the director is here."

A man in a gray Zhongshan suit squeezed to the front of the crowd, saw that Sha Zhu was beaten with a black eye, and looked at the people in the cafeteria.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu also squeezed over. Yi Zhonghai walked quickly to Sha Zhu to see how he was beaten.

Yi Zhonghai anxiously asked Sha Zhu: "Sha Zhu, what happened to you? Who beat you like this?"

The man in the Zhongshan suit looked at the people in the canteen kitchen and said angrily: "Someone come over and tell me what's going on."

At this time, the people in the kitchen also reacted. They were all confused by what happened just now.

After Ma Hua reacted, he ran from the kitchen to Sha Zhu: "Master, Master, how are you?"

Sha Zhu calmed down at this time, but still shouted stubbornly: Xiao Ji (boy), Mi Feng Xie (you wait), Kan Wo Bu Fa Si Mi (see if I don't beat you to death in a while). "

He couldn't even speak clearly, but he was still yelling. It seemed that he didn't beat him lightly.

Then someone in the cafeteria shouted to the man in the Zhongshan suit: "Director Qian"

Then he told the whole story of what happened just now, without daring to exaggerate.

Gao Hongjun and Zhao Haifeng were also confused just now, but now they reacted and walked up to Li Chenyu.

Gao Hongjun asked him: "What's going on? Why did you fight with Sha Zhu?"

Then he looked at Sha Zhu, and the unspoken words behind it, but his expression betrayed him. He beat Sha Zhu so badly.

Everyone looked at Sha Zhu's face. Maybe even Sha Zhu's mother couldn't recognize him. Everyone was a little gloating.

Zhao Haifeng looked at Li Chenyu meaningfully, "Sha Zhu's cooking skills are very popular with Director Yang. "

He understood what Zhao Haifeng meant, but he was not afraid. At worst, he could take down Director Yang as well.

He just didn't believe that with the existence of the system, he could still be threatened. Li Chenyu was quite surprised to see that the two could still stand up and stand beside him to support him.

After all, he just met the two in the morning. Even if they didn't stand up, he wouldn't say anything, but he still had to accept their kindness.

He said to Gao Hongjun and Zhao Haifeng: "It's okay, it's hard to say who is in trouble!"

Yi Zhonghai heard the people next to him say that it was Li Chenyu who beat Sha Zhu, and he shouted: "Li Chenyu, what are you doing? How can you beat someone in the cafeteria? Look at what you have done to Zhu.

You just reported today. Even if you don't take the factory rules and regulations seriously, don't you even take our factory director and leaders seriously?

How did you become like this? If someone reports to the security department now, you will be arrested. "

Yi Zhonghai also made a look of deep pain, shook his head and sighed.

Li Chenyu cursed in his heart: Damn, Yi Zhonghai, this old dog, comes to disgust me again, really thinks I'm easy to bully, right?

This is to let the factory director know that he is a troublemaker, making trouble and disobeying discipline as soon as he came to work. If the leaders hear it, it will be good for him.

I'm afraid that he can't even get by in the purchasing department, and finally hinted that others should report to the security department to arrest him.

Jia Dongxu also chimed in: "Yes, people like you should be fired, so that others will not follow your example, and the factory will be in chaos. You must report to the factory director and fire you immediately."

The master and apprentice talked back and forth, pushing all the faults onto Li Chenyu, as if he had committed a big mistake.

Li Chenyu sneered: "Yi Zhonghai, what do you know, you come up and put a hat on me.

Although it was my first day at work, I didn't hit people for no reason. Ask him why I beat him, do you think he dares to say it? "

Yi Zhonghai looked at Sha Zhu, who knew why he was beaten. Seeing the old man looking at him, Sha Zhu just stiffened his neck and didn't say anything.

Yi Zhonghai still didn't understand, it must be that Sha Zhu did something to provoke Li Chenyu.

But he was still defending Sha Zhu: "Then you can't beat people, what can't be said properly, we are neighbors living in the same courtyard."

"I treat him as a neighbor, then ask Sha Zhu if he thinks so? Otherwise, I can beat him, and it's Sha Zhu who should be beaten.

Okay, Yi Zhonghai, don't try to smooth things over here,

This is not your courtyard, and you, as an old man, have no say. "

Yi Zhonghai heard what Li Chenyu said and looked around again, fearing that others would hear his words and think that he was a tyrant, which would affect his reputation in the factory.

He couldn't talk to Li Chenyu anymore, who knew what he would say next, and he was so angry, but he didn't dare to say some things.

Li Chenyu was right in one sentence, this is not a courtyard, and you don't have the final say.

Humph, I'll hold a meeting after get off work today.

The man in the Zhongshan suit said to Li Chenyu seriously: "I am Qian Hui, the director of the canteen. Now you beat Comrade He Yuzhu like this, can you tell me why?"

Finally, his tone became stern: "If you beat people for no reason, then the people in our canteen are not vegetarians. I will report to the security department to arrest people. "

Li Chenyu was not angry at Director Qian's attitude, "Director Qian, you came at the right time. I want to ask, is He Yuzhu in the cafeteria sick?

When he was getting food, his arm and the spoon were shaking all the time."

He took the food that Sha Zhu had just made for him from the window.

"Director Qian, take a look, this is the food that He Yuzhu, the chef in your cafeteria, made for me. "

Then he asked Director Qian of the cafeteria to take a look, and asked the people around to take a look at the dishes and steamed buns in the lunch box.

Director Qian and the people around looked at Li Chenyu's lunch box, and then looked at Sha Zhu. They were all speechless. He deserved to be beaten.

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu also saw the food. Their expressions instantly became strange, and then they looked at Sha Zhu together.

Yi Zhonghai cursed in his heart: Sha Zhu, this idiot, even if he is embarrassing Li Chenyu.

You can't just serve some vegetable soup. Even if it's someone else, he won't give up. He's really brainless.

Sha Zhu himself knew what the food he served to Li Chenyu looked like. Now everyone was looking at him, and he was too embarrassed to speak and lowered his head.

Li Chenyu said angrily: "Director Qian, fellow workers, I haven't touched a single bite yet.

There were two full dishes in the lunch box, cabbage and tofu stewed with vermicelli and spinach scrambled eggs, and two steamed buns the size of eggs. "

I paid enough money and tickets, but I got two servings of leftovers."

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