The kiss was so sweet, but the kiss was so sweet.

He Yushui felt her mind was blank, she was so dizzy from being kissed by Brother Chenyu, she didn't even know when her clothes were taken off.

After all, Li Chen was more energetic after his genetic modification, and most people might not be able to stand it.

Li Chenyu could only let He Yushui relax first, maybe because of the previous massage experience, his hand skills have improved a lot.

He Yushui only felt that she was very comfortable, a feeling she had never experienced before, she couldn't describe it, she could only be dominated by her inner feelings.

Suddenly, a severe pain swept over her, and she was about to cry out loudly.

Li Chenyu immediately blocked her mouth with his mouth, blocked her crying, and slowly comforted He Yushui.

He Yushui gradually felt better from the pain, and kissed back. She didn't know how long she had been kissed before she relaxed after the brief pain was gone.

But just as the suffocating pain eased, she was immediately beaten by a storm, and she was powerless to resist the momentum of the thunderstorm, and could only respond to the bad weather with low sobs.

He Yushui followed the strange feeling, floating up and down, unable to extricate herself, feeling like a small boat, drifting with the surging waves and drifting away.

I don't know how long it took, there was a man's excited high-pitched hum, and the woman's joyful and painful sound, and the room finally restored a moment of tranquility.

The low conversation between the man and the woman on the bed seemed like the man coaxing his beloved woman.

However, after a while, the man's happy panting in the room sounded again, as if the woman's low begging for mercy was heard again, mixed with crying.

Li Chenyu was too excited when he heard He Yushui crying. When he saw her moistened and beautiful face, he couldn't help but think...

The panting sound of the two people was long and continuous, which made people blush.

The boat had been floating for too long and finally reached the shore. The stormy waves finally receded and the sea surface returned to calm.

Li Chenyu looked at He Yushui who fainted from crying. She was like a rose that bloomed after being watered. She was very lovable and made him kiss her again and again. This was his woman.

He got out of bed and closed the curtains. He flashed into the space hot spring pool to take a bath. He recalled everything just now in his mind, and his heart was unconsciously hot again.

But when he thought of He Yushui's current appearance, he couldn't torment her anymore, and he was still a little disappointed.

He didn't know what he thought of, and he laughed excitedly again.

If someone was there, they would see that his handsome face actually showed a wretched smile, which destroyed this beauty.

After leaving the hot spring pool, he took another shower, drew a basin of well water and added some hot water, and then carried the basin out of the space.

He opened the curtains and pulled open the quilt, cleaned He Yushui and put her away, without waking her up, which showed that she was really exhausted just now.

Li Chenyu then went to the attic to see Lou Xiaoe. After walking in, he found that something was wrong with her, so he hugged her in his arms and kissed her forehead gently.

Lou Xiaoe suddenly opened her eyes and hit him hard a few times, which made her feel a little relieved.

"Stinky boy, you have had enough fun, aren't you afraid of hurting Yushui."

Li Chenyu laughed twice: "Jealous, huh." After saying that, he kissed her face.

Lou Xiao'e pouted: "Yeah, yes, I'm jealous. You're so good. I can't do it myself. I need to find someone to share the burden with."

Li Chenyu bit her ear: "I don't like it, huh!"

He began to kiss her cheeks gently, and finally blocked her chattering mouth.

The small bed sofa in the attic is too small. Well, I have to change to a big bed in the future. I can only carry her to the carpet.

Lou Xiao'e looked at him and said, "Smelly boy, you haven't drawn the curtains yet. People will see you."

Li Chenyu deliberately said, "It's okay. Who will see you at night!"

He didn't tell Lou Xiao'e that even if the curtains were not drawn, people outside could not see the scene inside.

After saying that, he picked up Lou Xiao'e maliciously and let her sit on the recliner in front of the window, so that she could see the scene in the yard. Unfortunately, it was dark outside at night and she couldn't see anything.

Li Chenyu deliberately teased her. Lou Xiao'e was so scared that she didn't dare to move, fearing that she would be discovered. Li Chenyu had no choice but to tell her the truth.

Lou Xiao'e beat him up and scratched his back several times. Li Chenyu knew he was in the wrong, so he could only endure it and let her vent her anger.


Then the two of them did yoga on the recliner. The man's heavy breathing was like a huge wave in a strong wind, rolling endlessly.

The woman was like a boat in a huge wave that could capsize at any time. She was at the mercy of the man. Later, she could only hear her crying for mercy, which did not stop until the second half of the night.

Lou Xiao'e found that her voice was almost hoarse. She was tired by this bull. She wanted to curse him. He was really a bad person. I don't know why he is so powerful. Doesn't he get tired?

Li Chenyu packed up Lou Xiao'e and carried her down to the attic. There was really no bed in the attic.

Put Lou Xiao'e next to He Yushui. The bed was quite big. Let's sleep together!

He returned to the attic, flashed into the space, took a shower, put on his clothes and summoned Wu Jiu.

He and Wu Jiu sorted out a set of barefoot doctor manuals, which they would take to Ding Qiunan tomorrow.

"By the way, Wu Jiu, isn't there a lot of milk in the space? See if you can make milk into milk powder or some dairy products like milk candy."

Wu Jiu immediately replied: "Yes, Master. There are some production methods in the program of my chip."

Li Chenyu smiled happily: "Wu Jiu, what else can't you do? It's simply a treasure. Then you can make more milk powder and other dairy products. We will have another source of income in the future."

"Okay Master"

After instructing Wu Jiu a few more words, he let him go to work.

[Host, it's time to draw the lottery wheel]

"By the way, I forgot about this, Tongzi, I want to draw the lottery now."

A virtual lottery wheel immediately appeared in front of Li Chenyu.

He saw that there were many good things in the prizes this time, including the mysterious needle of the genius doctor, the peerless light skill, the royal number one butler, the heart sutra of the poisonous concubine, the loving encouragement, and the wings of the angel.

"Tongzi, why are the prizes for this draw so rich? They are much better than the previous two times."

[Host, the prizes are random, but this is also an improved version. Many high-level hosts have put forward opinions, so the draw has also changed. The host can unlock the draw by himself. ]

Li Chenyu nodded, first praying for the arrival of the European Emperor, and then pressed the starter to start the draw.

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