After watching the fun, Li Chenyu thought the old lady was interesting. After watching the fun, he, the culprit, was ready to go home.

The second uncle thought he could take this opportunity to put a hat on Li Chenyu, but he was afraid that Li Chenyu would hit him, so he stood at the door of his house and could go home and close the door at any time.

He accused Li Chenyu dissatisfiedly, "Li Chenyu, you are really too stingy. You stewed a chicken at home, but you only gave Qin Huairu a bowl of chicken soup. She is pregnant, so why are you so unloving and unfriendly? You are simply not a human being."

Li Chenyu saw Liu Haizhong jumping out again, and crossed his arms, "Liu Haizhong, how come Wang Dachui is not distressed enough, and you are distressed again, so you are so reluctant to take Qin Huairu to your house!

In this case, you take the things that the second aunt bought yesterday Ten eggs, take them all out to give to Qin Huairu, you can't be stingy, it's just a few eggs, just give it to her.

Qin Huairu is pregnant, she is a pregnant woman. You are the second uncle in the courtyard, you must set an example of love, unity and friendship, otherwise you are not a human being.

And when Jia Dongxu returns home, he may thank your whole family. "

Liu Haizhong heard Li Chenyu say that he would give his eggs to Qin Huairu, that's not okay, without eggs, what can he take as a snack.

And Li Chenyu scolded him back, he was so angry that he couldn't speak, he just stared at Li Chenyu hatefully.

Jia Zhang was hiding behind the crowd. When she heard Li Chenyu's words, her eyes lit up. She immediately used her fat body to squeeze through several aunts and ran over.

She rushed to Liu Haizhong with a matter-of-fact look, "Liu Haizhong, take out all the eggs quickly so that I can nourish my daughter-in-law."

Liu Haizhong saw Jia Zhang asking him for eggs and didn't want to pay attention to her. He turned around and wanted to go home.

How could Jia Zhang let him go? She immediately stepped forward and grabbed Liu's clothes to stop him from leaving. The second aunt saw it and immediately ran over and slapped Jia Zhang hard.

"Jia Zhang, what are you doing, you shameless thing, you dare to pull my second uncle, bah, shameless old bitch."

Jia Zhang was not only spit on by the second aunt, but also slapped by her. Her triangular eyes almost popped out. She grabbed the second aunt's hair, and the second aunt fought back. The two immediately started fighting.

You grabbed my hair, I hit your face and chest, and then pulled each other's hair up, hitting and scolding.

Li Chenyu saw their fighting style, from pulling each other's hair to punching and kicking, it was really a fist to the flesh. Oh, good guy, the two really killed each other, what a wonderful martial arts movie.

Yi Zhonghai also came to the backyard at this time, and saw that Jia Zhang and the second aunt had already fought together, and glanced at Li Chenyu hatefully.

He shouted at Liu Haizhong who was dumbfounded: "Second uncle, why are you still standing there like an idiot! Hurry up and ask someone to bring the second aunt and Jia Zhangshi over."

Liu Haizhong also reacted, but he didn't dare to do it, fearing that Jia Zhangshi would say he was a hooligan, so he said to his two sons:

"Guangtian, Guangfu, quickly bring your mother over, don't let them beat her anymore."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu immediately stepped forward to pull people away after hearing what Liu Haizhong said. Yi Zhonghai also asked the first aunt, the third aunt, and the other two aunts to go over and pull the two apart.

Li Chenyu looked at the two people being pulled apart, their hands and feet were still waving, so unwilling! Tsk tsk tsk!

A lot of the second aunt's hair was pulled off by Jia Zhangshi, and it was a little sparse. There were also several cuts on her face, which were really bloody. It can be seen that Jia Zhangshi's skills are not shallow.

Jia Zhang was not in a good condition either. Her hair was shaved in several places, and there were several strands of hair on the ground, which must have been pulled out by the second aunt.

Her face was bruised and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were scratched and bleeding.

Jia Zhang sat down on the ground, slapped her thigh and cried, "Old Jia, come up and take a look, I'm almost beaten to death, take the people who bullied me away, Old Jia..."

Everyone saw Jia Zhang calling Old Jia again, and their faces were not very good, and the second aunt shrank.

Yi Zhonghai saw Jia Zhang like this, and said to Liu Haizhong: "Second uncle, what do you think we should do now! Jia's sister-in-law was beaten like this, you have to give an explanation!"

After hearing this, the second aunt was unhappy, "First uncle, how can you be so biased towards the Jia family? I was also beaten, why

Why don't you give her family an explanation?"

When Liu Haizhong heard what the second aunt said, he also felt that she was right and could not admit his mistake, otherwise he would have to pay compensation.

Yi Zhonghai pursed his lips and looked at Liu Haizhong: "Second uncle, is the second aunt the master of your family?"

Yi Zhonghai said this in front of everyone, which made Liu Haizhong feel that his authority as the head of the family was questioned by everyone, and he immediately said: "Who said that? Of course, I am the master of our family, and I have the final say."

After hearing this, the second aunt turned away and did not speak.

Yi Zhonghai smiled with a twinkle in his eyes: "But you are the second uncle in the courtyard after all. The fight between the second aunt and the second uncle will affect the unity and friendship of the neighbors, and will make everyone question your image as the second uncle in the courtyard!

So you should give some compensation to the sister-in-law of the Jia family, otherwise it will not look good, right? In this way, you can give the sister-in-law of the Jia family five yuan, and the matter will be resolved. What do you think, second uncle? "

After hearing what Yi Zhonghai said, Liu Haizhong felt that what he said made sense. He was the second uncle in the courtyard and could not be influenced. He wanted to go further!

He said to the second aunt beside him: "Second aunt, go to the house and get five yuan for Jia Zhangshi. "

The second aunt came into the house reluctantly, took out five yuan and threw it to Jia Zhang who was still calling Lao Jia.

Jia Zhang smiled when she saw the money, picked up the five yuan on the ground and put it in her pocket happily.

I don't know if it was because she fought too hard just now, or because calling Lao Jia was too exhausting. Just when she wanted to stand up, she fell back to the ground.

Qin Huairu hurried forward and pulled Jia Zhang up with great effort, but was slapped twice by her mother-in-law.

After beating her, Jia Zhang cursed at her: "Qin Huairu, why didn't you come out to help when I was beaten just now? Do you want to see me beaten to death, you conscienceless thing."

Qin Huairu covered her beaten face and cried sadly: "Mom, I'm pregnant, I was afraid that you would hit my stomach when you pulled, so I didn't help. Why do you say that to me! "

Yi Zhonghai saw Qin Huairu being beaten, and shook his head in disapproval, looking at Jia Zhangshi: "Sister-in-law of the Jia family, don't blame Huairu, it's not her fault in the first place."

Jia Zhangshi fired without reason, squinting her triangular eyes at Yi Zhonghai, and said meaningfully: "Humph, Yi Zhonghai, I beat and scold my own daughter-in-law, what's your business?

Why do you feel distressed? I told Qin Huairu that she is my daughter-in-law, don't think too much, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Yi Zhonghai's face turned red with anger at Jia Zhangshi's words, and he pointed at Jia Zhangshi and trembled for a long time, unable to speak, and hurried out of the backyard with a flick of his hand.

The third uncle saw this and said to everyone: "Everyone go home and disperse."

Everyone went home after hearing the third uncle's words.

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